Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1419 aprile 6 |
Authority to two wardens to oversee the work for the Pope's residence with the exception of the stairs. |
Text: ante omnia dictam cappellam et locum pro |
1419 agosto 2 |
Term of payment for property gabelle with right of recourse against the first owners and exemption from demand of payment for donation. |
Text: vite dotavit quamdam cappellam etc., que donatio |
1420 maggio 31 |
Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for information on the ownership of two pieces of land. |
Text: tenentur per dictam cappellam vel per societatem |
1427 agosto 5 |
Prohibition to dock the pay of the unskilled workers who are helping Ciuffagni clear out a chapel for his marble figure. |
Text: Ciuffagni in disgombrando cappellam ubi ponunt eius |
1430 aprile 8 |
Order to clear out a chapel to allow work on a marble figure. |
Text: et disgombrari faciat cappellam in qua est |
1432 aprile 8 |
Order to commission the stained-glass central window of the tribune of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: Sancti Zenobii supra cappellam prefatam, pro eo |
1432 aprile 24 |
Authorization to transfer the altarpiece of the Guild of the Masters to another altar and permission to have mass celebrated there. |
Text: quod est penes cappellam Partis Guelfe, super |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: transportari ad dictam cappellam et in una |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: suis reliquiis prefatam cappellam superius per dictum |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: sacristias, quam quidem cappellam deinceps mandaverunt nominari |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: nominari et intitulari cappellam Sancti Zenobii, et |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: sue sanctitati ipsam cappellam noverunt, ac etiam |
1433 maggio 19 |
Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. |
Text: videlicet supra dictam cappellam, et qui venit |
1434 aprile 14 |
Choice of the design for the oculus of the Coronation over the chapel of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: oculo existenti super cappellam Sancti Zanobi et |