Document |
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Summary |
Context of query |
1434 agosto 26 |
Commission to buy a sandstone slab for the organ. |
Text: offitialibus deputatis super ordinatione unius paris orghanorum |
1435 aprile 23 |
Hiring of masters for work on the cupboards of the new sacristy with salary set. |
Text: que requiruntur in ordinatione dicte sacristie prout |
1435 giugno 14 |
Election of six citizens to examine the models and determine the place where the choir should be built. |
Text: modellis factis pro ordinatione dicti cori ecclesie |
1435 agosto 19 |
Authority to the wardens to attend the ordination of 25 choir boys and their master in accordance with the will of Pope Eugenius IV. |
Title: Pro ordinatione XXV clericorum in |
1435 agosto 23 |
Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. |
Text: offitialium deputatorum super ordinatione cori. |
1435 novembre 26 |
Approval of the report made by some citizens nominated supervisors over the planning of the choir and high altar. |
Text: eorum offitium de ordinatione altaris maioris dicte |