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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1424/5 febbraio 6 |
Guaranty for unspecified debt. |
Text: solvit Succhiellus Iacobi scharpellator pro eo de |
1425 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: Bertinus Pieri scharpellator populi Sancte Marie |
1425 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: Niccolaus quondam Salvadoris scharpellator populi Sancte Marie |
1425 giugno 6 |
Guaranty for supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola. |
Text: et Bastianus Iusti scharpellator dicti populi, qui |
1426 aprile 30 |
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permit and obligation to work at least eight days of every pay period. |
Text: quod nullus magister scharpellator seu murator tam |
1426 giugno 13 |
Prohibition to master stonecutters and masons to work outside the Opera without the permission of the provost and a warden. |
Text: quod nullus magister scharpellator seu murator possit |
1426 settembre 12 |
Prohibition to the masters who work on the cupola to descend more than once a day. |
Text: quod nullus magister scharpellator et murator Opere |
1426 dicembre 5 |
Permission to stonecutter to work although he was absent for part of a work day during the pay period. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod Succhiellus scharpellator possit laborare in |
1426/7 marzo 6 |
Term of payment and revocation of demand of payment for debt. |
Text: et quod Aliossus scharpellator fideiubeat pro eo |
1426/7 marzo 12 |
Prohibition to the stonecutters to descend from the cupola more than once a day, under penalty of dismissal. |
Title: Quod nullus scharpellator possit descendere de |
1427 settembre 23 |
Authorization to cut lumber in the forest, letter to the guard of the forest and permit to stonecutter to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator possit ire in |
1427 ottobre 20 |
Permit to stonecutter to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: quod Pippus Naldini scharpellator prefate Opere possit |
1427 novembre 26 |
Letter to the rectors of the city and Florentine countryside for demand of payment of defaulting stonecutter. |
Text: Nannes Niccolai Lavini scharpellator de Settignano ad |
1428 agosto 31 |
Permit to stonecutter to return to work. |
Text: Item quod Marchion scharpellator Opere possit reverti |
1429 dicembre 19 |
Permit to stonecutter to return to work in the Opera. |
Text: quidam Daddus Nofrii scharpellator, qui ivit ad |
1430 maggio 2 |
Permission to stonecutter to work on the font of San Giovanni. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod unus scharpellator Opere possit ire |
1430 maggio 10 |
Permission to stonecutter to work outside the Opera. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod unus scharpellator Opere eligendus per |
1430/1 febbraio 24 |
Authorization to trim and convey lumber. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator possit dolari et |
1430/1 marzo 14 |
Conviction of a stonecutter for having ruined a stone block. |
Text: quod Paulus Stefani scharpellator et magister Opere |
1431 aprile 13 |
Order to clear out the lumber of the Sapienza from the roads of the forest and to prepare the lumber cut for the Sea Consuls. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator Opere actari faciat |
1431 maggio 16 |
Authorization to contract out the lumber of a previous contract. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator Opere locet et |
1431 ottobre 4 |
Authority to contract out the making of lumber from tree tops left in the forest. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator Opere sine suo |
1432 giugno 6 |
Permission to a master to work for the wardens of the Baptistery of San Giovanni. |
Text: Parentis vocato Massa scharpellator sine suo preiudicio |
1432 luglio 18 |
Order for a trip to Rosano in order to look at lumber and relative damages suffered by the Opera. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator Opere vadat die |
1432 luglio 18 |
Admission of a stonecutter to the rolls with the obligation to pay off a debt out of his salary. |
Text: quod Niccolaus Buyonis scharpellator de Fesulis possit |
1432 agosto 12 |
Readmission of a worker after absence to serve the Commune on the battlefield. |
Text: quod Daddus Nofri scharpellator possit laborare in |
1432 agosto 23 |
Term of payment for debt with (master) of Castellina with threat of dismissal from the roll. |
Text: quod Pierus Fancelli scharpellator teneatur solvisse per |
1432 settembre 19 |
Order that one of the masons be excluded from lottery among those prevented by rain from working on the cupola, but that he may work continuously. |
Text: deliberaverunt quod Ferro scharpellator et murator in |
1433 luglio 13 |
Allocation of funds for supply of lumber with deadline for the consignment. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator et conductor marmoris |
1433 settembre 16 |
Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers. |
Text: quod Iacobus Sandri scharpellator in Opera teneatur |