Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1420 marzo 27 |
Payment for earth removed at the Pope's residence. |
Text: recipere debent pro disgombrando terram in summa |
1420 marzo 27 |
Payment for earth removed and supply of pebbles and sand for the Pope's residence. |
Text: Iacobo predicto pro disgombrando 534 salmas terre |
1420 aprile 12 |
Payment for earth removed from the courtyard of the Pope's residence. |
Text: Blaxii renaiuolo pro disgombrando salmis 78 terre |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for supply of Arno pebbles and for clearing out earth. |
Text: bracchio et pro disgombrando 145 salmas terre |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for supply of Arno pebbles and for clearing out earth. |
Text: bracchio et pro disgombrando salmas 135 de |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for transport of Arno pebbles and for clearing out earth. |
Text: predictis et pro disgombrando de terra salmas |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: Tomme carretterio pro disgombrando 201 carratas terre |
1421 giugno 16 |
Payment for earth removed. |
Text: Franchi carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera XIIII |
1421 giugno 16 |
Payment for earth removed. |
Text: Lupi carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera 227 |
1421 novembre 21 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: Iohannis carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera XVIIII |
1421 novembre 21 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: Lupi carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera carrettatas |
1421/2 gennaio 24 |
Payment for 100 handcart loads of earth removed. |
Text: Lupi carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera centum |
1422 aprile 21 |
Payment for earth removed. |
Text: Iohannis carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera viginti |
1422 aprile 21 |
Payment for earth removed. |
Text: Iacobi carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera LXXX |
1422 agosto 7 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: Bacellonis carradori pro disgombrando dictam cavam de |
1422 agosto 7 |
Payment to hand carter for removal of earth and chips. |
Text: carrata et pro disgombrando etiam in dicto |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Payment to hand carter for removal of things. |
Text: Iohannis carretterio pro disgombrando de Opera carratas |
1425 luglio 3 |
Assignment of house to chaplain and order to evacuate another house inhabited by him. |
Text: sibi preceptum de disgombrando eam per provisorem |
1426 agosto 16 |
Hiring of carter with two horses for removal of earth and hoisting loads up to the cupola. |
Text: unam carrectam pro disgombrando terram de prefata |
1427 agosto 5 |
Prohibition to dock the pay of the unskilled workers who are helping Ciuffagni clear out a chapel for his marble figure. |
Text: Pieri Ciuffagni in disgombrando cappellam ubi ponunt |
1427 agosto 28 |
Letter to the Podestà of Lastra to clear out an area close to the walls of the castle. |
Title: Potestati Lastre pro disgombrando muros ex latere |
1428 luglio 2 |
Order to the administrator to keep note of the material salvaged from the destruction of the houses near the church of San Simone. |
Text: factis pro destruendo, disgombrando et conducendo dictum |
1435 settembre 13 |
Precept for the evacuation of a house. |
Text: faciat preceptum de disgombrando Iacobo Iohannis de |