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Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1422 ottobre 29 |
Dismissal from office of debt collectors who gave to others the authority to demand payment in their place without permission and their pecuniary penalty. |
Text: ab eorum officio cassi et remoti, si |
1417/8 febbraio 26 |
Term for consignment of the names of the guarantors, on pain of dismissal from office. |
Text: Bombenis intelligantur esse cassi si hinc ad |
1422 agosto 26 |
Appraisal of pawn wrongfully requisitioned with debit to the debt collector, under penalty of dismissal from office. |
Text: dicto eius officio cassi intelligantur et remoti. |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: eorum conducta intelligantur cassi atque remoti; et |
1421 giugno 3 |
Condemnation of debt collectors with dismissal from appointment for not have arrested a debtor. |
Text: eorum officio exactionis cassi et remoti, elapsis |
1421 giugno 6 |
Dismissal of stonecutters in greater quantity than required. |
Text: et Blaxium Segne cassi videlicet a die |
1421 giugno 5 |
Arrest of 4 debtors drawn from the bag after notification and their sentence. |
Text: facta notificatione, alias cassi intelligantur ab eorum |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: intelligantur et sint cassi atque remoti et |