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DOCUMENT: o0202001.064eview image  
I. Transcription of text and essential data
stairDATE: stair1427 agosto 5
stairSUMMARY: stairOrder to the master builder have work resumed on the cupola on August 18 and thus in the future until new orders.
AOSMF stairII 2 1 stairc. 64 e resolutions
stairTITLE: stairQuod laboretur die XVIII agusti super cupola
    Item simili modo et forma deliberaverunt quod caputmagister dicte Opere laborari et edificari faciat super magna cupola die decima(1) octava presentis mensis agusti et postea in futurum donec aliud non deliberabitur per dictum eorum offitium.
NOTES: 1 Segue inizio di parola depennato, forse "se-".
stairBIBLIOGRAPHY: stairSaalman 1980, n. 235, estratto, con errori e errata indicazione della carta.
Transcription: rb
II. Analysis of document
stairNAMES AND ROLES:  - staircapomaestro
Guided research
stairother ments. - intern.
capomaestro - deve far lavorare su cupola
stairDuomo - cupola/tambour
cupola grande
stairCHRONOLOGICAL: 1427 agosto 18
Analysis: ls
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