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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1424 dicembre 14 |
Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. |
Text: ponit alios magistros scharpellatores ad laborandum in |
1424 dicembre 14 |
Registration of the daily wages of a stonecutter. |
Text: laborant alii magistri scharpellatores, et tenere debeat |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. |
Text: et scribuntur magistri scharpellatores prefate Opere qui |
1424/5 gennaio 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutters. |
Text: ubi describuntur magistri scharpellatores Opere predicte eo |
1424/5 febbraio 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: in quibus scribuntur scharpellatores et magistri scharpellatores |
1424/5 febbraio 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: scharpellatores et magistri scharpellatores dicte Opere pro |
1424/5 febbraio 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: hiemis quo alii scharpellatores fuerunt per dictos |
1424/5 febbraio 14 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter at Trassinaia. |
Text: ad librum alii scharpellatores Trassinarie. |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters in Trassinaia and setting of salary for workers. |
Text: quibus scribuntur magistri scharpellatores Opere et Trassinaie, |
1425 aprile 3 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: scribuntur magistri et scharpellatores Opere pro magistris |
1425 aprile 12 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutter. |
Text: ubi scribuntur magistri scharpellatores prefate Opere pro |
1425 aprile 26 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: libros, ubi scribuntur scharpellatores Opere prefate, in |
1425 maggio 16 |
Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. |
Text: quo per magistros scharpellatores dicte Opere non |
1425 giugno 1 |
Registration of the daily wages of master stonecutter. |
Text: quibus scribuntur magistri scharpellatores prefate Opere pro |
1425 luglio 30 |
Order to rent the Trassinaia quarry, except the part reserved by the owners, and compensation of damages made there. |
Text: offitii commissarios, chavatores, scharpellatores et manovales et |
1425 agosto 22 |
Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. |
Title: quod omnes magistri scharpellatores |
1425 agosto 22 |
Order to each of the masters to bring a hammer and consign it to the scribe, under penalty of non-registration of work days. |
Text: singuli magistri tam scharpellatores quam muratores existentes |
1425 ottobre 12 |
Authorization to the administrator to reduce the salary fixed for the stonecutters by 2 soldi per lira. |
Title: data caputmagistro Opere scharpellatores Opere mictere Trassinariam |
1425 ottobre 22 |
Election of stonecutter. |
Text: scribuntur alii magistri scharpellatores prefate Opere pro |
1425 ottobre 22 |
Election of stonecutter. |
Text: quo scribuntur alii scharpellatores dicte Opere Leonardum |
1425 dicembre 10 |
Election of stonecutter. |
Text: scribuntur magistri et scharpellatores Opere, eo modo |
1425 dicembre 10 |
Election of stonecutter. |
Text: scribuntur magistri et scharpellatores dicte Opere Iacobum |
1425/6 gennaio 25 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Title: Electio in scharpellatores Opere |
1425/6 gennaio 25 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: quo scribuntur alii scharpellatores prefate Opere Chechum |
1426 marzo 26 |
Order to the master stonecutters in the Opera and at Trassinaia to work at least eight days for every pay period, under penalty of dismissal. |
Title: Contra scharpellatores |
1426 aprile 15 |
Hiring of stonecutter for Trassinaia. |
Text: in quo scribuntur scharpellatores Trassinarie eo modo |
1426 giugno 13 |
Prohibition to master stonecutters and masons to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost and a warden. |
Title: Contra scharpellatores et muratores Opere |
1426 giugno 13 |
Acquittal of masters for inobservance of the resolutions of the wardens. |
Text: et muratores seu scharpellatores prefate Opere qui |
1426 dicembre 16 |
Hiring of two stonecutters. |
Text: de Maiano in scharpellatores et magistros dicte |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. |
Title: Commissio eligendi certos scharpellatores |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to wardens to elect stonecutters. |
Text: possit eligerunt in scharpellatores Opere prefate duos |
(1426/7 febbraio 28) |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: et nominati in scharpellatores Opere vigore dicte |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: nominati fuerunt in scharpellatores dicte Opere per |
1427 aprile 8 |
Registration of (stonecutter) in the book of the scribe with salary to be determined. |
Text: quo scribuntur alii scharpellatores Opere prefate Blaxium |
1427 giugno 17 |
Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. |
Text: singuli magistri et scharpellatores prefate Opere qui |
1427 giugno 17 |
Permit to to work in the Opera to stonecutters and permission to work outside the Opera for three days. |
Text: prout facit alios scharpellatores dicte Opere qui |
1427 agosto 18 |
Rehiring of master stonecutters with registration of work days and customary salary for the summer. |
Text: otto magistros et scharpellatores ad laborandum in |
1427 agosto 18 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Title: per operarios in scharpellatores |
1427 settembre 9 |
Salary set for stonecutters who work on the cupola in dangerous conditions, with increase for the summer and the winter. |
Text: Parentis alias Massa scharpellatores dicte Opere super |
1427 ottobre 16 |
Election of stonecutter for the winter. |
Text: librum prout alios scharpellatores dicte Opere. |
1427 ottobre 20 |
Election of stonecutter for the winter. |
Text: prout scribit alios scharpellatores. |
1427/8 gennaio 14 |
Concession to stonecutters to purchase up to 8 towloads of the Opera's lumber with monthly deduction from their wages. |
Text: Succhielli et filii scharpellatores Opere possint emere |
1428 novembre 18 |
Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. |
Text: tam muratores quam scharpellatores prefate Opere operentur |
1428 novembre 23 |
Hiring of masters with salary set. |
Text: in muratores et scharpellatores prefate Opere pro |
1428 dicembre 3 |
Election of two stonecutters. |
Text: servandis eligerunt in scharpellatores et magistros murandi |
1429/30 febbraio 14 |
Recovery of stones and columns in an abandoned church near the castle of Vada and letters to the Podestà of Rosignano and to the vicar of Lari for collaboration. |
Text: et Iacobus Sandri scharpellatores Opere teneantur et |
1430 maggio 29 |
Election of master stonecutters. |
Text: eligerunt in magistros scharpellatores Opere Pierum Francisci |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Rent of a garden with stable and shed to the notary of the Opera. |
Text: dicta Opera per scharpellatores et alios magistros |
1431 aprile 26 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: Item eligerunt in scharpellatores Opere pro salario |
1432 maggio 30 |
Registration of the days worked in the restoration of the oculus of the facade towards the bell tower. |
Text: et Meum Naldini scharpellatores Opere in actando |
1432/3 marzo 23 |
Authorization to put stonecutters to work in Trassinaia. |
Title: caputmagister mictat quattuor scharpellatores ad laborandum |
1434 agosto 25 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: modo eligerunt in scharpellatores Opere ad laborandum |