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Context of query
o0201077.004vh 1419/20 gennaio 3 Order to carve certain stones in accordance with the indications of the administrator and the master builder. Text: acti ad laborerium fiant secari et poni
o0201073.014e 1418 giugno 10 Detention of the debt collectors who, notwithstanding the prohibition, have continued to demand payment outside the city. Text: capiantur et capi fiant et mictantur et
o0202001.155c 1431/2 febbraio 22 Proclamation of competition for the model of the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius. Text: cappella Sancti Zenobii fiant tres scripte ordinande
o0202001.136e 1430/1 gennaio 26 Order to affix chains for the fortification of the church. Text: cum bandellonibus; et fiant prout designate fuerint
o0201081.011e 1422 agosto 14 Commission to two wardens to contract out broad terracotta bricks. Text: de quadronibus conducendis fiant pro terris de
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Text: ecclesie maioris; et fiant certi archetti super
o0202001.152b 1431 dicembre 23 Revocation of assignment of house to canon in the event that it be divided into two lodgings. Text: et de ea fiant due domus pro
o0202001.242f 1435 ottobre 4 Order to the master builder to make boards from some logs left in the forest at the disposition of the Sapienza. Text: et de eis fiant asse et conducantur
o0202001.216c 1434 maggio 4 Removal of the chains in the oculi of the facade. Text: et de ipsis fiant catene deliberate in
o0202001.066d 1427 agosto 28 Confirmation of prices to master stonecutters for certain work done at Lastra and variation of price for other work, with modification of the measurements. Text: et hec omnia fiant eis, si et
o0201075.016d 1419 aprile 5 Measure for the placement of shields with arms in the Pope's residence. Text: Et quod etiam fiant duo scuta in
o0202001.005ve 1425 agosto 7 Destruction of the merlons of the walls of the castle of Lastra and their reconstruction at the expense of the masters. Text: et remurentur; omnia fiant expensis dictorum magistrorum.
o0202001.177ve 1431 dicembre 23 Partition of a house in order to make lodgings for two canons and assignment of one part. Text: Eugubio dividatur, et fiant due domus pro
o0201078.014b 1420/1 marzo 15 Rulings for withholding 4 denari per lira from every contract or supply agreement. Text: evenit quod conducte fiant in dicta Opera
o0202001.155c 1431/2 febbraio 22 Proclamation of competition for the model of the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius. Text: florentini; et quod fiant tres scripte eiusdem
o0202001.047vb 1426 dicembre 16 Election of the guard of the Duomo for feast days. Text: in ea non fiant nec operantur tam
o0202001.254g 1436 giugno 6 Order to make two silver candlesticks to adorn the new sacristy with proclamation of competition addressed to goldsmiths for drawings and prices. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod fiant per eorum offitium
o0202001.237vm 1435 luglio 14 Letters for the wallworks of Nicola, of which one to Malespini, one to the master builder, one to the inhabitants of the castle and one to the masters who there work. Text: Item quod fiant quattuor littere eorum
o0201076.017a 1419 settembre 20 Election of an accountant to register the debtors of the property gabelle. Text: libris sic fiendis fiant solutiones etc. et
o0201073.014e 1418 giugno 10 Detention of the debt collectors who, notwithstanding the prohibition, have continued to demand payment outside the city. Text: mictantur et micti fiant in carceribus Stincarum
o0202001.239vi 1435 agosto 23 Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. Text: Opere; et hoc fiant ad requisitionem sex
o0202001.211va 1433/4 marzo 17 Contract for stones for the closing of the cupola and the base of the lantern. Text: opportunis deliberaverunt quod fiant sedecim lapides de
o0201074.024e 1418 ottobre 20 Authorization to make two windows with iron grates in a house of the Opera, at the expense of the tenant who will redeem their cost from the rent. Text: pensionem Laurentius Francisci fiant due fenestre cum
o0201075.029a 1419 maggio 20 Order to modify the stairs of the Pope's residence in accordance with the model of Ghiberti. Text: per contrarium; et fiant secundum disegnum datum
o0201077.024vc 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to the debt collectors to collect upon presentation of letter. Text: presentibus quam futuris fiant et fieri possint
o0201077.040e 1420 maggio 18 Order to respect the preceding contracts for supply of broad bricks for the main cupola. Text: pro cupola maiori fiant et compleantur in
o0201070.009b 1416/7 febbraio 26 Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. Text: prontiores reddantur et fiant et pro pronta
o0202001.158vh 1432 aprile 29 Prohibition to grant pardons to debtors unless the debt collector has received his fee. Text: quantum prefata gravamenta fiant secundum eorum partitum
o0201076.020vf 1419 ottobre 21 Authorization to sell large stone tomb slab. Text: quo duo lapides fiant, pro pretio quo
o0201075.007c 1418/9 febbraio 8 Installation of shields with civic arms in Santa Maria Novella in the papal apartment. Text: quod dicta arma fiant sumptibus dicti hedifitii
o0201075.029a 1419 maggio 20 Order to modify the stairs of the Pope's residence in accordance with the model of Ghiberti. Text: Sancta Maria Novella fiant in curia in
o0201075.032vf 1419 giugno 9 Order to prepare two blocks in the shed for welding clappers and chains. Text: Ugone de Allexandris fiant duo cippi pro
o0201086.005vb 1424/5 marzo 7 Authorization to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to sell the pawns. Text: venditionem observentur et fiant prout et quemadmodum
o0202001.155vc 1431/2 marzo 3 Decision, following consultations with counsellors and experts, to contract out the tomb monument of Saint Zenobius to Ghiberti. Text: ydoneum, que omnia fiant sumptibus pecuniarum dicte
o0202001.116vi 1429 novembre 15 Injunction of distrained persons for the redemption of their pawns with arrangments for sale after the term is elapsed. Title: certa precepta pignoratis fiant infra certum tempus
o0202001.211vb 1433/4 marzo 17 Order for the manufacture of an iron brake for the chains and of small arches over the chains. Title: frenum catenis et fiant super eis quidam
o0202001.242f 1435 ottobre 4 Order to the master builder to make boards from some logs left in the forest at the disposition of the Sapienza. Title: medio incidantur et fiant asse
o0202001.062g 1427 giugno 30 Order to the master builder to make repairs to the lofts of a house of the Opera. Title: Quod fiant certa granaria in
o0202001.255vn 1436 luglio 6 Provision for furnishings of the Duomo and preparation of a window for the Body of Christ with devotional lamp. Title: Quod fiant certa pro clericis
o0202001.195va 1432/3 febbraio 6 Order to have sandstone treads made for the steps of the chapels of the great cupola. Title: Quod fiant certi schagliones pro
o0202001.254g 1436 giugno 6 Order to make two silver candlesticks to adorn the new sacristy with proclamation of competition addressed to goldsmiths for drawings and prices. Title: Quod fiant duo candelebra de
o0202001.223a 1434 ottobre 22 Order to prepare the lists with the salaries for masters. Title: Quod fiant scripte salariorum magistrorum
o0201082.017a 1423 maggio 7 Authorization to set the salaries for the unskilled workers. Title: Quod salaria manovalium fiant
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