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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 marzo 11 |
Authorization to sell fir wood. |
Text: Francisci Corsi vendantur tria ligna de habete |
1416/7 marzo 11 |
Authorization to sell fir wood. |
Text: de Guasconibus vendantur tria ligna de habete |
1418 settembre 6 |
Loan of timbers of the Opera. |
Text: Iohannis Bischeri mutuentur tria ligna Operis quibus |
1418/9 febbraio 27 |
Authorization to sell marble. |
Text: Bartolomei Valoris vendantur tria miliaria marmoris Operis |
1419 aprile 26 |
Authorization to sell old logs and boards coming from Santa Maria Novella. |
Text: vendantur duo vel tria ligna vetera de |
1419 luglio 5 |
Authorization to sell fir logs. |
Text: Iohanni Tommasi vendantur tria ligna de habete |
1419 settembre 6 |
Revocation of demand of payment for forced loans and pardons on properties because of dotal rights and renunciation of inheritance. |
Text: capacitatis quattuor lagenarum, tria lenteamina vetera et |
1419 ottobre 7 |
Sale of logs extracted from three old doors removed from Santa Maria Novella. |
Text: Francisci magistro vendantur tria hostia vetera, videlicet |
1419 settembre 13 |
Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. |
Text: c. 54 suprascripta tria stantiamenta. |
1421 luglio 10 |
Payment for cutting and trimming of fir lumber. |
Text: et dolando viginti tria traina lignaminis abietis |
1422 novembre 5 |
Oath of wardens and sale of big logs to private persons. |
Text: permissa usque in tria ligna grossa pro |
1423 giugno 2 |
Sale of pawns. |
Text: detrahatur de predictis tria pignora pro certo |
1422/3 febbraio 15 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: Arrestacci pro modia tria et staria XV |
1424 aprile 4 |
Payment for supply of mortar. |
Text: fornaciario pro modiis tria et stariis sex |
1424 dicembre 9 |
Payment for the purchase of mortar. |
Text: sex et staria tria chalcine a die |
1427 dicembre 19 |
Authorization to kilnman to buy four wooden vats at the expense of the Opera. |
Text: pro dicta Opera tria vel quattuor tina |
1428 maggio 14 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa for the white marble to be conveyed and letter to the notary of testaments for the collection of taxes. |
Text: salis duo vel tria petia marmoris; ac |
1428 luglio 27 |
Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. |
Text: 1696; et quod tria petia ex dictis |
1428 agosto 16 |
Tare on three pieces of white marble conveyed from Pisa, because veined and black. |
Text: Item taraverunt tria petia marmoris albi |
1428 agosto 16 |
Tare on three pieces of white marble conveyed from Pisa, because veined and black. |
Text: dictam rationem dicta tria petia mictere ad |
1429 ottobre 19 |
Order to the master builder to make repairs to a chamber of the Studio Florentine. |
Text: palcho dicte camere tria ligna Opere expensis |
1432 giugno 6 |
Tare for supply of broad bricks fired badly. |
Text: Brozi conduci fecit tria milia centum quadronos |
1432 luglio 30 |
Restitution of pawns. |
Text: Fesularum est infra tria miliaria prope civitatem |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Letter to the Five of Pisa with concession of timbers for the restoration of an oratory. |
Text: parati incidi facere tria ligna quibus indigent, |
1433/4 febbraio 19 |
Commission for cutting of timbers for an oratory in Pisa. |
Text: ad instantiam Opere tria ligna, mensuris dandis |
1435 aprile 1 |
Authorization to accept three previously refused pieces of marble and to register them in the suppliers' account. |
Text: et sociis suis tria petia marmoris conducti |
1435 aprile 1 |
Acceptance of pieces of marble previously refused. |
Title: Quod acceptentur tria petia marmoris Fraschette |
1435 aprile 1 |
Acceptance of pieces of marble previously refused. |
Text: et acceptare teneatur tria petia marmoris albi |
1435/6 febbraio 6 |
Authorization to cut logs in the forest of the Opera outside the Campigna plain. |
Text: extra planum Campigne tria ligna, solvendo Opere |