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Context of query
o0201071.003c 1417 luglio 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: quinque cum dimidio f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201071.003c 1417 luglio 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios septem f.p. l. 3 s.
o0201071.003g 1417 luglio 9 Salary set for a master of the scaffolds. Text: die soldos duodecim f.p. prout haberet si
o0201072.002vd 1417 dicembre 22 Deposit for debt for pardons and request of release of the arrested person. Text: et denariis 6 f.p. pro gratiis, ut
o0201072.016ve 1417/8 febbraio 1 Payment of interest for credit acknowledged for properties demolished. Text: et libras tres f.p. pro eius remuneratione
o0201072.017b 1417/8 febbraio 1 Salary of the master builder. Text: florenos quinquaginta sex f.p.
o0201072.017e 1417/8 febbraio 1 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Text: solvere libras tredecim f.p. in IIII mensibus,
o0201072.017f 1417/8 febbraio 5 Salary of a year for the guard of the forest. Text: libras triginta quinque f.p. l. XXXV
o0201072.017g 1417/8 febbraio 5 Payment for the purchase of lead. Text: et denarios decem f.p.
o0201072.017h 1417/8 febbraio 5 Term of payment and corresponding guaranty. Text: solvendum libras sex f.p. in tribus mensibus,
o0201072.017vb 1417/8 febbraio 5 Payment for removing gravel or earth. Text: servitorum libras viginti f.p.
o0201072.017ve 1417/8 febbraio 5 Payment for transport of stones. Text: carradore libras triginta f.p. pro parte lapidum
o0201072.017vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint Dionysius. Text: et soldos decem f.p. per eum datorum
o0201072.017vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Payment for expenditures for the feast of Saint Dionysius. Text: et soldos otto f.p. l. 52 s.
o0201072.018e 1417/8 febbraio 10 Salary of the notary of the Opera. Text: et libras tres f.p. f. 13 l.
o0201072.018g 1417/8 febbraio 10 Salary of the messengers. Text: ducentas quinquaginta duas f.p. l. 252
o0201072.018vf 1417/8 febbraio 10 Payment of a gabelle for towloads. Text: et denarios septem f.p. l. 9 s.
o0201072.019vg 1417/8 febbraio 14 Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission, with one exception. Text: pena librarum decem f.p., salvo quod predictam
o0201072.019vh 1417/8 febbraio 14 Salary of the messenger of the new gabelles. Text: totum libras septuaginta f.p. l. 70
o0201072.020c 1417/8 febbraio 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et denarios otto f.p. l. 24 s.
o0201072.020va 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios nove f.p. l. 81 s.
o0201072.020vc 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios quattuor f.p. l. 14 s.
o0201072.020vd 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: et denarios otto f.p. l. 9 s.
o0201072.020vh 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for carriage of soft and hard stones. Text: et denarios duos f.p. l. 8 s.
o0201072.020vi 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for carriage of soft stones. Text: et soldos quindecim f.p. l. 2 s.
o0201072.020vl 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: et denarios quattuor f.p. l. 4 s.
o0201072.020vm 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for transport of soft stones. Text: et denarios decem f.p. l. 51 s.
o0201072.021a 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment of rent of a house for a chaplain. Text: et denarios otto f.p. f. 3 l.
o0201072.021b 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios sex f.p. l. 38 s.
o0201072.021d 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: unam soldos decem f.p. l. 21 s.
o0201072.021e 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for a supply of sand for sawing marble. Text: et denarios quattuor f.p. l. 4 s.
o0201072.021f 1417/8 febbraio 18 Rental of a house. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. pro resto duorum
o0201072.021g 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios otto f.p. l. 26 s.
o0201072.021h 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios decem f.p. l. 16 s.
o0201072.021i 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios tres f.p. l. 14 s.
o0201072.021m 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios undecim f.p. l. 8 s.
o0201072.021n 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for the purchase of soft and hard stones. Text: et denarios decem f.p. l. 205 s.
o0201072.021va 1417/8 febbraio 18 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: libras sexaginta quattuor f.p. quas habeant a
o0201072.021vh 1417/8 febbraio 25 Obligation to the messengers to pay a monthly contribution to a colleague. Text: eorum soldos decem f.p. Dominico Segne Fermalpunto
o0201072.022f 1417/8 febbraio 25 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Simonis libras quinquaginta f.p. pro parte solutionis
o0201072.022g 1417/8 febbraio 25 Increase of the price agreed upon for two supply contracts for lumber. Text: tres soldos duos f.p. secundum eorum conducta
o0201072.022g 1417/8 febbraio 25 Increase of the price agreed upon for two supply contracts for lumber. Text: quinquaginta soldos tres f.p. pro quolibet trayno,
o0201072.022g 1417/8 febbraio 25 Increase of the price agreed upon for two supply contracts for lumber. Text: 32 soldos 2 f.p.
o0201072.023e 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for the purchase of hard and fine stones. Text: et soldos quinque f.p. l. 7 s.
o0201072.023f 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: et denarios quattuor f.p. l. 51 s.
o0201072.023g 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: et denarios unum f.p. l. 66 -
o0201072.023h 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: et soldos quattuor f.p. l. 13 s.
o0201072.023i 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarium unum f.p. ad rationem denariorum
o0201072.023vb 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: conducte libras centum f.p. l. 100
o0201072.023vc 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: conducte libras quinquaginta f.p. l. 50
o0201072.023vd 1417/8 febbraio 26 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: Francisci libras decem f.p. l. 10
o0201072.023vf 1417/8 febbraio 28 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: et denariorum octo f.p. pro trayno, in
o0201072.023vf 1417/8 febbraio 28 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: libras decem otto f.p. soldos novem et
o0201072.023vf 1417/8 febbraio 28 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: et denarios sex f.p. l. 18 s.
o0201072.023vh 1417/8 febbraio 28 Salary of the notary of testaments. Text: et soldos decem f.p. l. 28 s.
o0201072.023vi 1417/8 febbraio 28 Salary of the notary of testaments. Text: et soldos sex f.p. l. 12 s.
o0201072.024d 1417/8 febbraio 28 Term for consignment for pawns. Text: penam librarum centum f.p. que pena mictant
o0201072.024vd 1417/8 febbraio 28 Payment for the purchase of capons and geese. Text: et denarios quindecim f.p., facta detractione denariis
o0201072.024vg 1417/8 febbraio 28 Permission to pay the messenger for expenditures incurred for the needs of the office. Text: et soldos quinque f.p. per Benintendem Nuccii
o0201072.025vd 1417/8 marzo 8 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Francisci libras quinquaginta f.p. et quod camerarius
o0201072.025ve 1417/8 marzo 10 Obligation of written authorization to make deposits to coffers of the Opera. Text: pena librarum L f.p. et pub(lice) et
o0201072.026b 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for removal of lumber from the water. Text: et soldos decem f.p. l. 4 s.
o0201072.026c 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: XVII soldos X f.p. l. 17 s.
o0201072.026d 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: et denarios III f.p. l. 54 s.
o0201072.026e 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et soldos tredecim f.p. quos expendidit mandato
o0201072.026e 1417/8 marzo 10 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et soldorum XIII f.p. l. 6 s.
o0201072.027f 1417/8 marzo 17 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et denarios sex f.p. l. 3 s.
o0201072.028d 1417/8 marzo 18 Payment for the purchase of hewn stones. Text: et soldos undecim f.p. l. 85 s.
o0201072.028f 1417/8 marzo 19 Guaranty for debt for tax on butchering. Text: Operi libras novem f.p. pro macello fideiussit
o0201072.028vb 1417/8 marzo 21 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios octo f.p. l. 6 s.
o0201072.028vc 1417/8 marzo 21 Restitution of money overpaid for taxes on cattle. Text: solvere libras triginta f.p.
o0201072.029d 1417/8 marzo 21 Payment for commission to Benozzo Federighi. Text: octo libras tres f.p. pro provisione florenorum
o0201072.029e 1417/8 marzo 21 Salary of a scribe. Text: Operis libras tres f.p. l. 3
o0201072.029f 1417/8 marzo 22 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: et soldos duodecim f.p. l. 8 s.
o0201072.029ve 1417/8 marzo 23 Payment for the purchase of several things. Text: et soldos octo f.p. pro pluribus rebus
o0201072.031b 1418 aprile 5 Loan to a debt collector. Text: exattori libras undecim f.p.
o0201072.031va 1418 aprile 5 Payment for a copper sieve. Text: et denarios quattuor f.p.
o0201072.032b 1418 aprile 6 Payment for purchase of stationery. Text: et denarios octo f.p. l. 30 s.
o0201072.032c 1418 aprile 6 Payment for purchase of stationery. Text: et soldos undecim f.p. l. 12 s.
o0201072.032d 1418 aprile 6 Election of the messengers and setting of their salary with guaranties. Text: summam librarum otto f.p. Et pro omni
o0201072.032d 1418 aprile 6 Election of the messengers and setting of their salary with guaranties. Text: summam librarum sex f.p. Et quod non
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et soldos sex f.p. pro una salma
o0201072.032vd 1418 aprile 6 Payment for petty expenses. Text: et denarios decem f.p. l. 8 s.
o0201072.032ve 1418 aprile 6 Payment for the purchase of charcoal. Text: et denarios sex f.p. l. 6 s.
o0201072.032vf 1418 aprile 6 Payment for the purchase of capons and kids. Text: libras triginta tres f.p. l. 33
o0201072.041a 1418 aprile 7 Release of an arrested person with agreement that he return pawns, and promise of restitution of the remainder. Text: de libris 25 f.p. et facta dicta
o0201072.041b 1418 aprile 7 Release of a worker who has offended an officer, provided that he promise to pay the fine. Text: pene florenos centum f.p. si ullo unquam
o0201072.041e 1418 aprile 7 Payment for the purchase of drinking glasses and flasks. Text: offitio libras duas f.p. et habere debet
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: et libras duas f.p., qui otto floreni
o0201073.001c 1418 aprile 11 Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders. Text: et libras duas f.p. f. 8 l.
o0201073.001va 1418 aprile 11 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: summam libras quadraginta f.p. l. 40
o0201073.002c 1418 aprile 12 Loan to a debt collector of pawns. Text: Opere libras decem f.p. et scribat ipsum
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Text: Operis libras centum f.p.; et dimidiam totius
o0201073.003vb 1418 aprile 15 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: Operis libras sexaginta f.p., dummodo fideiubeat l.
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: bracchio soldos tredecim f.p. tabule pro quolibet
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: bracchio soldos tredecim f.p. cornices grosse pro
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: et denarios sex f.p. cimagie pro qualibet
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: et soldos duodecim f.p. cornicuze pro quolibet
o0201073.004d 1418 aprile 18 Contract for red marble. Text: bracchio soldos tredecim f.p. Et si cimagia
o0201073.004vb 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et soldos duos f.p. l. 24 s.
o0201073.004vc 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum quinque f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201073.004vc 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios septem f.p., a die 15
o0201073.004vd 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum quinque f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201073.004vd 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios undecim f.p. l. 11 s.
o0201073.004ve 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum quinque f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201073.004ve 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios novem f.p. l. 19 s.
o0201073.004vf 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. l. 5 s.
o0201073.005a 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum quinque f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201073.005a 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios decem f.p. l. 24 s.
o0201073.005b 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum quinque f.p. pro qualibet salma,
o0201073.005b 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios tres f.p. l. 8 s.
o0201073.005c 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: Opere, libras quinque f.p. l. 5
o0201073.005d 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: et denarios sex f.p., ad rationem denariorum
o0201073.005d 1418 aprile 18 Payment for removing earth. Text: rationem denariorum viginti f.p. pro qualibet carrectata
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: rationem soldorum trium f.p. pro quolibet fodero,
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: et denarios quinque f.p.; et pro trainis
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: rationem soldorum octo f.p. pro quolibet traino,
o0201073.005e 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: et denarios sex f.p. l. 9 s.
o0201073.005f 1418 aprile 18 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: Bartoli soldos octo f.p. s. 8
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Antonii soldos viginti f.p. s. 20 et
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Iohannis soldos viginti f.p. s. 20 Nannes
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: Bernabe soldos viginti f.p. s. 20 Nannes
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18 Nannes
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18 Puccius
o0201073.006a 1418 aprile 20 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos decem octo f.p. s. 18 Ventura
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: missorum soldos triginta f.p., pro quolibet miliario,
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: facto libras viginti f.p., ipsi habeant et
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: et soldos decem f.p. et non ultra.
o0201073.007a 1418 aprile 23 New contract for the balance of a supply of broad bricks and tare for material of inferior quality already delivered. Text: milium, libras viginti f.p., quos fecisse et
o0201073.007c 1418 aprile 23 Contract for tiles to roof the chapels. Text: et soldi quinque f.p.
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Antonii soldos sexdecim f.p. s. 16 Bertinus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Pieri soldos quindecim f.p. s. 15 Laurentius
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Salvadoris soldos quattuordecim f.p. s. 14 Christoforus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: et denarios sex f.p. s. 12 d.
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Fancelli soldos undecim f.p. s. 11 Paulus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: et denarios sex f.p. s. 7 d.
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: et denarios sex f.p. s. 16 d.
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Niccolai soldos novem f.p. s. 9 Meus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: Dominici soldos sex f.p. s. 6 Bartolomeus
o0201073.007va 1418 aprile 23 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: et denarios sex f.p. s. 7 d.
o0201073.008c 1418 aprile 29 Salary set for marble sculptor. Text: estate soldos undecim f.p. s. 11 Et
o0201073.008va 1418 aprile 30 Term of payment to the Commune of San Miniato and relative guaranty. Text: solverit libras centum f.p. et pro residuo
o0201073.008vg 1418 aprile 30 Salary of the messenger. Text: rationem librarum duodecim f.p. pro quolibet mense,
o0201073.008vg 1418 aprile 30 Salary of the messenger. Text: libras triginta sex f.p. l. 36
o0201073.008vh 1418 aprile 30 Salary of the messenger. Text: rationem librarum decem f.p. pro quolibet mense,
o0201073.008vh 1418 aprile 30 Salary of the messenger. Text: totum libras triginta f.p. l. 30
o0201073.008vi 1418 aprile 30 Payment for petty expenses and for the purchase of lead. Text: et denarios sex f.p., computatis libris 14
o0201073.008vi 1418 aprile 30 Payment for petty expenses and for the purchase of lead. Text: 7 denarios 4 f.p. per eum expensis
o0201073.008vi 1418 aprile 30 Payment for petty expenses and for the purchase of lead. Text: et denariis quattuor f.p. per eum hodie
o0201073.009vb 1418 maggio 6 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: conducte libras quinquaginta f.p., dummodo fideiubeat de
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