Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1419 dicembre 14 |
Tax set for house acquired and rules for the assignment of houses to canons in accordance with seniority and positions held. |
Text: canonicis quod ipsam velit, tunc et eo |
1431 maggio 16 |
Payment deadline of a house tax and threat of evacuation. |
Text: casu quo non velit solvere, disgrombrare teneatur |
1430 dicembre 7 |
Dismissal of the administrator of the Trassinaia quarry for failure to fulfill his obligations and provision for his substitution. |
Text: cave Trassinarie non velit seu possit stare |
1422 maggio 12 |
Detention of the ambassadors of the communes of the val di Nievole, except that of Montecatini, and new letter to the local vicar for his substitution with two other men. |
Text: comparitione ipsorum fidem velit manu mei notarii |
1419 settembre 4 |
Assignment of house to canon. |
Text: dictam domum non velit assignaverunt ipsam domum |
1425 luglio 3 |
Assignment of house to chaplain and order to evacuate another house inhabited by him. |
Text: dictus ser Antonius velit eam et acceptet, |
1422 settembre 11 |
Letter to the vicar of val di Nievole with summons for the treasurer of the Commune of Pescia. |
Text: eorum et fidem velit de comparitione facta |
1420/1 marzo 10 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for two Pisan citizens as guarantors of the unrespected term of the Commune's debt. |
Text: eorumdem et fidem velit de presentatione eorumdem. |
1420/1 marzo 19 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa and summons for two Pisan citizens. |
Text: eos, et fidem velit ab eis de |
1420/1 gennaio 23 |
Authorization to the notary to write to the rectors of the countryside and district for the collection of the debts with summons for some subjects. |
Text: et de comparitione velit sibi fidem fieri |
1432/3 gennaio 23 |
Authorization to remove lumber from the forest at differentiated prices. |
Text: in casu quo velit de lignamine tracto |
1429 dicembre 2 |
Order to canons to elect a chaplain who must live in the cloister. |
Text: Pistorio ubi non velit stare ubi est |
1425 maggio 16 |
Letter to the administrator of Pisa for information on testamentary bequest of house. |
Text: pretio et quo velit dictum pretium ipsos |
1421 luglio 4 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for two of the most expert and rich Pisan citizens. |
Text: sadisdare et fidem velit deputatione eorumdem infra |
1422 maggio 12 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa for summons of various personages. |
Text: satisdare et fidem velit manu mei notarii |
1421 maggio 5 |
Letter to the Captain of Pisa with summons for Pisan citizens, who left Florence without permission. |
Text: satisdare et fidem velit quod paruerint manu |
1417 aprile 6 |
Letter to the Podestà of Pisa concerning rights upon houses bought from the Opera. |
Text: ut possit si velit aliquid dicere, mictere |