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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 26 |
Cancellation of debt for livestock gabelle. |
Text: omnes declaraverunt esse illas easdem bestias cum |
1419 ottobre 24 |
Cancellation of debt for failed delivery of marble slab because more material than requested has been delivered. |
Text: eorum conducta ultra illas quas conduxerunt, quia |
1421/2 febbraio 7 |
Warrant to appear to the procurators of the communes of Pieve Santo Stefano and of the Podesterias of Anghiari, valle Verona and Chiusi for debt for gabelle on persons, with letter to the vicar. |
Text: solvendo dicte Opere illas quantitates ad que |
1422/3 marzo 9 |
Election of the accountants to audit the records of the treasurer of the forced loans with salary set. |
Text: camerarii prestantiarum et illas in saldum ponere |
1424 dicembre 20 |
Loan of cloth hangings. |
Text: festum Sancti Silvestri illas filzas drappellonum, prout |
1424/5 gennaio 29 |
Protest to the treasurer of the forced loans with term for consignment of rights. |
Text: recipere pro Opera illas quantitates pecunie quas |
1425 marzo 26 |
Authority to the master builder to contract out kiln loads of mortar. |
Text: faciendum et coquendum illas cottas chalcis et |
1425 aprile 20 |
Salary set for workforces for the summer. |
Text: avere dicte Opere illas quantitates pecunie quas |
1425 giugno 1 |
Resolution regarding the payment of supply of lumber assigned to a contractor and carried out in his place by his brother. |
Text: eidem possint stantiari illas quantitates pecunie prout |
1425 giugno 1 |
Correction of the tax on testaments and confirmation of contract for two statues. |
Text: iniquissimum fuisse revocare illas figuras que fuissent |
1424/5 marzo 20 |
Ratification of the wardens for contract for kiln load of mortar. |
Text: Florentia ad faciendum illas chottas chalcis que |
1425 aprile 2 |
Contract for kiln loads of mortar of quarry stones. |
Text: in Opera prefata illas cottas chalcis et |
1424/5 marzo 20 |
Payment for kiln loads of mortar for the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: seu coqui faciendo illas chottas chalcis que |
1424/5 marzo 19 |
Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. |
Text: Opera de faciendo illas chottas chalcis que |
1424/5 marzo 19 |
Guaranty for supply of kiln loads of mortar. |
Text: restituere dicte Opere illas centum libras recipiendas |
1426 aprile 30 |
New appointment for the completion of the registry (of the debtors) of the Opera and dismissal of the person previously appointed. |
Text: pertinentes, et etiam illas quas fecit de |
1426 novembre 5 |
Letter to the vicar of val of Elsa instructing him to demand payment of the debtors under his jurisdiction. |
Text: solvendum dicte Opere illas quantitates pecunie quas |
1427 maggio 7 |
Authorization to the master builder to permit the quarrying of sandstone blocks in Trassinaia, according to the requirements of the Wool Guild. |
Text: de chava Trassinarie illas lapides macigni quas |
1427 agosto 5 |
Authority to wardens for assignment of houses to chaplains forced to evacuate their previous habitations. |
Text: offitium in assignando illas domos quas eis |
1427 agosto 5 |
Authority to wardens for assignment of houses to chaplains forced to evacuate their previous habitations. |
Text: quacumque persona voluerint illas domos quas voluerint. |
1428 agosto 20 |
Letter to the Podestà and the treasurer of Arezzo regarding the question of testaments. |
Text: quod sollicitet mictere illas scripturas illius testamenti |
1429 giugno 3 |
Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. |
Text: pro creditoribus Opere illas personas a quibus |
1429 agosto 4 |
Authorization to (warden) to have stones cut in the Trassinaia quarry. |
Text: in chava Trassinarie illas lapides macigni quas |
1430/1 gennaio 26 |
Removal and reutilization of building materials from the street of the Tolosini palace. |
Text: hora disgombrari facere illas lateres et lapides |
1430/1 gennaio 26 |
Removal and reutilization of building materials from the street of the Tolosini palace. |
Text: distribuere teneatur inter illas personas que disgombraverunt |
1426 novembre 28 |
Authorization to the master builder to have a stable made in the house of a canon and windows in that of another. |
Text: Ardito de Antilla illas fenestras de novo |
1429 maggio 12 |
Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera. |
Text: seu funditus deleri illas domos seu illas |
1429 maggio 12 |
Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera. |
Text: illas domos seu illas partes domorum clericorum |
1429 maggio 12 |
Authority to the wardens for the demolition of houses near those bought from the Visdomini, at the entrance of the Opera. |
Text: facere pro anditu illas partes quas eis |
1429 maggio 12 |
Permit to the wardens to allocate houses to canons and chaplains whose houses have been demolished. |
Text: qui indigerent domibus, illas domos ut videbitur |
1433 luglio 7 |
Authority to a warden for the election of debt collectors. |
Text: Opere ad exigendum illas quantitates pecunie quas |
1433 ottobre 9 |
Letter to the rectors of the Pisan countryside for recovery of hardware and bells from the castles laid waste. |
Text: eorum parte scribendi illas litteras quibus Opera |
1434 aprile 13 |
Commission to Filippo di ser Brunellesco and the master builder to construct and restore houses. |
Text: novo fieri faciant illas tres domos deliberatas |
1435 agosto 13 |
Order to the master builder to have the surfaces of the old church plastered in the same manner as the others. |
Text: Opere arricciari faciat illas facies ecclesie veteris |
1436 agosto 3 |
Letter to the vicars and podestàs of the countryside of Pisa for the collection of the installment of the 2000 florins assigned for the wallworks of Pisa and Vico and for the appointment of a debt collector for this matter. |
Text: occaxione destinant ad illas part[es] quemdam exactorem |