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Context of query
o0201070b.078vf 1416/7 febbraio 6 Arrest of guarantor for debt for forced loans. Text: pro prestantiis. Die VIIII dicti mensis relapsatus,
o0201072.018vg 1417/8 febbraio 10 Salary set for workforce. Text: Antonius Bertini soldos VIIII denarios VI Nannes
o0201073.001a 1418 aprile 9 Incipit with the wardens in office during the semester. Text: anno initiato die VIIII aprilis 1418 etc.
o0201074.018b 1418 settembre 6 Election of a messenger for a year with salary set, and his oath. Text: serviet etc. Die VIIII dicti mensis dictus
o0201077.033c 1420 aprile 12 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: prestantiis in libris VIIII soldis V denariis
o0201077.051vc 1419 dicembre 29 Salary of the notary of the Opera. Text: otto f.p. f. VIIII l. II s.
o0201077.051vd 1419 dicembre 29 Salary allowance of the notary of the Opera. Text: l. III s. VIIII d. IIII
o0201077.051vf 1419 dicembre 7 Payment for various expenditures. Text: quattuor f.p. s. VIIII d. IIII Eidem
o0201077.051vf 1419 dicembre 7 Payment for various expenditures. Text: denarios IIII l. VIIII s. X d.
o0201077.053b 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for supply of mortar and purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: quolibet modio et VIIII m(iliaria) inter mattones
o0201077.054f 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for carriage of stones for the Pope's residence. Text: l. LXXVIII s. VIIII d. IIII
o0201077.054g 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for the purchase of dressed stones for a door and a trough. Text: otto f.p. l. VIIII s. IIII d.
o0201077.054va 1419/20 gennaio 18 Payment for the purchase of poplar rafters for the Pope's residence. Text: sedecim f.p. l. VIIII s. XVI
o0201077.058c 1419/20 febbraio 13 Payment for hauling log rafts out of the water and towing of lumber. Text: decem f.p. l. VIIII s. I d.
o0201077.060vg 1419/20 marzo 8 Balance of payment for carriage of various cartloads of stones and for help given in towing the lintel of the door of the Pope's residence. Text: l. IIII s. VIIII d. IIII
o0201077.061a 1419/20 marzo 8 Payment to carter for help given to tow the lintel of the door of the Pope's residence. Text: novem f.p. l. VIIII
o0201077.063a 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of bricks and flat bricks for the Pope's residence. Text: l. CLXXXVI s. VIIII
o0201077.063c 1420 marzo 27 Balance of payment for a wall and other work done at the Pope's residence. Text: otto f.p. l. VIIII s. IIII d.
o0201077.063vf 1420 marzo 27 Payment for the purchase of corbels for the Pope's residence. Text: l. VIII s. VIIII d. II
o0201077.065vd 1420 aprile 19 Payment for work on the roof over the door of the Pope's residence. Text: l. LXIII s. VIIII d. 4
o0201077.066a 1420 aprile 19 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201077.067i 1420 maggio 18 Payment for the purchase of wine for the masters who worked on the stairs of the Pope's residence. Text: l. II s. VIIII
o0201077.067vc 1420 maggio 18 Payment for various purchases of lumber and expenditures for Santa Maria Novella. Text: l. X s. VIIII Et pro sex
o0201077.070e 1420 giugno 28 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201078.025vb 1421 aprile 18 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: libris XI soldis VIIII pro prestantiis quolibet
o0201078.064vb 1420/1 gennaio 23 Payment for the purchase of lumber of fir. Text: f. LVI s. VIIII d. V
o0201078.065e 1420/1 gennaio 31 Payment for the purchase of lead in the form of rainspouts. Text: l. II s. VIIII d. VIII
o0201078.067vf 1420/1 marzo 19 Payment for transport of stones. Text: l. XXVIIII s. VIIII
o0201078.069f 1421 aprile 16 Payment to kilnman tenant for alterations made to the kiln. Text: s. VI d. VIIII
o0201078.071f 1421 aprile 16 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201079.052vb 1421 dicembre 23 Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. Text: IIIM CCCXII soldis VIIII, reducta postea ad
o0201079.067a 1421 luglio 16 Salary allowance of the master builder. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201079.067b 1421 luglio 16 Salary of Filippo Brunelleschi supervisor of the main cupola. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201079.067c 1421 luglio 16 Salary of Lorenzo di Bartolo goldsmith supervisor of the cupola. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201079.067d 1421 luglio 16 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201079.069c 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: per totum diem VIIII presentis mensis pro
o0201079.069vf 1421 agosto 20 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: usque in diem VIIII dicti mensis pro
o0201079.070g 1421 agosto 20 Reimbursement to lender for decease of horse lent. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201079.071f 1421 agosto 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: s. X d. VIIII
o0201079.074b 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: s. VI d. VIIII
o0201079.074h 1421 ottobre 2 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: otto f.p. l. VIIII s. III d.
o0201079.077vd 1421 ottobre 31 Salary allowance of the administrator. Text: quattuordecim f.p. f. VIIII l. II s.
o0201079.080vi 1421 novembre 21 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: s. XV d. VIIII
o0201079.081f 1421 novembre 21 Payment for transport of stones. Text: l. VII s. VIIII d. VI
o0201079.091vf 1421 dicembre 19 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: l. XVI s. VIIII d. VI
o0201079.092vc 1421 dicembre 23 Payment for repairs to the roof of the Stinche prison. Text: s. I d. VIIII Antonio Ceccozi renaiuolo
o0201080.063vd 1421/2 gennaio 24 Balance of payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: l. XXXII s. VIIII d. III
o0201080.064c 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: s. XIIII d. VIIII
o0201080.064i 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for carriage of 8 cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry. Text: l. VII s. VIIII d. VI
o0201080.064vb 1421/2 gennaio 24 Payment for carriage of 33 cartloads of stones from Salvi's quarry. Text: l. XL s. VIIII d. IIII
o0201080.066vc 1421/2 marzo 11 Payment for the purchase of fir boards. Text: s. XVIIII d. VIIII
o0201080.067vd 1422 aprile 21 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: l. XLVIII s. VIIII
o0201080.068c 1422 aprile 21 Payment to kilnman for supply of mortar. Text: s. XVIII d. VIIII
o0201080.070h 1422 aprile 29 Balance of payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: soldos IIII denarios VIIII l. XXXII s.
o0201080.070h 1422 aprile 29 Balance of payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: s. IIII d. VIIII
o0201080.070vd 1422 aprile 29 Balance of payment for the purchase of lumber. Text: s. XVII d. VIIII
o0201080.073va 1422 giugno 17 Balance of payment to the Commune of Castagno for supply of lumber. Text: s. IIII d. VIIII
o0201081.035a 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of the master builder. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.035b 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of Brunelleschi supervisor of the cupola. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.035c 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of Ghiberti supervisor of the cupola. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.035d 1422 dicembre 30 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.065d 1422 luglio 7 Salary of the master builder. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201081.065e 1422 luglio 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.065va 1422 luglio 7 Salary allowance of Lorenzo Ghiberti. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.065vb 1422 luglio 7 Salary allowance of Filippo Brunelleschi. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.068d 1422 agosto 7 Payment to hand carter for removal of earth and chips. Text: tres f.p. l. VIIII s. X d.
o0201081.068vg 1422 agosto 7 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: l. I s. VIIII d. VI
o0201081.069a 1422 agosto 7 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks and stones. Text: l. X s. VIIII d. I
o0201081.069h 1422 agosto 7 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: s. X d. VIIII
o0201081.069vd 1422 agosto 7 Payment for petty expenses. Text: l. III s. VIIII
o0201081.072vb 1422 ottobre 6 Salary of the master builder. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.072vc 1422 ottobre 6 Salary allowance of Filippo Brunelleschi supervisor of the cupola. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201081.072vd 1422 ottobre 6 Salary allowance of Lorenzo Ghiberti supervisor of the cupola. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.072ve 1422 ottobre 6 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201081.074vb 1422 giugno 19 Payment to a cooper. Text: l. LIIII s. VIIII d. VI
o0201081.075va 1422 novembre 6 Payment for the purchase of small wood beams. Text: denarios X l. VIIII s. VI d.
o0201081.076ve 1422 novembre 23 Payment for collection of forced loans. Text: novem auri f. VIIII
o0201081.077vf 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for petty expenses. Text: totum libras l. VIIII s. I d.
o0201081.078b 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for transport of stones. Text: l. I s. VIIII
o0201081.078e 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for carriage of sandstone blocks. Text: l. X s. VIIII d. XI
o0201081.078g 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: soldos IIII denarios VIIII l. III s.
o0201081.078g 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: s. IIII d. VIIII
o0201081.078h 1422 dicembre 11 Payment for the purchase of stones. Text: s. X d. VIIII
o0201082.066vb 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks. Text: carradori pro carrate VIIII et quinque duodecimi
o0201082.067vd 1422/3 febbraio 15 Payment for transport of gutter spouts and sandstone blocks. Text: Bruogii pro carratis VIIII et quinque duodecimis
o0201082.073vh 1423 maggio 22 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: XIII et stariis VIIII calcine per eum
o0201082.088f 1422/3 marzo 11 Guaranty for debt guaranteed by tenant of debtor. Text: deliberationem factam die VIIII presentis mensis, pro
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: usque in bracchios VIIII sive VIIII 1/3,
o0201083.056c 1423 luglio 27 Contract for cutting, trimming and transport of fir lumber. Text: bracchios VIIII sive VIIII 1/3, cum hoc
o0201083.067vg 1423 agosto 27 Payment for the purchase of Venetian lead. Text: ad rationem librarum VIIII pro centinario, libras
o0201084.041f 1423/4 gennaio 4 Payment for supply of mortar and for the purchase of bricks. Text: Bonini pro modiis VIIII et stariis XII
o0201084.045vb 1424 aprile 4 Payment for transport of stones. Text: Spigliati per salmas VIIII lapidum per eum
o0201085.040c 1424 novembre 7 Salary of Filippo Brunelleschi. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201085.040va 1424 novembre 7 Salary of Lorenzo di Bartoluccio. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201085.040vb 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the master builder. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201085.040vc 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201085.041d 1424 novembre 7 Salary of Filippo di ser Brunellesco. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201085.041e 1424 novembre 7 Salary of Lorenzo di Bartoluccio. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201085.041f 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the master builder. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201085.041g 1424 novembre 7 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: florenos novem f. VIIII
o0201085.043vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the main tribune. Text: l. LXI s. VIIII d. VI
o0201085.043vf 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: s. XVIII d. VIIII f.p.
o0201085.045a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: s. XIIII d. VIIII
o0201085.045f 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks to illuminate the passageway of the cupola. Text: l. LXXXI s. VIIII d. X
o0201085.075b 1424 ottobre 3 Request of sequestration of money deposited with third parties for reimbursement of expenditures for a right of recourse. Text: Opere sub die VIIII ianuarii MCCCCXXI, retulit
o0201086.041b 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of Filippo di ser Brunellesco. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.041c 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of the master builder. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.041d 1424/5 gennaio 24 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.046vd 1425 aprile 3 Salary of the scribe (of the daily wages). Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.047b 1425 aprile 3 Salary of Filippo Brunelleschi. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.047c 1425 aprile 3 Salary of the master builder. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.047d 1425 aprile 3 Salary of Lorenzo di Bartoluccio. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.050vc 1425 giugno 8 Payment for freight of a rope conveyed from Pisa to Signa. Text: tres f.p. l. VIIII s. VIIII d.
o0201086.050vc 1425 giugno 8 Payment for freight of a rope conveyed from Pisa to Signa. Text: l. VIIII s. VIIII d. III f.p.
o0201086.051vc 1425 giugno 26 Salary of Filippo Brunelleschi. Text: quolibet mense f. VIIII
o0201086.051vd 1425 giugno 26 Salary of the master builder. Text: quolibet mense f. VIIII
o0201086.051ve 1425 giugno 26 Salary of the scribe of the daily wages. Text: quolibet mense f. VIIII
o0201086.052vb 1425 giugno 28 Salary of Ghiberti. Text: auri novem f. VIIII
o0201086.052ve 1425 giugno 28 Balance of payment for transport of lumber. Text: s. XII d. VIIII
o0202001.002vg 1425 luglio 7 Drawing of the provost. Text: diebus initiatis die VIIII dicti mensis Pierus
o0202001.003a 1425 luglio 7 Drawing of the provost of the four cupola officials. Text: diebus initiatorum die VIIII dicti mensis Filippus
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: s. XVIII d. VIIII Pippus Naldini soldos
o0202001.027a 1426 aprile 8 Drawing of the provost. Text: futuris initiatis die VIIII dicti mensis et
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: s. XIII d. VIIII Iohannes Fancielli soldos
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: s. XIII d. VIIII Meus Ferri soldos
o0202001.044g 1426 ottobre 25 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: il Ninna s. VIIII
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Banbino Iacobi s. VIIII d. VIII Marco
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: il Trabellese s. VIIII d. VIII Antonio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: il Traballino s. VIIII d. VIII Iuliano
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Filippi Aliosso s. VIIII d. IIII Ieronimo
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Sexto s. VIIII d. VIII Iohanni
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Monteloro s. VIIII d. VIII Amadio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Amadio Pieri s. VIIII d. VIII Nanni
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Romandiola s. VIIII d. VIII Andree
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Carmignano s. VIIII d. VIII Iohanni
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Coverciano s. VIIII d. VIII Nerio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Nerio Dominici s. VIIII d. IIII Laurentio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Laurentio Fagnini s. VIIII Nencio Chechi de
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Maso Spiglie s. VIIII d. VIII Attaviano
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Iohanni Dominici s. VIIII Appollonio Benis s.
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Appollonio Benis s. VIIII d. VIII Antonio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Francischo Santis s. VIIII d. VIII Piero
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Nannis saponario s. VIIII Simoni Christofani il
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: il Barba s. VIIII d. IIII Nencio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: il Cutigniuola s. VIIII d. VIII Antonio
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Nencio Nannis s. VIIII d. VIII Piero
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: de Varlungho s. VIIII d. IIII Bernardo
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Antonio Bartolomei s. VIIII d. VI Simoni
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Simoni Mei s. VIIII d. VI Lapo
o0202001.056vg 1427 aprile 8 Salary of unskilled workers for the summer and of masters for the winter. Text: Lapo Bernardi s. VIIII Niccolao Antonii fanciullo
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