Document |

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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Commission to provost and warden consider release of arrested persons from the countryside and foreigners with term of payment and guaranty. |
Title: possint certo modo relapsari |
1416/7 gennaio 25 |
Commission to provost and warden consider release of arrested persons from the countryside and foreigners with term of payment and guaranty. |
Text: officio possint facere relapsari omnes et singulos |
1417 dicembre 22 |
Deposit for debt for pardons and request of release of the arrested person. |
Text: et seu gravamento relapsari etc. |
1417/8 marzo 12 |
Release of arrested person and new payment deadline. |
Text: pro Communi Pozi relapsari possit, prestita tamen |
1418 luglio 21 |
Release of arrested persons with declaration of the administrator. |
Text: provisoris dicti Operis relapsari debeant et eis |
1418 agosto 9 |
Order to consign the register of the new gabelles. |
Text: debeat mictere et relapsari facere in Opere |
1418/9 febbraio 8 |
Term of payment to arrested debtors of the countryside. |
Text: talis sic captus relapsari etc. |
1420 aprile 1 |
Authorization to free arrested persons following guaranty and payment of the debt within three days of the release. |
Text: ipsius Opere capiendum relapsari, cum licentia tamen |
1421 maggio 24 |
Rulings for release of arrested persons with at least 4 favorable votes. |
Text: possit vel debeat relapsari nec fieri relapsari |
1421 maggio 24 |
Rulings for release of arrested persons with at least 4 favorable votes. |
Text: relapsari nec fieri relapsari per aliquem officialem |
1421 giugno 13 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans and release of the arrested debtor. |
Text: solutionem, relapsetur et relapsari debeat; et in |
1421 ottobre 16 |
Authorization to the guardian of the pawns to arrest an insolvent debt collector. |
Text: recipere debet, nec relapsari possit nisi sibi |
1421 ottobre 27 |
Order to the administrator to enjoin the donkey drivers to clear out the quarry and transport stones and not to release arrested persons without resolution. |
Text: vel gravandus propterea relapsari possit sine deliberatione |
1421 settembre 11 |
Contract for hewn revetment stones. |
Text: sumptibus et ibidem relapsari faciet pro Opera |
1421/2 febbraio 4 |
Term of payment to arrested debtor. |
Text: tamen primo quam relapsari possit. |
1422 dicembre 15 |
Promise of the guarantor to present himself at the Stinche prison as substitute or to pay for the arrested guardian of the pawns. |
Text: possit et debeat relapsari et relapsetur et |
1425 luglio 20 |
Term of payment to debtor with guarantor. |
Text: voluerunt predicta observando relapsari. Dicta die prestitit |
1425 luglio 20 |
Authority to the administrator and the notary to have arrested debtors released with guaranty or with obligation of appearance. |
Title: notarius Opere possint relapsari facere captos pro |
1425 luglio 20 |
Authority to the administrator and the notary to have arrested debtors released with guaranty or with obligation of appearance. |
Text: tales sic captos relapsari facere cum ydonea |
1430 maggio 19 |
Prohibition to release arrested persons who not have paid the rights owing to the debt collectors and guaranty given to the notary of the Opera. |
Text: possit aliquo modo relapsari nec concedi aliqua |
1430 maggio 19 |
Prohibition to release arrested persons who not have paid the rights owing to the debt collectors and guaranty given to the notary of the Opera. |
Text: possit a rectore relapsari nec per viam |
1430 maggio 19 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: a captura possit relapsari. |
1430/1 febbraio 27 |
Prohibition to release arrested persons that not have paid the right of the arrest. |
Text: petitionem Opere possit relapsari et dari bullettinum |
1431 maggio 9 |
Cancellation of debt and release of an arrested person. |
Text: quantitate liberetur et relapsari debeat sine aliqua |
1434 agosto 20 |
Order to arrest the consuls of the Guild of the Masters for the unwarranted arrest of Brunelleschi. |
Text: et non possint relapsari absque eorum partito. |
1434 agosto 31 |
Release of the consul of the Guild of the Masters. |
Text: consules Artis prefate relapsari fecerunt Filippum ser |
1435/6 gennaio 11 |
Authorization to have a person arrested for the Commune of Carmignano released on the condition that one of the wardens answer for him. |
Text: quod notarius Opere relapsari faciat quemdam de |