Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1424/5 marzo 17 |
Contract for a kiln load of mortar for the castle of Malmantile with loan of furnaces. |
Text: quantitatem chalcis quam deliberaretur per operarios Opere |
1422 luglio 17 |
Exemption to debtors for pardons of forced loans on grounds of penury with restitution of the pawns, under condition of payment to the debt collectors of the half of their rights. |
Text: contrarium vel aliter deliberaretur, et quod gravatis |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. |
Text: si fieret vel deliberaretur, non valeat et |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. |
Text: quidquid contra predicta deliberaretur ex nunc revocaverunt |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Prohibition to the wardens to fix terms of payment equal to or greater than to six months. |
Text: quantum talis terminus deliberaretur per sex fabas |
1417/8 gennaio 18 |
Restitution of a pawn for forced loans and other tributes. |
Text: pignum nisi aliud deliberaretur per dictos operarios. |
1420/1 marzo 15 |
Rulings for withholding 4 denari per lira from every contract or supply agreement. |
Text: nisi in contrarium deliberaretur per officium operariorum |
1419 ottobre 24 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa for debt for pardons with obligation to pay a percentage to the accountant. |
Text: seu eius quod deliberaretur per dicta consilia |
1418 agosto 23 |
Term within which the shed and garden of the Alessandri must be consigned. |
Text: et si nichil deliberaretur et diceretur non |