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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  751-900 A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  A3301-3450  A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3802 





Result of query
o0204012.116vl ante 1429 novembre 4 Payment for work done at the castle of Malmantile. Francesco di Geri - maestro
o0201070.013vg 1416/7 marzo 24 Payment for work in a house of the Opera. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204008.033b 1418 novembre 15 Payment for work on a wall. Chiaro - maestro
o0204009.107c 1425 agosto 17 Payment for work on kiln of the Opera in via Ghibellina. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204008.074f 1420 aprile 1 Payment for work on the great cupola. Ricco di Giovanni - maestro
o0204008.074g 1420 aprile 1 Payment for work on the great cupola. Giovanni dell' Abaco - maestro
o0204009.104f 1425 giugno 12 Payment for work on the kitchen of the priests. Nanni di Berto - maestro
o0201075.046a 1418/9 febbraio 27 Payment for work on the model of the cupola. Bartolomeo di maestro Jacopo da Siena - maestro
o0204012.009g 1425/6 febbraio 4 Payment of masters who work at Malmantile. Ambrogio di Leonardo - maestro
o0204009.045va 1422 marzo 31 Payment to a bowl maker. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0201074.037va 1418 ottobre 4 Payment to a master and to two unskilled workers for work on two houses. Taddeo di Simone di Giorgio - maestro
o0201074.058vd 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to a master for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Gherardo Belacqua - maestro
o0201074.058vd 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to a master for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Cristofano di Simone - maestro
o0201074.058vd 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to a master for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Tuccio di Giovanni - maestro
o0201074.058vd 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to a master for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Jacopo di Giovanni Rosso - maestro
o0204004.022f 1433 maggio 28 Payment to a master. Andrea da Siena - maestro
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Antonio Stoppa - maestro
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Piero Bianchi - maestro
o0201079.071i 1421 agosto 20 Payment to Filippo Brunelleschi for expenditures made for the machine to hoist loads up to the main cupola. Antonio Bianchi - maestro
o0204008.118va 1420/1 gennaio 9 Payment to Filippo di ser Brunellesco for expenditures incurred for the hoisting machine. Antonio Stoppa - maestro
o0204008.118va 1420/1 gennaio 9 Payment to Filippo di ser Brunellesco for expenditures incurred for the hoisting machine. Piero Bianchi - maestro
o0204008.106a 1421 aprile 16 Payment to kilnman tenant for alterations made to the kiln. maestro
o0204008.106a 1421 aprile 16 Payment to kilnman tenant for alterations made to the kiln. Ventura - maestro
o0204008.106a 1421 aprile 16 Payment to kilnman tenant for alterations made to the kiln. Lambertino di Franco - maestro
o0204012.068e 1427/8 gennaio 29 Payment to master and unskilled workers for work on the house of a chaplain. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.031vp 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for a day worked and for his journey to Malmantile. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.043i (1427) agosto 30 Payment to master for a day's work at Malmantile. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.037b 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payment to master for adjustments to the choir. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.037e 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payment to master for adjustments to the choir. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.054i 1427 agosto 20 Payment to master for adjustments to the choir. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.054vc 1427 settembre 18 Payment to master for adjustments to the choir. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.113f 1429 agosto 20 Payment to master for adjustments to the seats of the Parte Guelfa. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.112f 1429 luglio 20 Payment to master for compensation for an accident. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.010a 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to master for days worked on the stable of a canon. Vanni di Stefano - maestro
o0204012.010b 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to master for days worked on the stable of a canon. Ventura di Francesco - maestro
o0204012.003vd 1425/6 gennaio 8 Payment to master for days worked. Francesco di Giovanni - maestro
o0204012.003vf 1425/6 gennaio 8 Payment to master for days worked. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.004a 1425/6 gennaio 8 Payment to master for days worked. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204012.031vo 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for days worked. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.009vf 1425/6 febbraio 15 Payment to master for drawings made for the main cupola. Giovanni di Bartolo dell' Abaco - maestro
o0204012.009c 1425/6 febbraio 4 Payment to master for half a day's work. Bertino di Giusto - maestro
o0204012.009d 1425/6 febbraio 4 Payment to master for half a day's work. Bastiano d'Antonio - maestro
o0204012.053vf 1427 agosto 18 Payment to master for helping to unload the figure of Ciuffagni. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.065vl 1427 dicembre 23 Payment to master for repairs to a house. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204012.031b 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.031d 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Piero di Cofaccia - maestro
o0204012.031f 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Berto di Papale - (maestro)
o0204012.031g 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Nanni di Berto - (maestro)
o0204012.031h 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Nencio di Salvatore - (maestro)
o0204012.031i 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Bernardo di Niccolò - (maestro)
o0204012.031l 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Checco d'Andrea - (maestro)
o0204012.031n 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to (master) for repairs to the loggia of the Signori. Antonio di Cambio - (maestro)
o0204013.129b 1436 maggio 26 Payment to master for the help given to demolish towers in Vicopisano. Piero di Bartolomeo Baccelli da Settignano - maestro
o0204009.107b 1425 agosto 7 Payment to (master) for work at the castle of Lastra. Gaspare di Guido Lenzi - (maestro)
o0202001.039c 1426 agosto 16 Payment to master for work at the castle of Lastra. Bernardo di Santi da Gangalandi - maestro
o0201086.052g 1425 giugno 26 Payment to master for work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0201086.052h 1425 giugno 26 Payment to master for work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204009.104vi 1425 giugno 26 Payment to master for work at the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.080g 1428 giugno 4 Payment to master for work for the feast of Saint Zenobius. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.061e 1427 dicembre 9 Payment to master for work in Santa Maria Novella. Berto di Papale - maestro
o0204012.061g 1427 dicembre 9 Payment to master for work in Santa Maria Novella. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.031vh 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for work in the houses of two (canons). Piero di Cofaccia - maestro
o0204012.035e 1426/7 gennaio 28 Payment to master for work on house of the sacristan. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.031vd 1426 dicembre 5 Payment to master for work on loggia of the Signori. Pippo di Naldino - maestro
o0204012.053b 1427 luglio 3 Payment to master for work on platform for the feast of Saint Zenobius. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.015vf 1426 giugno 7 Payment to master for work on roof of the square of the Signori. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.010f 1425/6 marzo 12 Payment to master for work on stable of a canon. Piero di Cofaccia - maestro
o0204012.029d 1426 novembre 14 Payment to master for work on the house of a canon. Ventura di Francesco - maestro
o0204012.029f 1426 novembre 14 Payment to master for work on the house of a canon. Piero di Cofaccia - maestro
o0204012.034vc 1426 novembre 28 Payment to master for work on the house of a canon. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.034vd 1426 novembre 28 Payment to master for work on the house of a (canon). Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.034ve 1426 novembre 28 Payment to master for work on the house of a (canon). Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204013.019a 1431 settembre 30 Payment to master for work on the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204013.018vl 1431 settembre 30 Payment to master for work on the roof of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. Betto di Giaggio - maestro
o0201085.047vg 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on the walls of the castle of Lastra. Niccolò di Filippo da Lastra - maestro
o0204012.124vb 1429/30 gennaio 24 Payment to master for work spent on the preparation of seats for the feast of Sant'Antonio. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.010vb 1425/6 marzo 21 Payment to master mason for work at the castle of Lastra. Niccolò di Filippo Cambini - maestro
o0204009.113vh 1425 novembre 26 Payment to (master) who has worked at the Galea shop. Meo di Naldino - (maestro)
o0204009.113ve 1425 novembre 26 Payment to master who has worked on the shop of the Galea. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - (maestro)
o0204009.111f 1425 ottobre 12 Payment to master who is helping at Malmantile. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.045l 1427 maggio 28 Payment to master: fragmentary act. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204004.009e 1432 agosto 30 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for alterations to the shed building. Ventura di Francesco - maestro
o0204004.009e 1432 agosto 30 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for alterations to the shed building. Nanni da Prato - maestro
o0204011.011vv 1423 maggio 27 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for the roof on the loggia of the Signori. Nanni d'Ellero - (maestro)
o0204011.011vv 1423 maggio 27 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for the roof on the loggia of the Signori. Biagio di Segna - (maestro)
o0204013.039vn 1432 agosto 30 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for the shed building. Ventura di Francesco - maestro
o0204013.039vn 1432 agosto 30 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for the shed building. Nanni da Prato - maestro
o0204013.009g 1430/1 marzo 14 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for work in the house of a canon. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204013.009g 1430/1 marzo 14 Payment to masters and unskilled workers for work in the house of a canon. Betto di Giaggio - maestro
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Cristofano di Simone - maestro
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Tuccio di Giovanni - maestro
o0201074.058vc 1418 dicembre 20 Payment to masters for having judged the feasibility of the model of the cupola of Brunelleschi. Jacopo di Giovanni Rosso - maestro
o0204012.053vb 1427 luglio 14 Payment to masters for repairs to a loft. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204009.112va 1425 ottobre 17 Payment to masters for stones extracted from the quarry for the main tribune. Luca di Bartolo da Settignano - maestro
o0204009.112va 1425 ottobre 17 Payment to masters for stones extracted from the quarry for the main tribune. Nencio di Bartolo da Settignano - maestro
o0204009.112va 1425 ottobre 17 Payment to masters for stones extracted from the quarry for the main tribune. Pellaccino di Cambio da Settignano - maestro
o0204012.106c 1429 maggio 27 Payment to masters for work at Malmantile. Ambrogio di Leonardo - maestro
o0204009.102a 1425 aprile 28 Payment to masters for work at the castle of Malmantile. Ambrogio di Leonardo - maestro
o0204012.110b 1429 luglio 5 Payment to masters for work in the house of the vicar. Stefano di Giovanni - maestro
o0204012.110b 1429 luglio 5 Payment to masters for work in the house of the vicar. Nanni di Leonardo - maestro
o0204012.121vc 1429 dicembre 30 Payment to masters for work on the church seats for the arrival of the body of San Guglielmo. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204011.013i 1423 agosto 16 Payment to masters who have inspected the model of the cupola. Ricco di Giovanni - maestro
o0204011.013i 1423 agosto 16 Payment to masters who have inspected the model of the cupola. Pippo di Giovanni - maestro
o0204009.107va 1425 agosto 17 Payment to masters who have worked on the houses of the priests of Santa Maria del Fiore. Francesco di Giovanni - maestro
o0204009.107va 1425 agosto 17 Payment to masters who have worked on the houses of the priests of Santa Maria del Fiore. Bambino di Jacopo - maestro
o0204009.107va 1425 agosto 17 Payment to masters who have worked on the houses of the priests of Santa Maria del Fiore. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204012.009va 1425/6 febbraio 14 Payment to masters, suppliers of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Masone di Cecchino da Settignano - maestro
o0204012.009va 1425/6 febbraio 14 Payment to masters, suppliers of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Bertino di Vernagallo da Settignano - maestro
o0204008.030f 1418 ottobre 24 Payment to sawyers for boards sawn. Chiaro - maestro
o0204009.112ve 1425 novembre 7 Payment to the innkeeper of Malmantile for masters who worked on the doors. Mico - maestro
o0204009.112ve 1425 novembre 7 Payment to the innkeeper of Malmantile for masters who worked on the doors. Nanni da Prato - maestro
o0204012.053c 1427 luglio 3 Payment to unskilled worker for help given for the work on platform for Saint Zenobius. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0201084.041vb 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for work done at the kiln. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0201084.041vb 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for work done at the kiln. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204009.078a 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for work done at the kiln. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204009.078a 1423/4 gennaio 10 Payment to workers for work done at the kiln. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204012.086d 1428 agosto 4 Payment to workers for work on house of a canon. Betto di Giaggio da Settignano - maestro
o0204013.031va 1432 aprile 18 Payment to workers of the Opera for work for the Tower office. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204013.031va 1432 aprile 18 Payment to workers of the Opera for work for the Tower office. Ventura di Francesco - maestro
o0201082.075d 1423 maggio 27 Payment to workers of the Opera for work on the roof of the loggia (of the Signori). Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0201082.075d 1423 maggio 27 Payment to workers of the Opera for work on the roof of the loggia (of the Signori). Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0204009.061vg 1423 maggio 27 Payment to workers of the Opera for work on the roof of the loggia of the Signori. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0204009.061vg 1423 maggio 27 Payment to workers of the Opera for work on the roof of the loggia of the Signori. Biagio di Segna - maestro
o0201083.067h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Ricco di Giovanni - maestro
o0201083.067h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Filippo di Giovanni - maestro
o0204009.066h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Ricco di Giovanni - maestro
o0204009.066h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Filippo di Giovanni - maestro
o0204009.066h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Gherardo Belacqua - maestro
o0204009.066h 1423 agosto 16 Payment to 4 masters for days dedicated to business of the Opera. Niccolò di Benozzo - maestro
o0204012.035vb 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payments to workers and sundry persons for work on the choir and other tasks. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - maestro
o0204012.035vb 1426/7 gennaio 31 Payments to workers and sundry persons for work on the choir and other tasks. Nanni d'Ellero - maestro
o0202001.169h 1432 settembre 5 Permission to a master to work at Santa Maria Nuova. maestro
o0202001.219va 1434 luglio 30 Permission to a master to work at the request of the Sea Consuls, with loan of pulleys. Jacopo di Sandro - maestro
o0202001.132vc 1430 ottobre 3 Permission to a master to work below and prohibition to make him work on the cupola against his will. Jacopo da San Casciano - maestro
o0201074.018vb 1418 settembre 6 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera with penalty if he does not return by the established term. Perfetto di Giovanni - maestro
o0201074.018vc 1418 settembre 6 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera, provided that first he free the Opera from a promise made for him from the treasurer. Jacopo di Borra - maestro
o0201081.012vc 1422 agosto 26 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera. Aliosso - maestro
o0202001.204vf 1433 agosto 13 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera. Teo di Chele - maestro
o0204004.027o 1433 settembre 23 Permission to a master to work outside the Opera. maestro
o0201073.022c 1418 giugno 17 Permission to a master to work temporarily for a private person. maestro
o0201081.012vb 1422 agosto 26 Permission to a master to work with a private person. Gallina - maestro
o0201081.013a 1422 agosto 26 Permission to a master to work with a private person. Nanni da Prato - maestro
o0204011.006vc 1422 agosto 27 Permission to a master to work with a private person. maestro
o0201082.017b 1423 maggio 7 Permission to a master with a partner to work outside the Opera. Antonio dai Servi - maestro
o0202001.237vc 1435 luglio 6 Permission to master to work for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova at its expense. maestro
o0202001.049vb 1426/7 gennaio 22 Permission to (master) to work in the Opera. Papero di Succhiello - (maestro)
o0201076.009e 1419 agosto 11 Permission to master to work outside the Opera and exemption of the administrator from penalty for the loan of a pot. Nanni d'Andrea da Prato - (maestro)
o0201076.017vl 1419 ottobre 7 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Perfetto di Giovanni - maestro
o0201080.032va 1422 maggio 20 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Francesco d'Andrea Fraschetta da Settignano - maestro
o0202001.059vb 1427 maggio 7 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. maestro
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