Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1421 settembre 5 |
Contract for supply of fir lumber. |
Text: antequam dicta lignamina conduxerit in dicto loco |
1432 giugno 13 |
Deadline for consignment of lumber. |
Text: casu quo non conduxerit infra dictum tempus; |
1421 settembre 17 |
Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. |
Text: conducte traxerit et conduxerit ad flumen Decomani |
1430/1 febbraio 27 |
Authority to Brunelleschi to contract out the iron for the chains. |
Text: conductori nisi postquam conduxerit dictum ferrum ad |
1421 agosto 20 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle on animals erroneously described as herd livestock and restitution of pawns. |
Text: cum dictis bestiis conduxerit de partibus Romandiole |
1428 dicembre 29 |
Deadline for supply of broad bricks to kilnman who has ill served the Opera, with prohibition of new contract and discount of the consignment from the advance received. |
Text: dicto tempore non conduxerit dictam quantitatem ad |
1418 maggio 6 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: dicto tempore non conduxerit totum lignamen quod |
1421 settembre 17 |
Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. |
Text: post dictos otto conduxerit et posuerit ad |
1432 ottobre 17 |
Sentence for delay in the consignment of sawing of lumber as contracted. |
Text: dictum lignamen et conduxerit ad portum Moscie |
1428 giugno 4 |
New term for consignment to kilnman for supply of mortar, with threat of demand of payment. |
Text: dictum tempus non conduxerit dictam calcem adeo |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Order not to renew mortar contracts of negligent suppliers. |
Text: et seu non conduxerit et tradiderit in |
1432 giugno 13 |
Prohibition to the masters and others of the Opera to accept contracts for supply of lumber. |
Text: in casu quo conduxerit ab Opera; et |
1418 maggio 6 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: in dicto tempore conduxerit totum dictum lignamen |
1422 luglio 3 |
Correction of description of debtor for consignment of lumber with cancellation of half of the debt. |
Text: lignaminibus sue conducte conduxerit ad flumen Moscie |
1431/2 gennaio 29 |
Authorization to contract out broad bricks with agreement to accredit half of the amount to the account of another supplier. |
Text: medietatem pretii postquam conduxerit in Opera et |
1418 maggio 28 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Operis, videlicet quando conduxerit tot ligna quod |
1432 giugno 13 |
Deadline for consignment of lumber. |
Text: partem dicti lignaminis conduxerit, intelligatur et sit |
1429 ottobre 4 |
New term for conveying four marble tomb slabs from the quarry as far as Pisa. |
Text: quo dicto tempore conduxerit dictas quattuor lapides |
1433 luglio 13 |
Authorization to the guard of the forest to pay a lumber supplier. |
Text: quod conducere tenetur conduxerit, et aliter dicta |
1433 luglio 13 |
Letter to a lumber supplier and term for consignment. |
Text: si dictus Francischus conduxerit totum lignamen quod |