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Context of query
o0201076.053vd 1419 ottobre 24 Payment for contract for glass oculi. Text: de duobus oculis vitrei in facie ecclesie
o0201086.005vd 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator to rent out the shop called the Galea. Text: inceperit laborare oculos vitrei quos tenetur facere
o0201086.009b 1425 aprile 3 Authorization to the administrator to make expenditures for repairs in a house called the Galea rented to Fra Bernardino master of glass oculi. Text: Bernardino magistro oculorum vitrei illud quod sibi
o0201086.015vd 1425 maggio 16 Revocation of allocation of funds to a master of glass oculi with obligation of guaranty. Text: Bernardino magistro oculorum vitrei de florenis quinquaginta,
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Text: dederit duobus oculis vitrei quos tenetur facere
o0201086.044vd 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to Fra Bernardo for two glass oculi. Text: faciendo duos oculos vitrei in ecclesia katedrali
o0201086.051b 1425 giugno 12 Payment for work on the house called the Galea. Text: Bernardinus magister oculorum vitrei, que domus dicitur
o0201086.070b 1424/5 marzo 1 Guaranty for contract for glass oculi. Text: faciendo duos oculos vitrei in maiori navi
o0202001.008d 1425 agosto 22 Concession to maestro Giovanni da San Miniato of part of shop next to the house he rents from the Opera. Text: Bernardinum magistrum oculorum vitrei, in qua quadam
o0202001.026vb 1426 marzo 26 Letter to the master of glass windows ordering him to return to work in Florence, under penalty of demand of payment. Text: ad laborandum oculos vitrei quos duxit fiendos
o0202001.029c 1426 aprile 29 Notification to have letter written to Venice for the dispatch of glass purchased and letter to the master of the glass oculi instructing him to come to work on them. Text: scribere Venetias quod vitrei empti Venetiis ad
o0202001.029c 1426 aprile 29 Notification to have letter written to Venice for the dispatch of glass purchased and letter to the master of the glass oculi instructing him to come to work on them. Text: Bernardino magistro oculorum vitrei, quod veniat ad
o0202001.045vd 1426 novembre 6 Term to guarantors of master glazier to induce him to complete the work commissioned or give back sum anticipated for the same. Text: Bernardini magistri oculorum vitrei quod infra quindecim
o0202001.080va 1427/8 marzo 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to repair the windows and glass oculus. Title: Quod actentur finestre vitrei et oculus ecclesie
o0202001.145c 1431 luglio 4 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: fratris Bernardini magistri vitrei ad solvendum infrascripto
o0202001.157l 1432 aprile 3 Registration of the days worked preparing scaffolding to install the stained-glass window of the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Title: pro apponendo finestram vitrei
o0202001.157l 1432 aprile 3 Registration of the days worked preparing scaffolding to install the stained-glass window of the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: in ponendo finestram vitrei in dicta cappella;
o0202001.158b 1432 aprile 8 Order to commission the stained-glass central window of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Title: Francisci magistro fenestre vitrei
o0202001.158b 1432 aprile 8 Order to commission the stained-glass central window of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Text: faciendum unam fenestram vitrei que est in
o0202001.158f 1432 aprile 16 Commission to contract out four stained glass windows in the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Title: locando quattuor fenestras vitrei Lastre et socio
o0202001.158f 1432 aprile 16 Commission to contract out four stained glass windows in the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Text: faciendum quattuor fenestras vitrei que sunt super
o0202001.161vb 1432 maggio 30 Registration of the days worked in the restoration of the oculus of the facade towards the bell tower. Title: in aconcimine oculi vitrei ecclesie
o0202001.161vb 1432 maggio 30 Registration of the days worked in the restoration of the oculus of the facade towards the bell tower. Text: in actando oculum vitrei existentem in ecclesia
o0202001.180b 1435 maggio 16 Election of two wardens to oversee the organs, the stained-glass windows and the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius. Text: Francisci magistro fenestrarum vitrei et sepulturam seu
o0202001.198va 1433 maggio 19 Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. Title: Pro oculo vitrei de novo fiendo
o0202001.204vb 1433 agosto 13 Request of pardon for a master of stained glass windows who could work on the glass oculi of the cupola and of the church. Title: Francisci magistro fenestrarum vitrei
o0202001.204vb 1433 agosto 13 Request of pardon for a master of stained glass windows who could work on the glass oculi of the cupola and of the church. Text: Francisci magistri fenestrarum vitrei, considerato quod Opera
o0202001.204vb 1433 agosto 13 Request of pardon for a master of stained glass windows who could work on the glass oculi of the cupola and of the church. Text: penuriam magistrorum fenestrarum vitrei existentium in civitate
o0202001.206vc 1433 ottobre 18 Request to the (Eight) of War to revoke the banishment of a master glazier. Title: Pro Angelo magistro vitrei
o0202001.206vc 1433 ottobre 18 Request to the (Eight) of War to revoke the banishment of a master glazier. Text: in faciendo oculos vitrei et fenestras edifitii
o0202001.206vi 1433 ottobre 26 Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. Title: immictendorum in fenestra vitrei tribune cappelle Sancti
o0202001.206vi 1433 ottobre 26 Authorization to pay ironware to be added to the stained glass window of the tribune of the Saint Zenobius chapel. Text: immictendorum in fenestra vitrei facta per Lastram
o0202001.208vg 1433 dicembre 30 Commission to two wardens to decide whether to utilize or revise the design of the oculus by Ghiberti. Text: Bernardo Francisci magistro vitrei an reactari in
o0202001.214vc 1434 aprile 14 Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Title: Niccolai super oculo vitrei fiendi in tribuna
o0202001.214vc 1434 aprile 14 Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: fieri debet oculus vitrei storie et actus
o0202001.214vc 1434 aprile 14 Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: fenestrarum et oculorum vitrei de declarando et
o0202001.214vc 1434 aprile 14 Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: Donatum Niccolai oculus vitrei fiendi super oculo
o0202001.215a 1434 aprile 20 Authorization to commission a glass oculus of the cupola over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Title: quo locetur oculus vitrei domino Dominico priori
o0202001.215a 1434 aprile 20 Authorization to commission a glass oculus of the cupola over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: Lippi magistris oculorum vitrei ad faciendum oculum
o0202001.215a 1434 aprile 20 Authorization to commission a glass oculus of the cupola over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. Text: ad faciendum oculum vitrei qui est super
o0202001.215b 1434 aprile 20 Commencement of the execution of two of the windows of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Title: Francisci magistro fenestrarum vitrei et in favorem
o0202001.215b 1434 aprile 20 Commencement of the execution of two of the windows of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. Text: Francisci magister fenestrarum vitrei facere teneatur ad
o0202001.215f 1434 aprile 22 Concession of a house to two masters of glass oculi. Text: Florentia magistris oculorum vitrei domum quam habent
o0202001.219b 1434 luglio 23 Rent of a house and evacuation order to whoever is temporarily occupying it. Text: Angelo magistro fenestrarum vitrei ut exeat de
o0202001.221d 1434 agosto 26 Letter of invitation to a master glazier to come to work in Florence. Text: ad usus finestrarum vitrei et alterius laborerii
o0202001.233h 1435 maggio 6 Authority to the new supervisors for the organ loft, glass windows, Saint Zenobius tomb and organs. Text: Francisci magistro fenestrarum vitrei et capsam sepulture
o0202001.233vg 1435 maggio 10 Letter to have a master glazier come from Lubecca. Text: magistro de Gambassi vitrei cuiuslibet coloris qui
o0202001.233vi 1435 maggio 10 Authority to a (officer) to oversee a glass oculus without modifying the design already approved. Title: sociis providendi oculum vitrei de novo locatum
o0202001.233vi 1435 maggio 10 Authority to a (officer) to oversee a glass oculus without modifying the design already approved. Text: et sollicitandi oculum vitrei locatum magistro Angelo
o0202001.237c 1435 luglio 5 Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked on the glass window of Bernardo of Francesco. Title: fecerunt buchas fenestre vitrei
o0202001.237c 1435 luglio 5 Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked on the glass window of Bernardo of Francesco. Text: fecerunt buchas fenestre vitrei facte et imposite
o0202001.237d 1435 luglio 5 Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. Text: Francisci magistro fenestrarum vitrei ad faciendum quattuor
o0202001.237d 1435 luglio 5 Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. Text: faciendum quattuor fenestras vitrei in tribuna ubi
o0202001.237d 1435 luglio 5 Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. Text: viginti duas capsas vitrei que costarunt Opere
o0202001.238vi 1435 agosto 8 Letter of summons to the prior of San Sisto of Pisa for a contract for a glass oculus of the Duomo. Text: cum Angelo magistro vitrei de faciendo unum
o0202001.238vi 1435 agosto 8 Letter of summons to the prior of San Sisto of Pisa for a contract for a glass oculus of the Duomo. Text: faciendo unum oculum vitrei in ecclesia maiori.
o0202001.239vc 1435 agosto 16 Threat of demand of payment to a master and his partner in case of failure to execute the glass oculus contracted to them. Text: dederint executionem oculo vitrei eisdem locato per
o0202001.241b 1435 settembre 13 Authority to contract out a glass window and one of iron for the new sacristy. Title: ad faciendum fenestram vitrei et de ferro
o0202001.245f 1435 dicembre 7 Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to summon the contractor of the large glass oculus. Text: unum oculum magnum vitrei secundum designum datum
o0202001.252e 1436 aprile 18 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to force the master glazier to nominate a lay guarantor and to solicit the salary of the Podestà. Text: Pisis magistrum fenestrarum vitrei quod det fideiussorem
o0202001.252h 1436 aprile 23 Letter to master glazier dwelling in Lubecca about his arrival in Florence. Text: de Ghanbasso magistro vitrei habitatori ad presens
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