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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1428 luglio 5 |
Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber |
Text: conducta ducentos quindecim traynos lignaminis ad dictam |
1428 luglio 5 |
Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber |
Text: ad dictam Operam traynos ducentos quindecim pro |
1428 luglio 5 |
Agreements for the resolution of a lumber supply interrupted because of the war with partition between the suppliers and the Opera of the damages suffered because of the abandonment of cut lumber |
Text: debeat sexaginta quattuor traynos lignaminis ad rationem |
1428 ottobre 1 |
Authority to the administrator and the master builder for contract for cutting of lumber in the forest of Campigna. |
Text: usque in quadringentos traynos lignaminis, mensuris prout |
1436 aprile 30 |
Authority to the master builder to contract out lumber. |
Title: Balia conducendi triginta traynos lignaminis |
1436 aprile 30 |
Authority to the master builder to contract out lumber. |
Text: sibi placuerit triginta traynos lignaminis dicte silve. |
1430/1 marzo 23 |
Authorization to a private person to purchase lumber. |
Text: usque in decem traynos lignaminis Opere pro |
1426 dicembre 16 |
Authorization to cut in the forest of the Opera up to 30 towloads of (lumber), neither rough-hewn nor trimmed. |
Title: usque in XXX traynos de silva Opere |
1426 dicembre 16 |
Authorization to cut in the forest of the Opera up to 30 towloads of (lumber), neither rough-hewn nor trimmed. |
Text: usque in triginta traynos, solvendo soldos viginti |
1436 aprile 30 |
Authorization to cut logs in the forest of the Opera. |
Text: incidi facere quattuor traynos lignaminis in silva |
1435 luglio 29 |
Authorization to cut lumber in the Campigna plain. |
Text: planum Campigne triginta traynos lignaminis, fideiubendo de |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera and letter to the its guardian. |
Title: Opere usque in traynos XXX |
1430 settembre 18 |
Authorization to cut lumber in the forest of the Opera for the hospital of Santa Maria degli Innocenti. |
Text: usque in trecentos traynos lignaminis, solvendo Opere |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera. |
Title: usque in quinque traynos |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera. |
Text: usque in quinque traynos solvendo Opere pro |
1435 aprile 22 |
Authorization to cut lumber of the forest for the hospital of the Innocenti. |
Text: usque in centum traynos lignaminis, solvendo Opere |
1429 settembre 27 |
Authorization to cut lumber outside of the Campigna plain. |
Text: usque in viginti traynos lignaminis solvendo Opere |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Authorization to cut up to 30 towloads in the Campigna plain. |
Title: usque in triginta traynos lignaminis extra planum |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Authorization to cut up to 30 towloads in the Campigna plain. |
Text: usque in triginta traynos lignaminis, cum hac |
1434/5 febbraio 20 |
Authorization to private person to cut lumber of the forest. |
Text: Campigne usque in traynos triginta, solvendo Opere |
1432/3 gennaio 23 |
Authorization to remove lumber from the forest at differentiated prices. |
Text: trarri facere otto traynos lignaminis solvendo Opere |
1430 giugno 22 |
Authorization to sell lumber. |
Text: usque in decem traynos lignaminis Opere nondum |
1429 dicembre 2 |
Authorization to the administrator to sell towloads of lumber. |
Text: usque in otto traynos lignaminis et Francischo |
1429 dicembre 2 |
Authorization to the administrator to sell towloads of lumber. |
Text: usque in tres traynos lignaminis, solvendo Opere |
1435 maggio 4 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out cutting, trimming and conveying of lumber according to the measurements and times set by him. |
Text: Operam conducendum centum traynos lignaminis silve Opere |
1435 aprile 29 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Title: caputmagistro locandi quinquaginta traynos lignaminis ad faciendum |
1435 aprile 29 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. |
Text: ad Opera quinquaginta traynos lignaminis de silva |
1429 aprile 21 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out towloads of lumber. |
Title: usque in LXXX traynos lignaminis possint locari |
1429 aprile 21 |
Authorization to the master builder to contract out towloads of lumber. |
Text: usque in octuaginta traynos lignaminis mensuris eidem |
1429 ottobre 10 |
Authorization to warden to have up to sixteen towloads of lumber cut outside of the Campigna plain. |
Text: usque in sedecim traynos lignaminis seu usque |
1433/4 febbraio 19 |
Commission to contract out lumber. |
Text: usque in centum traynos lignaminis ad incidendum |
1433/4 febbraio 19 |
Commission to contract out lumber. |
Text: del Chonte quadraginta traynos lignaminis pro pretiis |
1430 maggio 11 |
Contract for cutting and supply of towloads of lumber in accordance with quantity and measurements indicated by the master builder. |
Text: planum Campigne centum traynos lignaminis mensuris exibendis |
1430 maggio 11 |
Contract for cutting and supply of towloads of lumber in accordance with quantity and measurements indicated by the master builder. |
Text: dumtaxat viginti quinque traynos lignaminis et nisi |
1435 aprile 4 |
Contract for cutting of lumber. |
Text: Opere centum quinquaginta traynos lignaminis hominibus Castagni |
1433 luglio 13 |
Contract for supply of lumber and term for consignment. |
Text: usque in sexaginta traynos lignaminis de conducta |
1428 aprile 19 |
Contract for towloads of fir poles to be transported from the forest to the port of San Francesco. |
Text: usque in triginta traynos abetellarum pro pretio |
1429 luglio 5 |
Contract for up to 50 towloads of lumber to be cut in the forest. |
Title: usque in quinquaginta traynos lignaminis |
1429 luglio 5 |
Contract for up to 50 towloads of lumber to be cut in the forest. |
Text: usque in quinquaginta traynos lignaminis mensuris eidem |
1432 giugno 13 |
Deadline for consignment of lumber. |
Text: portum Moscie quadraginta traynos lignaminis per totum |
1430 aprile 21 |
Letter for cutting and supply of lumber in accordance with the indications of the master builder. |
Text: usque in triginta traynos lignaminis eidem locatos |
1435/6 gennaio 2 |
Letter to the lumber raftsmen of the Opera instructing them to consign up to 50 towloads to the raftsmen of the Sea Consuls to permit the transport of galley masts together with the lumber. |
Text: usque in quinquaginta traynos lignaminis, ad hoc |
1428 aprile 17 |
Obligation to the suppliers to take back the rotten lumber they delivered, paying the price levied before its withdrawal. |
Text: anno viginti settem traynos lignaminis corructi et |
1417/8 marzo 10 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: impensi in conducendum traynos quadraginta quattuor et |
1427/8 febbraio 5 |
Sale of four towloads of lumber to stonecutter with monthly deduction. |
Text: scharpellatori Opere quattuor traynos lignaminis Opere solvendo |