Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1436 aprile 27 |
Salary of the masters for the winter to be determined by calculating the average of the salary lists submitted by the administrator, master builder and scribe. |
Text: 1436 secundum scriptas datas per provisorem, caputmagistrum |
1430 aprile 8 |
Salary set for masters for the summer. |
Text: eis eorum operas datas et prestitas et |
1425 maggio 21 |
Concession to the confraternity of Saint Zenobius to take back the wax of its offering. |
Text: fabas nigras missas, datas et redditas in |
1425 maggio 21 |
Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. |
Text: quattuor fabas nigras datas, missas, redditas et |
1425 maggio 22 |
Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. |
Text: sex fabas nigras datas, missas et redditas |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Payment for the purchase of geese to distribute as gifts for All Saints. |
Text: viginti anseres et datas et traditas decem |