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 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1426 maggio 31 |
Revocation of fine to workers for just impediment that cropped up at the conclusion of the work on the castle of Lastra. |
Text: hominibus et personis fidedignis qualiter dictus Guaspar |
1427 dicembre 23 |
Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. |
Text: a certis personis fidedignis quod ratio et |
1427 dicembre 23 |
Audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans. |
Text: informationibus a quamplurimis fidedignis hominibus et personis |
1428 agosto 20 |
Declaration of status of legitimate debtor in favor of person arrested for theft of roof tiles from the houses destroyed near San Simone. |
Text: quadam informatione a fidedignis personis qualiter Amadore |
1430/1 febbraio 24 |
Declaration of innocence of a chaplain accused of unseemly acts. |
Text: a quampluribus personis fidedignis de predictis et |
1432 dicembre 30 |
Order to make known to the wardens the possible choice between two sandstone quarries. |
Text: quadam informatione a fidedignis personis quod in |
1435 aprile 22 |
Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. |
Text: hominibus et personis fidedignis in eorum manibus |