Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416 dicembre 30 |
Authority to the administrator to prepare the place of the books of the new gabelles and of the forced loans. |
Text: attandi et attari faciendi locum in quo |
1418 dicembre 23 |
Order to debtor to reimburse his guarantor the expenditures incurred for arrest and for the debt of a gabelle. |
Text: Iohanni licentiam dederunt faciendi gravare dictum Lippum |
1418/9 marzo 9 |
Oath of wardens and term of payment to debtors with proclamation. |
Text: omnia et singula faciendi que facere tenentur |
1418/9 marzo 2 |
Oath and payment of expenditures for the feast of Santa Maria del Fiore. |
Text: omnia et singula faciendi que facere tenentur |
1419/20 febbraio 9 |
Prohibition to make decisions harmful of rights and interests of the Opera without consent and vote of the Signori and collegi (of Florence). |
Text: alios ipsam diminutionem faciendi que primo non |
1420 maggio 18 |
Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. |
Text: auctoritatem et potestatem faciendi locationes semel et |
1420 maggio 18 |
Authorization to two wardens to contract out supply of mortar for the main cupola and to set the price. |
Text: calcine ponendi et faciendi cui et quibus |
1420/1 marzo 10 |
Oath of warden and term of payment to a debtor. |
Text: et alia omnia faciendi secundum ordinamenta permissa |
1421 giugno 10 |
Authorization to the cupola officials to set the compensation of Filippo di ser Brunellesco for his labor and reimbursement of expenditures borne by him for the construction of the hoist. |
Text: stantiandi et solvi faciendi de pecunia dicte |
1421 agosto 22 |
Authorization to the administrator to stipulate a new contract for broad terracotta bricks and to revoke the old one. |
Text: et super omnibus faciendi et firmandi cum |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. |
Text: et quecumque pacta faciendi et etiam si |
1421 ottobre 3 |
Authority to a warden to cancel a contract for sandstone blocks for the chain of the main cupola. |
Text: pro Opera similiter faciendi et generaliter in |
1421 dicembre 17 |
Rent of a house for five years. |
Text: omnia et singula faciendi de qua constat |
1421/2 gennaio 14 |
Commission to master builder and administrator to contract out lumber for the roofs of the chapels. |
Text: Opere quascumque locationes faciendi de lignaminibus conducendis |
1422 agosto 12 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out broad terracotta bricks. |
Title: in provisorem locationes faciendi de quadronibus |
1422 agosto 12 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: Opere quascumque locationes faciendi de quadronibus terre |
1422 agosto 14 |
Commission to two wardens to contract out broad terracotta bricks. |
Text: potestatem quascumque locationes faciendi de quadronibus terre |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out lumber. |
Text: Opere supradicte auctoritatem faciendi quascumque locationis lignaminis |
1423/4 gennaio 27 |
Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. |
Text: dicto offitio operariorum faciendi talem exactionem et |
1424 novembre 22 |
Election of the administrator of the castles of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: potestate plenissima mensurari faciendi totam calcem, que |
1424 dicembre 2 |
Authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to set the winter salaries of the unskilled workers. |
Text: offitium ipsorum operariorum faciendi, ordinandi et deputandi |
1424 dicembre 9 |
Authority to the master builder to have a document written for the execution of the construction of the three outer doors of the castle of Lastra. |
Text: habet eorum offitium, faciendi quamdam scriptam, in |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Registration of the daily wages of stonecutters and authority to master builder, scribe of the daily wages and administrator to determine their salaries. |
Text: habet eorum offitium faciendi et ordinandi ac |
1424 dicembre 9 |
Payment to master wallers for the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: Opera habuit baliam faciendi dictum castrum, libras |
1425 maggio 16 |
Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. |
Title: data caputmagistro Opere faciendi anditum |
1425 maggio 16 |
Authority to the master builder to have the workers make the marble corbels for the corridor of the tribune. |
Text: et potestatem laborari faciendi a magistris dicte |
1425 luglio 3 |
Unfinished act concerning authority given to the master builder to attend to building work. |
Text: actari et murari faciendi ... |
1425 dicembre 13 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra to build a road around to the walls of the castle. |
Text: et Malmantilis fieri faciendi quamdam viam que |
1425 dicembre 24 |
Authority to the administrator to have a hundred small arches and a hundred little vaults made. |
Title: data caputmagistro fieri faciendi centum archettos et |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Hiring of masters and unskilled workers for Trassinaia and authority to the master builder, scribe and administrator to set their salary for the winter. |
Title: scribano et provisori faciendi salaria dictorum magistrorum |
1426 marzo 26 |
Authority to a warden to contract out a rope. |
Title: Commissio faciendi unum canapem |
1426 aprile 29 |
Authority to the master builder and the scribe for the setting of the masters' salaries. |
Title: caputmagistro et scribano faciendi salaria filiis Balsimelli |
1426 aprile 29 |
Authority to the master builder and the scribe for the setting of the masters' salaries. |
Text: scribano dicte Opere faciendi salaria pro extate |
1426 aprile 29 |
Authority to the master builder, the scribe and the administrator to set the salaries of the unskilled workers for the summer. |
Title: provisori et scribano faciendi salaria manovalium de |
1426 aprile 29 |
Authority to the master builder, the scribe and the administrator to set the salaries of the unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: scribano dicte Opere faciendi salaria manovalium de |
1426 aprile 30 |
New appointment for the completion of the registry (of the debtors) of the Opera and dismissal of the person previously appointed. |
Text: a dicto exercitio faciendi dictum speculum, et |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: ipsorum operariorum fieri faciendi unum pilastrum in |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: blachii, et fieri faciendi bucham fovei et |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: ac etiam fieri faciendi tres casettas, videlicet |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: ac etiam fieri faciendi pontes levatorios super |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Lastra for work to be done at the castle and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi. |
Text: ac etiam fieri faciendi muricciuolos cuilibet antiporto |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Trassinaia to have a trough made. |
Text: prefatorum operariorum fieri faciendi filiis et heredibus |
1426 luglio 30 |
Authority to the administrator of Trassinaia to have a trough made. |
Text: prestandi et prestari faciendi eisdem expensis dicte |
post 1426 agosto 30 |
Oath of wardens and authority to Brunelleschi to contract out large broad bricks for the cupola. |
Title: ser Brunelleschi fieri faciendi quadrones magnos |
1426 settembre 12 |
Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for the price of the work done by the masters of dressed stone at Lastra. |
Title: et Batiste caputmagistro faciendi pretia magistris concii |
1426 settembre 12 |
Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for the price of the work done by the masters of dressed stone at Lastra. |
Text: Batiste Antonii caputmagistro faciendi pretium magistris concii |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Authority to the administrator, the master builder and the scribe to elect unskilled workers. |
Title: conducendi manovales et faciendi eorum salaria |
1426 dicembre 20 |
Authority to the master builder to stucco the tribune under the which the lumber of the Opera is stored. |
Text: ipsorum operariorum stucchari faciendi tribunam pelatam sub |
1426/7 febbraio 11 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera. |
Text: incidendi seu incidi faciendi in silva Opere |
1426/7 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to cut (lumber) in the forest of the Opera and letter to the its guardian. |
Text: de Salviatis incidi faciendi in plano Campigne |
1427 aprile 4 |
Authority to master builder, scribe and administrator to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalium |
1427 aprile 4 |
Authority to master builder, scribe and administrator to set the salary of the unskilled workers for the summer. |
Text: provisor prefate Opere faciendi salaria manovalium pro |
1427 maggio 7 |
Authority to (scribe of the daily wages), (administrator) and master builder for the salaries of the unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1427 maggio 7 |
Authority to (scribe of the daily wages), (administrator) and master builder for the salaries of the unskilled workers. |
Text: existentibus in concordia faciendi salaria manovalibus dicte |
1427 maggio 14 |
Authority to (warden) for rope to be made in Pisa according to design by Brunelleschi and the master builder. |
Text: proximo Pisas fieri faciendi pro dicta Opera |
1427 luglio 3 |
Concession to Ciuffagni to deliver the marble figure he has carved to the Opera. |
Text: de Ciuffagnis conduci faciendi ad prefatam Operam |
1427 luglio 3 |
Authority to the master builder to assign work to the masters and dismiss those least qualified for the tasks in hand. |
Text: non haberent laborerium faciendi tunc et eo |
1427 luglio 11 |
Concession of rights of 5 soldi and of 4 denari per lira per precept to debt collector and letter to rectors and officials of the Commune to help him in his assignment. |
Text: precipiendi et preceptum faciendi quibuscumque debitoribus prefate |
1427 agosto 5 |
Authority to two wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and of the chaplains. |
Title: Balia actari faciendi domos pro canonicis |
1427 settembre 9 |
Authority to wardens to attend to the houses of the canons and chaplains. |
Text: ac auctoritatem actari faciendi domos canonicorum de |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Authority to master builder, administrator and (scribe) for the salaries of the masters, each reporting to the wardens. |
Text: Giovenchi de Bastariis faciendi scriptas salariorum magistrorum |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Authority to administrator and notary to make term of payment to debtors of the Opera. |
Title: provisori et notario faciendi terminum debitoribus Opere |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Authority to administrator and notary to make term of payment to debtors of the Opera. |
Text: operariorum habeant baliam faciendi debitoribus prefate Opere |
1427 ottobre 10 |
Authority to the master builder and the administrator to have up to 30.000 pounds of white marble conveyed from Pisa with advance of 8 lire to each (carter). |
Text: dicte Opere conduci faciendi a civitate Pisarum |
1427 ottobre 16 |
Authority to the master builder for the cleaning of the well of the kitchen. |
Title: Balia remundari faciendi puteum domus coquine |
1427 ottobre 16 |
Authority to the master builder for the cleaning of the well of the kitchen. |
Text: dicte Opere remundari faciendi expensis dicte Opere |
1427 ottobre 22 |
Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. |
Title: conducendi manovales et faciendi eorum salaria |
1427 ottobre 22 |
Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. |
Text: tempore et eisdem faciendi eorum salaria, prout |
1427 ottobre 30 |
Authority to the administrator to purchase a house from the superintendent of Santa Maria Nuova. |
Text: prefati provisoris predicta faciendi. |
1428 aprile 28 |
Authority to warden to have studies built in the houses of three canons. |
Title: Loysii Alexandri actari faciendi domos quasdam |
1428 aprile 28 |
Authority to warden to have studies built in the houses of three canons. |
Text: eorum consocio actari faciendi domos domini Bartolomei |
1428 maggio 12 |
Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. |
Text: etiam eorum salaria faciendi, que quidem salaria |
1428 maggio 14 |
Authority to the master builder for work on roofs and sinks in the houses of canons, chaplains and clerics. |
Title: caputmagistro Opere actari faciendi tecta ecclesie et |
1428 agosto 31 |
Permit to cut lumber in the forest of the Opera. |
Text: de Paziis incidi faciendi in silva Opere |
1428 ottobre 1 |
Authority to the administrator and the master builder for contract for cutting of lumber in the forest of Campigna. |
Title: Balia faciendi unam conductam lignaminis |
1428 novembre 23 |
Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe to elect unskilled workers and set their salary. |
Title: Balia deputandi et faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1428/9 gennaio 7 |
Authority to Brunelleschi with the master builder and the administrator to contract out a stone chain. |
Title: Balia fieri faciendi catenam macignorum |
1428/9 gennaio 28 |
Order to open a new access to the house of a canon and to wall up the door existing on the public street. |
Text: et perscruptari modum faciendi viam et anditum |
1429 marzo 30 |
Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for the cloister of the canons and clerics. |
Title: et caputmagistri fieri faciendi clausuram canonicorum et |
1429 maggio 27 |
Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe for salary of the unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1429 giugno 16 |
Authority to the master builder to have wells cleaned and covered. |
Title: Balia remundari faciendi puteos Opere |
1429/30 gennaio 26 |
Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for excavation and paving of a street. |
Text: caputmagistro Opere lastricari faciendi viam que est |
1429/30 gennaio 26 |
Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for excavation and paving of a street. |
Text: maioris et sterrari faciendi prout et sicut |
1430 marzo 30 |
Authorization to the paver of the street between the bell tower and the Tinucci house to keep all the stones removed from the site for himself. |
Text: quibus dederunt licentiam faciendi omnem suam voluntatem, |
1430 aprile 8 |
Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe of the daily wages to hire unskilled workers and determine their salary for the summer. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1430 aprile 8 |
Authority to administrator, master builder and scribe of the daily wages to hire unskilled workers and determine their salary for the summer. |
Text: videbitur et eisdem faciendi salaria pro tempore |
1430 settembre 6 |
Authority to excavate the street of the Campanile. |
Title: data caputmagistro exterrari faciendi viam campanilis |
1430 settembre 20 |
Authority to establish the salary for unskilled workers of the Opera and of the Trassinaia quarry. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1430 settembre 20 |
Authority to establish the salary for unskilled workers of the Opera and of the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: potestatem et baliam faciendi salaria manovalibus Opere |
1430 novembre 29 |
Authority to two wardens to fix some masters' salary. |
Title: data duobus operariis faciendi quedam salaria magistrorum |
1431 aprile 26 |
Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus |
1431 ottobre 4 |
Authority to contract out the making of lumber from tree tops left in the forest. |
Title: Balia faciendi certas vettas lignaminis |
1431/2 marzo 3 |
Authority to a warden to solicit the supply of broad bricks and mortar. |
Title: della Badessa conduci faciendi quadronos et calcem |
1432 aprile 6 |
Authority to a warden to set the salary for masters in agreement with the master builder. |
Text: Strozis eorum colleghe faciendi una cum consensu |
1432 aprile 29 |
Authority to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalibus Opere |
1432 aprile 29 |
Authority to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Text: et caputmagistro Opere faciendi salaria manovalibus Opere |
1432 settembre 10 |
Commission to the master builder for the upkeep of the houses in the cloister and of those rented out. |
Title: caputmagistro Opere actari faciendi tecta, acquaria et |
1427 agosto 4 |
Authority to wardens for repairs to the houses of the canons and chaplains. |
Text: dictis operariis actari faciendi domos canonicorum novorum |
1427 ottobre 14 |
Prohibition to cut wood in the forest of Campigna to persons not associated with the Opera. |
Text: extra Operam incidi faciendi lignamen in silva |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: executioni mandandi et faciendi capsam et figuram |
1432 novembre 13 |
Authority to set the salaries for unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalium |
1432 dicembre 9 |
Authority to have a lavabo and cupboards of marble made in one of the two sacristies. |
Title: caputmagistro Opere fieri faciendi in una ex |
1432 dicembre 30 |
Authority to set the salaries for newly-hired masters. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria quorumdam magistrorum |
1432 dicembre 30 |
Authority to set the salaries for newly-hired masters. |
Text: scribano super giornatis faciendi salaria quibusdam magistris |
1433 maggio 28 |
Authority for supply of stones for the brick pavement of the tribunes. |
Title: Balia faciendi lapides spatii tribunarum |
1433 maggio 28 |
Authority to two wardens to solicit the supply of lumber. |
Text: et etiam incidi faciendi de novo illud |
1433 giugno 4 |
Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. |
Text: et de novo faciendi illam quantitatem marmoris |
1433 luglio 3 |
Oath of wardens and commission for new placement of a figure of Isaiah, freeing a chapel in order to make an underground vault there. |
Text: et Michaeli poni faciendi quamdam figuram nomine |
1433 luglio 21 |
Authorization to set the salary of a blacksmith. |
Text: dicto caputmagistro Opere faciendi salarium Pieri fabri |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authority to set the salaries of the masters who went to lay waste the castles in the Pisan countryside. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria magistris qui |
1433 ottobre 26 |
Authorization to set price of carriage of animals taken to the Pisan countryside in order to lay waste to the castles. |
Text: scribano super giornatis faciendi salaria vetture illarum |
1433 novembre 23 |
Authority to set the salaries of the unskilled workers for the winter. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalium presentis |
1433 dicembre 2 |
Order to collect bells and shafts and clappers from the castles laid waste in the Pisan countryside. |
Text: det ordinem conduci faciendi a castro Montis |
1433 dicembre 31 |
Authority to two wardens to set the salaries of the masters who have worked to Trassinaia. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria magistrorum cave |
1434 agosto 6 |
Authority to examine the debtors of the Opera and make rulings against them. |
Title: Opere et fieri faciendi eis preceptum de |
1434 novembre 18 |
Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Title: concessa Alexandro laborari faciendi in cava Trassinarie |
1434 novembre 18 |
Permission to have work carried out in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: de Alexandris laborari faciendi in cava Trassinarie |
1434 dicembre 15 |
Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalium |
1434 dicembre 15 |
Authorization to set the salary for unskilled workers. |
Text: et provisor Opere faciendi salaria manovalium qui |
1434 dicembre 15 |
Authority to wall up the gate to which lumber is brought. |
Text: caputmagistro Opere remurari faciendi portam ubi conducebatur |
1434/5 gennaio 11 |
Authorization to set the recompense for transport of the jambs and door of the corridor of the cupola. |
Title: et hostio, videlicet faciendi pretium ipsorum |
1434/5 gennaio 11 |
Authorization to set the recompense for transport of the jambs and door of the corridor of the cupola. |
Text: in concordia existentibus faciendi salaria carradoribus qui |
1435 giugno 14 |
Hiring of masters and authorization to the master builder to set their salary. |
Text: caputmagistro dicte Opere faciendi salarium ipsis et |
1435 luglio 6 |
Concession of right of recourse to debtor against the baptismal parish Santo Stefano in Pane. |
Text: de Macis gravari faciendi nomine eorum offitium |
1435 luglio 29 |
Authorization to cut lumber in the Campigna plain. |
Text: incidendi seu incidi faciendi in silva Opere |
1435 agosto 8 |
Permit to private person to cut lumber outside the Campigna plain with set price for each towload. |
Text: de Popoleschis incidi faciendi in silva Opere |
1435 agosto 13 |
Authority to the administrator and notary to define the terms of arrest in absence of the wardens. |
Title: Balia faciendi terminos captis et |
1435 agosto 13 |
Authority to the administrator and notary to define the terms of arrest in absence of the wardens. |
Text: auctoritatem et baliam faciendi terminos prout eorum |
1435 agosto 23 |
Authority to the master builder, the paymaster and the administrator to determine workers' salaries. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria quorumdam magistrorum |
1435 agosto 23 |
Authority to the master builder, the paymaster and the administrator to determine workers' salaries. |
Text: et provisori Opere faciendi salaria quorumdam magistrorum |
1435 settembre 30 |
Commission to the sacristy officials for a bronze chest for the body of Saint Zenobius. |
Text: presens existentibus fieri faciendi unam capsam bronzi |
1435 novembre 15 |
Authority to the administrator, the master builder and the scribe for the salary of the unskilled workers. |
Title: Balia faciendi salaria manovalium |
1435 novembre 15 |
Commission for a marble slab for the high altar of the Duomo. |
Text: Ticcii conductori marmoris faciendi et fieri faciendi |
1435 novembre 15 |
Commission for a marble slab for the high altar of the Duomo. |
Text: faciendi et fieri faciendi unam lapidem marmoris |
1435 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to the wardens of the Parte Guelfa to cut lumber in the forest and brand it to distinguish it from that of the count of Poppi. |
Title: Partis Guelfe incidi faciendi lignamen |
1435 dicembre 30 |
Authorization to the wardens of the Parte Guelfa to cut lumber in the forest and brand it to distinguish it from that of the count of Poppi. |
Text: Partis Guelfe incidi faciendi extra planum Campigne |
1435/6 gennaio 24 |
Authority to the master builder to prepare the church for the consecration. |
Text: eorum caputmagister actari faciendi ecclesiam maiorem tali |
1435/6 marzo 6 |
Authority to the master builder to have a platform made for hardware and ropes. |
Title: data caputmagistro Opere faciendi unum palcum pro |
1436 giugno 22 |
Commission for the bronze inscription to commemorate the day of the consecration. |
Title: Commissio faciendi litteras consegrationis |
1436 giugno 28 |
Authority for four passages to be made towards the via del Cocomero. |
Title: Balia faciendi quatuor passatorios versus |
1436 luglio 24 |
Commission to two wardens to set the price of the silver candlesticks and oversee them. |
Text: Francischo de Iohannis faciendi pretium candelebrum de |
1436 luglio 24 |
Commission to two wardens to set the price of the silver candlesticks and oversee them. |
Text: ipsorum et omnia faciendi in predictis oportuna |