Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1432 agosto 14 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for payment of the towing of lumber. |
Text: Batista eorum caputmagister ibit illuc hinc ad |
1416/7 marzo 6 |
Readmission to the rolls of masters. |
Text: Checchus Trincie qui ibit ad laborandum extra |
1416/7 marzo 6 |
Readmission to the rolls of masters. |
Text: Cionis qui etiam ibit ad laborandum ut |
1419 settembre 4 |
Permission to work outside the Opera to a master. |
Text: ex dictis magistris ibit cum eis possit |
1434/5 febbraio 22 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties to be confiscated up to the sum of 1500 florins. |
Text: ex eorum offitio ibit Pisas pro dicta |
1427 agosto 18 |
Permit to stonecutter to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: qui ivit seu ibit ad laborandum cum |
1418 maggio 20 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: quod ille qui ibit ad laborandum secum |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: quod magister qui ibit ad laborandum secum |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: quod magister qui ibit et seu ivit |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: quod magister qui ibit possit redire ad |
1419 agosto 21 |
Concession of a stonecutter to third parties. |
Text: quod magister qui ibit possit redire ad |
1418 giugno 17 |
Permission to a master to work temporarily for a private person. |
Text: quod magister qui ibit possit reverti etc. |
1416/7 marzo 4 |
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission. |
Text: ut supra dicitur ibit, stabit vel laborabit |