
Search documents by the nicknames that identify various personages in contact with the the cathedral Opera.
Nicknames can reflect, among other things, activities, provenance, family origins, physical or character traits: thus dell'Abaco (of the abacus), della Calcina (of the mortar), il Borgognone (the Burgundian), del Piovano (of the baptismal parish priest), il Barbetta (goatee), Grasso (the fat one), Fermalpunto (punctilious), Senza Paura (fearless). The index alphabetizes the principal element of the nickname, exclusive of any prepositions or articles found in the sources as transcribed.
Occasionally the nickname, in substituting the patronymic, but without assuming the importance of the surname, effectively characterizes the entire family, as in the case of personages related to the marble carter, Bartolino called Cagnano.