Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1421/2 marzo 21 |
Guaranty for supply of 60.000 broad bricks and for advance on the same. |
Text: florenorum sessaginta auri recipiendo mutuo ab ipsa |
1422 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of 50 towloads of lumber. |
Text: mutuo librarum L recipiendo super conducta L |
1422 agosto 28 |
Contract to kilnman of broad terracotta bricks with advance of part payment. |
Text: pro vectura et recipiendo, quod pretium super |
1422 settembre 25 |
Contract for figure of Saint Stephen to Bernardo Ciuffagni. |
Text: pretio et mercede recipiendo de quo et |
1422 dicembre 2 |
Payment for petty expenses. |
Text: emendo, habendo et recipiendo pro dicta Opera |
1428 aprile 8 |
Credit to the Commune of Pisa of sum paid to the treasurer of the Opera and not transmitted. |
Text: Opere pro Opera recipiendo, et hec vigore |
1432 dicembre 19 |
Exchange of fir lumber. |
Text: pro trayno et recipiendo lignamen bonum, et |