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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1419/20 gennaio 29 |
Prohibition to demand payment for debt for property gabelle and forced loans, with correction of account entry. |
Text: ipsam gabellam onus impositum dictis bonis in |
1419/20 febbraio 29 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle and correction of account entry written twice. |
Text: quia fuerit sibi impositum pro domo quam |
1420 aprile 30 |
Correction of account entry for debt for new gabelles. |
Text: novarum gabellarum fuit impositum onus et gabella |
1421 agosto 14 |
Sentence of the Wool Guild for controversy between debtors and wardens concerning debt of 3000 florins and term of payment with annual installments. |
Text: sibi fuerit principaliter impositum; et secundum tales |
1421 agosto 20 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle on animals erroneously described as herd livestock and restitution of pawns. |
Text: quibus tantum fuit impositum gabella prout etiam |
1421 dicembre 23 |
Term of payment for balance of gabelles in part cancelled on grounds of penury to the Commune of Cortona and letter to the Priors of the city of Cortona for collection of the debt. |
Text: inpositionis deliberatum et impositum. Supradicta quantitas librarum |
1422 settembre 16 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons to the Commune of Montecatini and letter to the Podestà for exacting duty and summons. |
Text: exigi datium propterea impositum et, si non |
1422 settembre 16 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons to the Commune of Montecatini and letter to the Podestà for exacting duty and summons. |
Text: si non est impositum, inponi et exigi |
1429 dicembre 19 |
Letter to the vicar of val di Nievole for the imposition of a duty in the Commune of Montecatini with election of its own treasurer. |
Text: datium dicto tempore impositum, teneatur et debeat |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Revocation of demand of payment against the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, heir of a debtor of the Opera. |
Text: onus prestantie fuit impositum, sed licet potuerit |
1436 luglio 30 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for use of mortar for the Parlascio gate and letter of reply to the administrator of the Opera in Pisa. |
Text: notario fuit verbo impositum ab eorum offitio. |