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 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1417 aprile 10 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: ibunt ad laborandum secum non intelligantur propterea |
1418 maggio 20 |
Permission to work outside the Opera. |
Text: ibit ad laborandum secum possit postea reverti |
1418 agosto 4 |
Payment for a model of the cupola. |
Text: Viti qui laboravit secum in dicto modello |
1418/9 gennaio 30 |
Letter to the Podestà of Civitella for summons of debtor. |
Text: omni modo veniat secum dictus Nannes. |
1419 maggio 10 |
Order to whitewash the wall of the main hall of the Pope's residence and allocation of funds for the cost. |
Text: locationem et pactum secum fiendum per dictum |
1419 giugno 22 |
Payment for towloads conveyed. |
Text: et sic saldetur secum computum etc.; et |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: ibit ad laborandum secum possit redire ad |
1419 agosto 21 |
Authorization to work outside the Opera and return. |
Text: et seu ivit secum possit laborare in |
1419 dicembre 19 |
Revocation of demand of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: non fuit prestantiatus secum etc. |
1420 giugno 15 |
Election of supervisors of the forest to repair the damages caused in it by lack of surveillance. |
Text: dicte Opere et secum ferendum pro solutione |
1420 marzo 29 |
Contract for cutting and trimming of lumber with concession of advance. |
Text: Opere et una secum Batista Antonii caputmagister |
1421 aprile 8 |
Ruling to discount the sum anticipated to a kilnman on his old and new contracts. |
Text: qualiter de presente secum facta est seu |
1421 maggio 30 |
Sale of block to stone worker held to provide surety that he will make and transport stone gutter spouts. |
Text: prout et sicut secum Batista caputmagister paciscetur, |
1420/1 marzo 22 |
Guaranty for contract for mortar. |
Text: conducta et promissione secum et cum eo |
1421 settembre 11 |
Demand of payment to debtor and his guarantor. |
Text: Loysii Canigianis una secum fid(eiussor) ... Agustini |
1421 settembre 17 |
Ruling regarding the allocation of funds to be decreed for a supply of lumber with penalty to the supplier if he should not respect the consignment. |
Text: dictum tempus conductis secum fiat computum et |
1421 novembre 21 |
Credit of the quota of rent of a quarry of black marble against the sum owed by the same owner for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: restante, et quod secum excomputetur tantumdem de |
1421 novembre 21 |
Cancellation of debt for property gabelle of priests because already paid. |
Text: ecclesie impositam et secum ipsam contingentem, ut |
1421 dicembre 18 |
Commission to the administrator to contract out broad bricks. |
Text: durantis locationis veteris secum facte et pro |
1421/2 gennaio 12 |
Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. |
Text: et etiam una secum Paulus Soldi provisor |
1421/2 febbraio 25 |
Confirmation of contract for lumber. |
Text: et cum pactis secum per eum initis |
1422 aprile 29 |
Authorization to the administrator to contract out 400.000 broad bricks to be conveyed in four years at set price, with advance to be deducted. |
Text: et intellecta pratica secum habita per Lucam |
1422 aprile 29 |
Payment to kilnman against contract for broad bricks. |
Text: secundum formam pacti secum facti super quadam |
1422 settembre 4 |
Order to go to the forest to attend to the needs of the Opera and to report what measures are taken. |
Text: Landi et una secum Simon Francisci de |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Order not to renew mortar contracts of negligent suppliers. |
Text: conventionum et pactorum secum factorum negligentes fuerunt |
1422 dicembre 30 |
Order not to renew mortar contracts of negligent suppliers. |
Text: prout in conducta secum facta continetur, ex |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Payment for supply of lumber. |
Text: Alpibus de conducta secum facta libras quadraginta |
1425 agosto 7 |
Commission to notary of draw up an act of donation of dotal properties in favor of the Opera. |
Text: iure subsistat, et secum aportet instrumentum dotale |
1427/8 gennaio 21 |
Site inspection by the master builder at the castle of Lastra and Malmantile. |
Text: et opportuna et secum portet unam litteram |
1430 giugno 16 |
Letters to the count of Poppi and the Podestà of Dicomano and Corniolo instructing them to punish those responsible for damages to the forest of the Opera and prohibit the entrance of outsiders; open letter for the guard of the forest with notification to the rectors of the countryside to assist him in his appointment. |
Text: comiti Puppi condolendo secum de quibusdam suis |
1430/1 marzo 14 |
Authorization to keep a boy worker to serve the masters. |
Text: et debeat tenere secum in chava Trassinarie |
1431/2 febbraio 12 |
Rehiring of masters who have worked outside the Opera. |
Text: habuit et tenuit secum ad laborandum, pro |
1432 agosto 14 |
Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano for payment of the towing of lumber. |
Text: futuros et aportabit secum de pecunia Opere |
1434 agosto 18 |
Order for a trip to Carrara for marble. |
Text: existens et portet secum florenos auri centum |
1434 settembre 10 |
Order for a trip to Campiglia to inspect marble. |
Text: pro expensis portent secum libras centum, que |
1435 agosto 8 |
Commission to set the salary of a (master) and reimbursement of the expenditures for a his trip to Lunigiana. |
Text: unius muli quem secum duxit quando ivit |
1435 settembre 23 |
Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. |
Text: tenere ad laborandum secum unum magistrum Opere |
1436 giugno 15 |
Letter to the administrator of the Parlascio gate of Pisa for the presentation of the account of the wallworks and for withdrawal, in Vicopisano, of the salary of the Podestà. |
Text: Potestatis Vici et secum aportet et consignet |
1436 giugno 26 |
Authority to two wardens to go to Vico and Pisa to oversee the fortifications and take possessions of the rebels' properties. |
Text: Pisas, et ducant secum duos famulos dicte |