Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 12 |
Prohibition to demand payment from the doctors and the students of the Florentine Studio for debts of their communes. |
Text: quia secundum ordinamenta Studii suprascripti capi vel |
1422 maggio 20 |
Offering of wax for the feast of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: intellecto qualiter scolares Studii florentini pro honorantia |
1422 dicembre 18 |
Loan of benches for a dissertation at the Studio with transport at the expense of the orator. |
Text: faciat ad locum Studii et ad Operam |
1429 agosto 20 |
Order to the master builder to attend to the upkeep of the Florentine Studio in accordance with communal legislation. |
Text: necessaria ad manutentionem Studii florentini procurare et |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Title: Pro reactatione Studii florentini |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Text: domum seu domos Studii florentini totiens quotiens |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Text: in dicta domo Studii, idcirco moti ad |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Text: requisitionem offitialium dicti Studii deliberaverunt quod caputmagister |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Text: requisitionem dictorum offitialium Studii teneatur et debeat |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Order to remodel the Florentine Studio without exceeding the sum foreseen. |
Text: eidem imponent offitiales Studii pro reactatione prefate |
1429 ottobre 19 |
Order to the master builder to make repairs to a chamber of the Studio Florentine. |
Text: palchum cuiusdam camere Studii florentini et pro |
1432 ottobre 17 |
Construction of seat in cathedral for the rector and officials of the Florentine Studio. |
Text: rectore et offitialibus Studii florentini pro faciendo |