Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Payment for supply of black marble. |
Text: Romolo Melchionnis de Septignano conductoribus marmoris nigri |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Payment for supply of white marble. |
Text: Andree omnibus de Septignano conductoribus marmoris albi |
1416/7 marzo 24 |
Payment for supply of white marble. |
Text: Iacobo Dominici de Septignano pro parte solutionis |
1417 aprile 29 |
Payment for the purchase of slabs of sandstone for a spiral staircase. |
Text: Ciglio Borre de Septignano quos recipere debet |
1417 maggio 19 |
Hiring of two masters. |
Text: Meum Dominici de Septignano pro tota presenti |
1417/8 febbraio 18 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: Meo Agnoli de Septignano pro salmis seccentis |
1417/8 febbraio 26 |
Payment for removing earth. |
Text: Meo Agnoli de Septignano pro resto salmarum |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for pardons. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Septignano solvendo per totam |
1418 aprile 18 |
Contract for red marble. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Septignano comitatus florentini ibidem |
1418 aprile 29 |
Salary set for marble sculptor. |
Text: Matteus Iacobi de Septignano intagliator marmoris habeat |
1418 giugno 7 |
Promise of execution for work already paid for and corresponding guaranty. |
Text: Chele Cecchini de Septignano laborans in Opere |
1419 aprile 29 |
Salary set for workforce. |
Text: Antonius Guidi de Septignano soldos quindecim f.p. |
1419 aprile 29 |
Payment for the purchase of marble. |
Text: Laurentio Salvadoris de Septignano quos recipere debet |
1419 ottobre 24 |
Salary set for workforces for the winter. |
Text: Antonius Guidonis de Septignano soldos quattuordecim f.p. |
1419 ottobre 7 |
Payment for supply of black marble. |
Text: Laurentio Salvadoris de Septignano et sociis conductoribus |
1419 novembre 7 |
Payment for supply of white marble with promise to go to Carrara to get it. |
Text: Piero Andree de Septignano et sociis conductoribus |
1419 luglio 14 |
Promise to respect the terms of consignment for manufacture of gutter spouts in part already paid with guaranty. |
Text: Nannis Masse de Septignano constitutus personaliter coram |
1419 novembre 17 |
Reciprocal guaranties between masters who promise to work in the summer. |
Text: Antonius Guidonis de Septignano Pro Antonio dicto |
1419/20 gennaio 2 |
Guaranty for loan to contractor. |
Text: vocato Borra de Septignano conductore una cum |
1419/20 gennaio 9 |
Guaranty for contractors of black marble to the respect the terms attached to an allocation of funds. |
Text: Christofano Sandri de Septignano conductoribus una cum |
1425 giugno 8 |
Payment for supply of white marble. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Septignano conductori marmoris albi |
1425 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Septignano comitatus Florentie constitutus |
1425 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: Sancte Marie de Septignano comitatus Florentie et |
1426 luglio 11 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for supply of white marble, injunction of supplier and summons of the notary of testaments. |
Text: precipiatur Bertino de Septignano conductori dicte Opere |
1426 ottobre 2 |
Order to the administrator and the notary to compel (supplier) to the respect the terms of agreement for a supply of (marble). |
Text: Bertinum Vernagalli de Septignano et eius fideiussores |
1426/7 febbraio 10 |
Election of master. |
Title: Antonii Iusti de Septignano in magistrum Opere |
1426/7 febbraio 10 |
Election of master. |
Text: Antonii Iusti de Septignano. |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Prices for various work done by the stonecutters of Lastra. |
Text: Masoni Cecchini de Septignano magistris scharpelli qui |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: Barbadoris, Bastianus de Septignano et Dominicus eius |
1427 agosto 18 |
Rehiring of master stonecutters with registration of work days and customary salary for the summer. |
Text: Iusti omnes de Septignano. |
1427 agosto 18 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: Antonius Cambii de Septignano; electus fuit per |
1427 agosto 18 |
Election of stonecutters. |
Text: Iohannes Cincii de Septignano; electus fuit per |
1427 agosto 18 |
Term of payment to the baptismal parish of Settignano. |
Text: terminum plebatui de Septignano ad solvendum quod |
1427 agosto 20 |
Site inspection by two wardens and the master builder at the castle of Lastra for the workers who are preparing the dressed stone. |
Text: et Masone de Septignano et postea debeant |
1427 agosto 28 |
Confirmation of prices to master stonecutters for certain work done at Lastra and variation of price for other work, with modification of the measurements. |
Text: Bertino Pieri de Septignano et Masoni de |
1427 ottobre 20 |
Election of stonecutter for the winter. |
Text: Fruosinum Naldini de Septignano et quod eum |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. |
Text: alias Fraschetta de Septignano ad conducendum ad |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out white marble for the external ribs of the great cupola and advance on payment. |
Text: Bertinus Pieri de Septignano infrascriptis terminis, videlicet |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Loan of boards for a platform in Santa Croce square on the occasion of the joust. |
Text: Niccholao Buionis de Septignano quascumque asses voluerint |
1427/8 gennaio 22 |
Hiring of stonecutter. |
Text: Antonii Saliscendi de Septignano pro eo salario |
1427/8 febbraio 9 |
Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. |
Text: Cecchini ambobus de Septignano ad cavandum, faciendum |
1428 maggio 18 |
Letter to the treasurer of Pisa instructing him to pay the boatmen for transport of marble. |
Title: Bertino Pieri de Septignano littera camerario Pisarum |
1428 maggio 18 |
Letter to the treasurer of Pisa instructing him to pay the boatmen for transport of marble. |
Text: Bertini Pieri de Septignano a marina usque |
1428 luglio 14 |
Hiring of stonecutter. |
Text: Niccolaum Dominici de Septignano pro salario alias |
1428 ottobre 1 |
Contract for slabs of sandstone for the cupola. |
Text: vocato Falcioni de Septignano certos lastronos macigni |
1428 ottobre 12 |
Election of two stonecutters. |
Text: Nonnum Nannis de Septignano Boninum Nuti. |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Consignment of red marble to masters with restitution of the amount paid by the Opera. |
Text: Piero ... de Septignano et eius filio |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Hiring of master masons and stonecutters. |
Text: Guidonis Chalvani de Septignano et Meum Andree |
1428/9 febbraio 14 |
Hiring of master. |
Text: Chechum Trincie de Septignano pro eo salario |
1429/30 gennaio 9 |
Election of stonecutter in Trassinaia for the winter. |
Title: Mariotto Pieri de Septignano |
1429/30 gennaio 9 |
Election of stonecutter in Trassinaia for the winter. |
Text: Simonis Masse de Septignano. |
1429/30 gennaio 31 |
Information on the state of the marble lying in the ports of Carrara and Avenza and dispatch of a master for the recovery of a stone altar slab. |
Text: alias Fraschetta de Septignano, qui Chechus teneatur |
1429/30 febbraio 22 |
Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. |
Title: Bertini Pieri de Septignano de quo fit |
1429/30 febbraio 22 |
Price set for marble to be conveyed for a figure and sum to be withheld against restitution of papyrus paper model. |
Text: Bertinum Pieri de Septignano pro faciendo quamdam |
1430 aprile 21 |
Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure. |
Title: inter Bertinum da Septignano et Bernardum Ciuffagni |
1430 aprile 21 |
Order to resolve the dispute regarding models given to the master charged with rough-hewing marble for a figure. |
Text: Bertinum Pieri de Septignano ex una parte |
1430 maggio 2 |
Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. |
Title: Checho Andree de Septignano pro conducendo lapidem |
1430 maggio 2 |
Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. |
Text: alias Fraschetta de Septignano vadat Vadam ad |
1430 giugno 16 |
Hiring of two workers, one of whom with deformity. |
Text: Mecherum Bruni de Septignano pro salario alias |
1430 giugno 16 |
Compensation to Ciuffagni for models lost by a supplier of marble and payment to the latter for the balance of the sum allocated. |
Title: Bertino Pieri de Septignano |
1430 giugno 16 |
Compensation to Ciuffagni for models lost by a supplier of marble and payment to the latter for the balance of the sum allocated. |
Text: Bertino Pieri de Septignano conductori marmoris Opere |
1430 settembre 13 |
Hiring of a stonecutter. |
Text: Cecchinum Giaggii de Septignano pro eo salario |
1430 settembre 27 |
Nomination of masters on the part of a warden. |
Text: Iusti ambos de Septignano. |
1430 settembre 27 |
Election of masters. |
Text: Iusti ambos de Septignano et Corsellum Guidonis |
1430 ottobre 3 |
Nomination of a master in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: Cecchini scharpellatorem de Septignano pro salario alias |
1432 novembre 29 |
Hiring of stonecutter. |
Text: Fruosinum Naldini de Septignano. |
1433 dicembre 30 |
Contract for stone slab and pieces of marble for the two organ lofts. |
Text: Andree Fraschetta de Septignano presenti et pro |
1433/4 febbraio 11 |
Hiring of a stonecutter. |
Text: Fruosinum Naldini de Septignano pro salario alias |