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1416/7 gennaio 5

Rulings for the construction of the road of the forest and nomination of a master builder for the work.

contributi di conduttori di legname per la via della selva


1417 aprile 10

Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead.

tassa della campana del morto


1418 aprile 11

Reimbursement of unwarranted payment of the tax on the money-lenders.

tassa di usura 1390, 1394, 1395, 1396


1418 aprile 11

Term of payment for new pardons and for a parish tax.

tassa del popolo di San Cresci a Valcava


1418 aprile 29

Obligation to sell the stones extracted from a private quarry to the Opera, and tax imposed upon the owner for the use of the road.

tassa per uso di una strada


1418 maggio 11

Term of payment for a debt and letter to the Podestà of Prato.



1418 settembre 6

Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead.

tassa della campana del morto


1418 settembre 16

Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead.

tassa della campana del morto


1418/9 gennaio 25

Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead.

tassa della campana del morto


1419 settembre 13

Letters to the debt collectors with information for the podestàs about the obligation of the treasurers to collect 5 lire for every account entry owed to the Opera and to pay the sums collected.

5 lire per partita dovuta all'Opera


1419 ottobre 24

Term of payment to the Commune of Treggiaia.

4 denari per lira


1420 giugno 28

Hiring of workforce and dismissal of stonecutters not useful for the construction of the cupola, which is about to begin.

introiti ritenuti insufficienti per l'edificazione della cupola


1420/1 febbraio 17

Order to the treasurer to register as income the sums already collected for the gabelles of salt, contracts and wine.

gabella dei contratti di 6 denari per lira per il contado e il distretto


1421 ottobre 27

Term of payment to the Commune of Pisa with guaranty of banker.

composizione di tasse


1421 novembre 17

Letter to the administrator of the gabelles of Pisa instructing him to write in a notebook the contractors of gabelles and income of Pisa and its countryside; letter to the Ten supervisors of Pisa to check that said description be made and transmitted.



1421 dicembre 9

Restitution of sum collected wrongfully for sentencing rights.

condanne, diritti


1421 dicembre 23

Restitution of sum paid erroneously twice for the ringing of the bell of the clergy for funeral tribute.

tassa della campana del morto


1422 aprile 3

Term of payment for debt for monthly payments to the Commune of Pisa.

paga di gennaio e febbraio


1421/2 gennaio 27

Guaranty for debt for forced loans.

diritti di condanne


1425 giugno 26

Order to administrator and treasurer not to distribute to others the amount set to be given to the Commune of Gangalandi.

tassa del Comune di Gangalandi - distribuzione


1425 agosto 7

Term of payment to the Commune of Pontorme for debt for pardons.

estimo del contado


1425 agosto 22

Prohibition to demand payment of doublet maker for debt for forced loans.

estimo del contado


1425 settembre 26

Term assigned to the adversary in a dispute for the presentation of his rights and authority to the notary of the Opera for the election of a lawyer.

donazione di diritti dotali


1425 dicembre 24

Term of payment.

tassa dei 4 denari per lira


1426 dicembre 30

Credit to the sacristy of legacies and taxes in its favor.

campana del clero


1427 agosto 20

Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his.

debito per grazie pagato con calcina


1427 agosto 20

Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered.



1428/9 marzo 12

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with order to the bargemen to load marble and to the Pisans to pay sums owed to the Opera; another letter for information on the Pisan notary of testaments.

paghe dei pisani


1429/30 gennaio 4

Letter to the Podestà of Pieve Santo Stefano instructing him to exact from the communes of the Podesteria the attestation of having levied a duty for the debt contracted with the Opera.



1430 settembre 27

Constitution of procurator to collect credits of the public debt.

crediti del Monte comune


1431 agosto 28

Registration of the daily wages of those who worked on the demolition of the jetties of the chiasso Bertinelli.

materiali da demolizione


1431 novembre 28

Authorization for the collection of interest payments of the public debt.

paghe del Monte comune


1432 dicembre 18

Term of payment given to a Jewish moneylender for usurious taxes regarding Pescia and Pistoia with letter to the Podestà of Pistoia.

tasse feneratizie


1432/3 gennaio 7

Letter to the Podestà of Pistoia in favor of a Jewish money-lender.

ebreo prestatore


1434 maggio 14

Constitution of syndic to exact the interest payments of the public debt.

paghe di Monte


1434 novembre 5

Loan of certificates of interest payments of public debt.

polizze di Monte


1434/5 febbraio 22

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties to be confiscated up to the sum of 1500 florins.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - consegna di 1500 fiorini per balia dei Signori


1434/5 marzo 10

Authority to a warden to travel to Pisa for the construction of the San Marco gate and for the consignment of the rebels' properties in the amount of 1500 florins.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - consegna di 1500 fiorini


1434/5 marzo 15

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the question of the rebels' properties, in which they are made to understand that the any assistance given to the Opera is given to the Commune of Florence itself.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa


1435 maggio 24

Term of payment to the Commune of Empoli and letter with request of imposition of a duty to finance repayment of the debt.

dazio di Empoli


1435 agosto 12

Term of payment to the Commune of Gangalandi for debt for taxes and release of arrested person.



1435 settembre 30

Letters to the vicar of Vicopisano and to the supervisors of Pisa about the custody of the rebels' properties.

beni dei ribelli - sequestro e loro conservazione


1435 ottobre 14

Letter to the Commune of Buggiano instructing it to levy a duty to pay the debt due to the Opera.

dazio di Buggiano


1435 ottobre 14

Letter to the Commune of Uzzano in order that it levy a duty like that of the Commune of Buggiano.

dazio di Uzzano


1435 dicembre 2

Order to the master builder to go to Pisa, Vico and Gonfolina to oversee the fortifications and the sale of the rebels' properties.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - confisca e vendita delle case


1435 dicembre 23

Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano for information about the rights of the wife of a rebel over her husband's property.

beni dei ribelli


1435/6 gennaio 10

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties not yet consigned to be requisitioned as compensation for the wallworks of the Parlascio gate.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - lettera con ordine di consegna


1435/6 gennaio 10

Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano instructing him to inform himself about the rights of the archbishop of Pisa over the property of the rebels of the treaty of Vico.

beni dei ribelli - informazione sui diritti dell'arcivescovo di Pisa


1436 aprile 18

Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano for the rebels' properties, and for mortar and sand to be delivered.

beni dei ribelli di Vico


1436 maggio 22

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the convocation within two months of those contesting the properties of the rebels of the treaty of Vicopisano and Pisa with thanks for services rendered.

beni dei ribelli del trattato di Vicopisano - bando per petizioni


1436 maggio 22

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the convocation within two months of those contesting the properties of the rebels of the treaty of Vicopisano and Pisa with thanks for services rendered.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - bando per petizioni


1436 giugno 15

Term of payment to the Commune of Castelfranco of the lower Valdarno and imposition of duty regarding the debt.



1436 giugno 26

Authority to two wardens to go to Vico and Pisa to oversee the fortifications and take possessions of the rebels' properties.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa e del trattato di Vico - consegna


1436 luglio 6

Letter to the rectors of the countryside instructing them to notify the communities and parishes of the Pisan countryside of the debt of 2000 florins due to the Opera.

2000 fiorini del contado pisano


1436 agosto 3

Term for consignment of proceeds of sale of a rebel's wine to the administrator of the Opera in Vico.

beni di ribelle del trattato di Vico


1436 agosto 3

Deadline for the deposit of petitions regarding the properties of the rebels of Pisa and of the treaty of Vicopisano.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa e del trattato di Vicopisano - petizioni scritte


1436 agosto 3

Letter to the vicars and podestàs of the countryside of Pisa for the collection of the installment of the 2000 florins assigned for the wallworks of Pisa and Vico and for the appointment of a debt collector for this matter.

2000 fiorini del contado di Pisa


1436 agosto 8

Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano for restitution of wine of the rebels' property.

beni dei ribelli per il trattato di Vico


1436 agosto 8

Letter to the vicar of Vico for the consignment either of properties belonging to a (rebel) or of a sum equal to their value.

beni (di ribelle) - vendita a Vico


1432 giugno 6

Creation of a syndic to collect the interest payments of the public debt.

paghe del Monte comune


1432 ottobre 14

Term of payment with restitution of pawn and threat of demand of payment.

denari di Monte


1432 dicembre 18

Term of payment to a Jewish moneylender for tax on usury.

tasse feneratizie


1433 ottobre 29

Payment of gabelle for credits of public debt.

crediti di Monte


1419 agosto 7

Payment to a accountant for checking the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelles and the cashiers of the communal treasury.

Camera - 6 denari per lira per riformagione


1419 dicembre 15

Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury.

- restituzione di denaro pagato in soprappiù


1421 dicembre 23

Restitution of sum paid erroneously twice for the ringing of the bell of the clergy for funeral tribute.

tassa della campana del morto


1421 novembre 9

Restitution of sum wrongfully collected for sentencing rights.

condanne - diritto di 6 denari per lira


1424 dicembre 24

Commission of the notary of testaments.

entrata e uscita del camarlingo - provvigione di 2 soldi per lira al notaio


1433 ottobre 10

Payment for petty expenses.

denaro pagato alla cassa della corte


1434/5 febbraio 8

Payment for petty expenses.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - tassa per deliberazione dei Signori


1434/5 marzo 18

Payment for notification of tax to Jewish money-lenders.

tasse feneratizie


1434/5 marzo 24

Payment for reimbursement of expenses to warden for having taken possession of the properties of the rebels in Pisa.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - presa in consegna da parte dell'Opera


1435 aprile 29

Payment to notary for publication of the assignment of the property of the rebels of Pisa.

beni dei ribelli di Pisa - riscossione di 1500 fiorini posticipata a ricorso


1435/6 gennaio 3

Payment for various expenditures.

entrata di seicento fiorini presi dal Monte Comune


1436 luglio 6

Payment to a notary for the statement of taxes levied on Vicopisano, including the cost of the purchase of a parchment notebook.

imposta al contado di Pisa per Vicopisano, 2000 fiorini


1424/5 febbraio 7

Account of petty expenses.

tassa su camarlingo prestanze


1434 agosto 4

Account of the administrator for salary and rights for pawns.




Account of the (treasurer) of the contracts.



1435 ottobre 5

Account of the treasurer of the gabelle of the Tower.

gabella della Torre