Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 5 |
Arrest for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Checchus Salvadoris de Decomano |
1416/7 febbraio 11 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: precibus et mandatis Checchus Salvadoris de Decomano |
1416/7 febbraio 19 |
Term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: Item quod Checchus Nannis Bindi de |
1416/7 marzo 6 |
Readmission to the rolls of masters. |
Text: Item quod Checchus Trincie qui ibit |
1417 marzo 26 |
Arrest for debt for forced loans and pardons. |
Text: gratiis captus fuit Checchus Cennis de Pogi |
1417 marzo 26 |
Arrest for debt for property gabelle of the parish of Santa Maria a Pogi. |
Text: bonis tertii anni Checchus Cennis dicti loci |
1417 aprile 29 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: 17 d. 6 Checchus Andree s. 16 |
1417 aprile 29 |
Salary set for masters. |
Text: Melchionnis s. 12 Checchus Perfetti s. 13 |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: Naldini soldos sexdecim Checchus Andree soldos XVI |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: XI denarios VI Checchus Guardi soldos XIII |
1417/8 febbraio 10 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: Guardi soldos XIII Checchus Trincie soldos XI |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Release from debt for livestock. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Checchus Pauli de Civitella |
1418 giugno 3 |
Salary set for ten masters. |
Text: 14 d. 6 Checchus Guardi s. 12 |
1418 giugno 3 |
Salary set for ten masters. |
Text: Guardi s. 12 Checchus Checchi s. 6 |
1419 aprile 29 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: f.p. s. 8 Checchus Checchi soldos septem |
1419 aprile 29 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: 15 d. 6 Checchus Andree soldos decem |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: Item quod Checchus Simonis de Sancto |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: settem s. 17 Checchus Andree soldos decem |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: sedecim s. 16 Checchus Maconi soldos sedecim |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: quindecim s. 15 Checchus Perfetti soldos quattuordecim |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: 12 d. 6 Checchus Trincie soldos undecim |
1420 aprile 12 |
Salary set for workers for the summer and the winter. |
Text: novem s. 9 Checchus Checchi soldos otto |
1420 giugno 28 |
Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin. |
Text: Testa Bertinus Giusti Checchus Maconi Giustus Dominici |
1421 aprile 8 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: ieme proxime preterita: Checchus del Targia soldos |
1421 aprile 8 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: infrascrita sunt, videlicet Checchus del Targia s. |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: settem d. sex Checchus Andree s. decem |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: settem d. sex Checchus Marci s. decem |
1421 dicembre 10 |
Guaranty for unspecified debt. |
Text: ad integram solutionem, Checchus Gerii hospitator a |
1421/2 gennaio 24 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans with threat of demand of payment. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Checchus Iohannis Bindi domini |
1422 aprile 21 |
Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: duodecim denarii sex Checchus del Trincia soldi |
1422 aprile 21 |
Salary of masters and unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: soldi decem otto Checchus Mei soldi quattuordecim |
1422 settembre 18 |
Order to some masters who work in Trassinaia to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: Checchi Romulus Marchionnis Checchus Marchissis Cecchinus Giagii |
1422 settembre 18 |
Order to some masters who work in Trassinaia to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: Nannis Vierius Guidonis Checchus Mey Salvadore Nencii |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: sedecim denarii sex Checchus Marchissis soldi decem |
1423 settembre 24 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: 13 d. 6 Checchus del Trincia s. |
1423 novembre 6 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock and letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano instructing him to release from arrest the debtor and his guarantor. |
Text: supradicte deliberaverunt (quod) Checchus Giorgii de Monte |
1423 novembre 6 |
Registration of the days served by an ox driver to adapt a rope. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Checchus Baccellonis, qui cum |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Order to workers to work in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: Antonius Berti faber Checchus Mey Ciechini Peraccinus |
1424 aprile 4 |
Order to workers to work in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Checchus del Fancello Michele |
1427 aprile 4 |
Hiring of masters and salary for the summer for those at the Opera and for those at Trassinaia. |
Text: XII d. VI Checchus Mei Cecchini soldos |