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Context of query
o0201070.005va 1416/7 gennaio 26 New payment deadline and release of person arrested for debt of the Commune of Prato. Title: Terminus Communi Prati
o0201070.005va 1416/7 gennaio 26 New payment deadline and release of person arrested for debt of the Commune of Prato. Text: in quantum Commune Prati ydonee satisdederit de
o0201070b.050ve 1416/7 gennaio 27 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the Commune of Prato. Text: Pro Communi Prati debitore pro gratia
o0201070b.076d 1416/7 gennaio 15 Arrest for debt for pardons of wine and butchering taxes of the Commune of Prato. Text: Pro Communi Prati pro gratia vini
o0201070b.082vh 1416/7 marzo 12 Confiscation of a donkey for debt for property gabelle of the parish of San Lorenzo a Vezzano. Text: 78 in villis Prati unus asinus recommendatus
o0201070b.086va 1417 aprile 23 Arrest for debt for pardons of gabelles of the Commune of Prato. Text: Pro Communi Prati pro gratia congiorum
o0201072.026vb 1417/8 marzo 17 Release of arrested person and payment deadline for debt. Text: captus pro Communi Prati relapsetur dummodo promictat
o0201072.033a 1417 novembre 10 Arrests for debts. Text: ... Pro Communi Prati Iacobus Lapi. Pro
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0201073.003a 1418 aprile 13 Terms of payment to the Commune of Prato with guaranty. Text: etc. quod Commune Prati debitor Operis pro
o0201073.009ve 1418 maggio 11 Term of payment for a debt and letter to the Podestà of Prato. Text: et scribatur Potestati Prati quod non gravet
o0201073.016va 1418 aprile 16 Guaranty for debt for pardons of taxes. Text: Pro Communi Prati debitore pro gratiis
o0201075.072a 1418/9 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for wine gabelle of the Commune of Prato. Text: Pro Communi Prati debitore Operis pro
o0201075.072a 1418/9 febbraio 9 Guaranty for debt for wine gabelle of the Commune of Prato. Text: quidquid dictum Commune Prati solvere debet dicta
o0201075.073f 1418/9 marzo 22 Guaranty for debt for new gabelles of the church of San Martino a Paperino. Text: a Paperino districtus Prati debitricis Operis in
o0201077.004c 1419/20 gennaio 3 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment to the debtors. Text: scribatur Potestati terre Prati lictera continens quod
o0201077.010ve 1419/20 gennaio 23 Term of payment to the parish of San Martino di Schignano of the district of Prato. Text: de Schignano districtus Prati debitoribus dicte Opere
o0201077.020e 1419/20 febbraio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for term of payment for debt of the wine gabelle. Text: dicti officii Potestati Prati continens quod mandet
o0201077.020e 1419/20 febbraio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for term of payment for debt of the wine gabelle. Text: pro dicto Communi Prati.
o0201077.083vc 1419/20 febbraio 26 Guaranty for debt for property gabelle. Text: de Galciana comitatus Prati fideiussit etc. promixit
o0201078.086e 1421 maggio 6 Guaranty for advance on transport of stones. Text: carradore extra ianuam Prati civitatis Florentie, de
o0201079.030vb 1421 ottobre 10 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment to the parish of San Michele of Cerreto. Text: scribatur lictera Potestati Prati continens quod ad
o0201079.041vc 1421 novembre 10 End of rental contract of the black marble quarry of Monteferrato. Text: Montis Ferrati comitatus Prati a certis de
o0201079.082a 1421 luglio 2 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the milling tax. Text: villis de comitatu Prati debitricibus dicte Opere
o0201080.023b 1422 aprile 3 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Title: Communis Prati
o0201080.023b 1422 aprile 3 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: futuri duraturum) Comuni Prati debitori dicte Opere
o0201080.029e 1422 maggio 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Title: Communis Prati
o0201080.029e 1422 maggio 5 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: mense maii Comuni Prati debitori dicte Opere
o0201080.082d 1421/2 marzo 20 Guaranty for debt for pardons of the Commune of Prato. Text: Pro Communi Prati precibus et mandatis
o0201081.002ve 1422 luglio 3 Oath of warden and term of payment to guarantor for the Commune of Prato. Text: spetiarius fideiussor Communis Prati pro quantitate librarum
o0201081.006c 1422 luglio 21 Term of payment for debt for pardons to the Commune of Prato. Title: Communis Prati
o0201081.006c 1422 luglio 21 Term of payment for debt for pardons to the Commune of Prato. Text: mensem duraturum Comuni Prati et eius fideiussori
o0201081.009a 1422 agosto 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Title: Communis Prati
o0201081.009a 1422 agosto 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: mensem duraturum Comuni Prati debitori dicte Opere
o0201082.003a 1422/3 febbraio 1 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for restitution of pawns erroneously attached. Text: deliberaverunt licteram Potestati Prati quod faciat restituere
o0201082.018d 1423 maggio 27 Loan of cloth hangings. Text: Christi in terra Prati.
o0201084.002a 1423/4 gennaio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for notification of the testaments drawn up since 1400. Title: Lictera Potestati Prati
o0201084.002a 1423/4 gennaio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for notification of the testaments drawn up since 1400. Text: deliberaverunt licteram Potestati Prati quod notificari faciat
o0201084.002a 1423/4 gennaio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for notification of the testaments drawn up since 1400. Text: bampniri pro terra Prati notariis dicte terre
o0201084.002va 1423/4 gennaio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato with summons for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns to holder of debtor's properties. Title: Lictera Potestati Prati
o0201084.002va 1423/4 gennaio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato with summons for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns to holder of debtor's properties. Text: scribatur lictera Potestati Prati qualiter coram eis
o0201084.002va 1423/4 gennaio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato with summons for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns to holder of debtor's properties. Text: Lapi Grinzelli habitatorem Prati quod ipse fuit
o0201084.002va 1423/4 gennaio 13 Letter to the Podestà of Prato with summons for debt for forced loans and restitution of pawns to holder of debtor's properties. Text: dixit, quod Potestas Prati cogat ser Pierum
o0201084.009va 1423/4 marzo 11 Term of payment for debts for testaments to the men of Prato. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0201084.009va 1423/4 marzo 11 Term of payment for debts for testaments to the men of Prato. Text: et seu terre Prati debentis dare dicte
o0201084.013a 1424 aprile 4 Term of payment with guaranty and restitution of pawns. Text: habitatoris in terra Prati debitoris Opere in
o0201086.002e 1424/5 gennaio 24 Order to demand payment of the possessors of the debtor's properties for testamentary bequest with distraint. Title: Pauli de villa Prati
o0201086.002e 1424/5 gennaio 24 Order to demand payment of the possessors of the debtor's properties for testamentary bequest with distraint. Text: Pauli de villa Prati comitatus florentini pro
o0202001.010d 1425 settembre 25 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Title: Terminus Communi Prati
o0202001.010d 1425 settembre 25 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere prefate
o0202001.020a 1425/6 gennaio 10 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati ad solvendum quod
o0202001.025va 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Prato. Title: Terminus Communi Prati
o0202001.025va 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Prato. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati ad solvendum quod
o0202001.032va 1426 maggio 15 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him to absolve the Commune of Prato if he receives notice that it has obeyed the mandates of the wardens, otherwise he is to compel two arrested persons in his court to appear before the wardens. Title: Littera Potestati Prati
o0202001.032va 1426 maggio 15 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him to absolve the Commune of Prato if he receives notice that it has obeyed the mandates of the wardens, otherwise he is to compel two arrested persons in his court to appear before the wardens. Text: scribatur littera Potestati Prati quod si et
o0202001.032va 1426 maggio 15 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him to absolve the Commune of Prato if he receives notice that it has obeyed the mandates of the wardens, otherwise he is to compel two arrested persons in his court to appear before the wardens. Text: proxime futuros Commune Prati paruisse mandatis dictorum
o0202001.032va 1426 maggio 15 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him to absolve the Commune of Prato if he receives notice that it has obeyed the mandates of the wardens, otherwise he is to compel two arrested persons in his court to appear before the wardens. Text: casu dictum Commune Prati liberet et absolveret,
o0202001.049vd 1426/7 gennaio 28 Term of payment to heirs and letter to the Podestà of Prato for alternative demand of the yield of the properties from their laborers. Text: una littera Potestati Prati quod donec sibi
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.051d 1426/7 febbraio 4 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
o0202001.072h 1427 novembre 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Cerreto. Text: Communi Cerreti comitatus Prati ad solvendum quod
o0202001.073vc 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to kilnman to buy four wooden vats at the expense of the Opera. Title: tina in terra Prati
o0202001.073vc 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to kilnman to buy four wooden vats at the expense of the Opera. Text: Opere in terra Prati pro dicta Opera
o0202001.078vc 1427/8 febbraio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him not to demand payment of the Commune of that city. Title: In favorem Communis Prati
o0202001.078vc 1427/8 febbraio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him not to demand payment of the Commune of that city. Text: scribatur littera Potestati Prati quod hinc ad
o0202001.078vc 1427/8 febbraio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Prato instructing him not to demand payment of the Commune of that city. Text: non gravet Commune Prati ad petitionem dicte
o0202001.085g 1428 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer. Title: Littera Potestati Prati
o0202001.085g 1428 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer. Text: scribatur littera Potestati Prati quod visis presentibus
o0202001.085g 1428 maggio 28 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer. Text: camerario generali Communis Prati et uni ex
o0202001.086ve 1428 luglio 2 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for demand of payment of the Commune and Podestàs of Prato and Montecatini for the dispatch of two men to Florence to make payment. Title: Capitaneo Pisarum, Potestati Prati et Potestati Montis
o0202001.086ve 1428 luglio 2 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for demand of payment of the Commune and Podestàs of Prato and Montecatini for the dispatch of two men to Florence to make payment. Text: preteritorum et Potestati Prati et Montis Catini
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Title: Terminus Communi Prati
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere pro
o0202001.087vc 1428 luglio 14 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons and for butchering and wine gabelle. Text: camerarius dicti Communis Prati fideiubeat de solvendo
o0202001.100g 1428/9 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato, under penalty of letter to the Podestà for injunction and dispatch to the Stinche prison of the arrested persons. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.100g 1428/9 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato, under penalty of letter to the Podestà for injunction and dispatch to the Stinche prison of the arrested persons. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati ad solvendum prefate
o0202001.100g 1428/9 gennaio 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato, under penalty of letter to the Podestà for injunction and dispatch to the Stinche prison of the arrested persons. Text: solverit, scribatur Potestati Prati quod visis presentibus
o0202001.111vl 1429 agosto 31 Term to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.111vl 1429 agosto 31 Term to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
o0202001.116vc 1429 novembre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer and term of payment. Title: Contra Communem Prati et eius camerarium
o0202001.116vc 1429 novembre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer and term of payment. Title: et littera Potestati Prati
o0202001.116vc 1429 novembre 4 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for injunction of the treasurer and term of payment. Text: una littera Potestati Prati quod fieri faciat
o0202001.119ve 1429 dicembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for summons of the treasurer and two ambassadors. Title: Littera Potestati Prati novo pro debito
o0202001.119ve 1429 dicembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for summons of the treasurer and two ambassadors. Text: una littera Potestati Prati de novo intraturo
o0202001.119ve 1429 dicembre 23 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for summons of the treasurer and two ambassadors. Text: offitio camerarium Communis Prati cum duobus ex
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Title: de debito Communis Prati
o0202001.124f 1429/30 marzo 15 Authorization to attend to the debt of the Commune of Prato and to make a new contract to a cooper for cooperage supplies. Text: circa debitum Communis Prati et circa locationem
o0202001.169vf 1432 settembre 17 Letter to the Podestà of Prato to have debtors notified of payment deadline. Title: Littera Potestati Prati contra debitores Opere
o0202001.169vf 1432 settembre 17 Letter to the Podestà of Prato to have debtors notified of payment deadline. Text: scribatur littera Potestati Prati quod precipi faciat
o0202001.169vf 1432 settembre 17 Letter to the Podestà of Prato to have debtors notified of payment deadline. Text: precipi faciat Communi Prati et aliis communibus
o0202001.190c 1432 ottobre 31 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for a debt of the Commune. Title: Littera Potestati Prati
o0202001.190c 1432 ottobre 31 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for a debt of the Commune. Text: una littera Potestati Prati quod gravet dictum
o0202001.190h 1432 novembre 13 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato with letter to the Podestà. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati et pro eo
o0202001.190h 1432 novembre 13 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato with letter to the Podestà. Text: eorum parte Potestati Prati quod faciat ponere
o0202001.195c 1432/3 gennaio 16 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment. Title: Littera Potestati Prati
o0202001.195c 1432/3 gennaio 16 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment. Text: una littera Potestati Prati quod gravet seu
o0202001.195c 1432/3 gennaio 16 Letter to the Podestà of Prato for demand of payment. Text: gravari faciat Commune Prati ad solvendum Opere
o0202001.195h 1432/3 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Prato and term of payment. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.195h 1432/3 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Prato and term of payment. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
o0202001.195h 1432/3 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Prato and term of payment. Text: gravetur per Potestatem Prati camerarius dicti Communis
o0202001.195h 1432/3 gennaio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Prato and term of payment. Text: camerarius dicti Communis Prati; et sic scribatur
o0202001.198g 1433 maggio 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato with release of arrested person. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.198g 1433 maggio 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato with release of arrested person. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
o0202001.200b 1433 giugno 15 Letter to the Eight defenders of Prato with threat of demand of payment for debt. Title: Littera Otto defensoribus Prati
o0202001.200b 1433 giugno 15 Letter to the Eight defenders of Prato with threat of demand of payment for debt. Text: littera Otto defensoribus Prati quatenus debeant solvere
o0202001.203vn 1433 luglio 31 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.203vn 1433 luglio 31 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati ad solvendum Opere
o0202001.204vd 1433 agosto 13 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor and guarantor. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.204vd 1433 agosto 13 Prohibition to demand payment of debtor and guarantor. Text: captus pro Communi Prati non gravetur nec
o0202001.205b 1433 settembre 1 Rulings pertaining to arrested persons from Prato. Title: staggiti [pro Commune] Prati
o0202001.205b 1433 settembre 1 Rulings pertaining to arrested persons from Prato. Text: per dictum Commune Prati satisfiat.
o0202001.207h 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.207h 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere ad
o0202001.229m 1435 marzo 30 Restitution of mare confiscated for debt of the Commune of Prato. Text: debito quod Commune Prati habet cum eorum
o0202001.230c 1435 aprile 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and release of arrested person. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.230c 1435 aprile 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and release of arrested person. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere ad
o0202001.230c 1435 aprile 11 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and release of arrested person. Text: captus de Communi Prati relapsetur.
o0202001.245g 1435 dicembre 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and letter to the Podestà. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.245g 1435 dicembre 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and letter to the Podestà. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
o0202001.245g 1435 dicembre 7 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato and letter to the Podestà. Text: una littera Potestati Prati.
o0202001.247vi 1435/6 febbraio 3 Release of arrested person for debt with obligation of guaranty. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.247vi 1435/6 febbraio 3 Release of arrested person for debt with obligation of guaranty. Text: captus pro Communi Prati debitore Opere in
o0202001.249vf 1435/6 marzo 6 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Prato. Title: Pro Communi Prati
o0202001.249vf 1435/6 marzo 6 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Prato. Text: statuerunt terminum Communi Prati debitori Opere in
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