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Context of query
o0202001.197a 1433 aprile 29 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex s. XI d.
o0202001.197a 1433 aprile 29 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. XII d.
o0202001.197a 1433 aprile 29 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: lignaminis soldos triginta sex s. XXXVI Benedictus
o0202001.197a 1433 aprile 29 Salary set for workforces for the summer. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.198c 1433 maggio 15 Confirmation of the cutting of fir trees granted to the Sea Consuls and term of payment. Text: statuetur eis terminus sex mensium proxime futurorum.
o0202001.198vl 1433 maggio 28 Election of worker to count broad bricks with salary set. Text: unius et denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.199vb 1433 giugno 10 Price fixed for paving under the house of Niccolò Tinucci and term of payment. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex pro quolibet bracchio,
o0202001.200va 1433 giugno 15 Authorization to pay for spades acquired after consignment. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex per qualibet libra;
o0202001.201vb 1433 giugno 30 Salary set for master for the summer. Text: quattuordecim et denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.203e 1433 luglio 13 Order to six masters to continue to work in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod sex magistri missi in
o0202001.203ve 1433 luglio 21 Election of the lawyer of the Opera as consultant for a litigation with the hospital of the Scala. Text: Opere pro prestantiis sex indictis per offitiales
o0202001.204g 1433 agosto 11 Exemption from payment for gabelles on properties sold before their entry in force. Text: Chini florenorum auri sex habet cum dicta
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: quattuordecim et denarios sex s. XIIII d.
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: tredecim et denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.204va 1433 agosto 13 Hiring of masters with salary set. Text: duodecim et denarios sex s. XII d.
o0202001.204vc 1433 agosto 13 Authority to a warden to lease the Trassinaia quarry. Text: magna pro tempore sex annorum sine aliquo
o0202001.204vc 1433 agosto 13 Authority to a warden to lease the Trassinaia quarry. Text: indigebit durante tempore sex annorum teneatur discoperire
o0202001.206vg 1433 ottobre 26 Price fixed for carriage of stone blocks from Trassinaia for the closing of the great cupola. Text: ordinate longitudinis brachiorum sex pro qualibet earum
o0202001.207a 1433 ottobre 29 Term of payment to the parish of San Martino a Pietramensola. Text: Opere in libris sex soldis ... in
o0202001.207f 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea di Ripalta. Text: otto fp. in sex mensibus proxime futuris,
o0202001.207f 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea di Ripalta. Text: et finitis dictis sex mensibus ad solvendum
o0202001.207f 1433 novembre 19 Term of payment to the parish of Sant'Andrea di Ripalta. Text: residuum in aliis sex mensibus, videlicet quolibet
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos quatuordecim denarios sex s. 14 d.
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos quatuordecim denarios sex s. 14 d.
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex s. 11 d.
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. 12 d.
o0202001.207vf 1433 novembre 26 Salary set for workforces for the winter. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. 12 d.
o0202001.208b 1433 dicembre 2 Salary set for (master) for the summer. Text: quindecim et denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.209a 1433/4 gennaio 8 Salary set for the winter for masters in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex s. XII d.
o0202001.209a 1433/4 gennaio 8 Salary set for the winter for masters in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: soldos decem denarios sex s. X d.
o0202001.209a 1433/4 gennaio 8 Salary set for the winter for masters in the Trassinaia quarry. Text: soldos decem denarios sex s. X d.
o0202001.209vb 1433/4 gennaio 18 Authorization to contract out stones. Text: pro pretio librarum sex pro qualibet earum
o0202001.211d 1433/4 febbraio 19 Term of payment extended for a debtor. Text: quolibet mense libras sex f.p.; et deficiente
o0202001.211f 1433/4 febbraio 19 Commission to contract out lumber. Text: decem et denariorum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0202001.212c 1433/4 marzo 24 Authorization to rent a house. Text: ad rationem florenorum sex pro anno. Qui
o0202001.213e 1434 aprile 5 Nomination of persons to travel to the quarry of Campiglia to test the marble. Text: in cavis Campiglie sex vel otto petia
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Title: pro pretio florenorum sex pro anno
o0202001.178vf 1434 aprile 12 Rental of a house. Text: in quantitatem florenorum sex pro anno quolibet,
o0202001.213vc 1434 aprile 13 Commission for the choice of a consultant for the forced loans. Text: primo citra de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.213vc 1434 aprile 13 Commission for the choice of a consultant for the forced loans. Text: prefatam solutionem denariorum sex pro libra quia
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: decem novem denarios sex Ventura Francisci soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: decem septem denarios sex Bettus Antonii soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: decem novem denarios sex Filippus Christofani soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: decem septem denarios sex Iustus Chechi soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex Dominicus Antonii Salvati
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quatuordecim denarios sex Bertus Papalis soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex Chechus Perfecti soldos
o0202001.214a 1434 aprile 13 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex Filippus Iusti soldos
o0202001.215vl 1434 aprile 30 Payment for transport of bricks. Text: Opere solvantur libre sex soldos ... solute
o0202001.216va 1434 maggio 14 Affirmation of debt for pardons of taxes, on the basis of legal counsel, and mode of payment. Text: ad solutionem denariorum sex pro libra, et
o0202001.216va 1434 maggio 14 Affirmation of debt for pardons of taxes, on the basis of legal counsel, and mode of payment. Text: solvere teneatur denarios sex pro libra quantitatis
o0202001.216vg 1434 maggio 15 Election of a debt collector with his salary set. Text: quinque et denarios sex pro qualibet libra
o0202001.220vb 1434 agosto 18 Assignment of a house to the administrator. Text: anno, solvendo de sex mensibus in sex
o0202001.220vb 1434 agosto 18 Assignment of a house to the administrator. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses prout est
o0202001.220ve 1434 agosto 20 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex Piero Bertini soldos
o0202001.220ve 1434 agosto 20 Salary set for masters. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. Iusto Dominici
o0202001.220ve 1434 agosto 20 Salary set for masters. Text: quattuordecim et denarios sex Iuliano Berne soldos
o0202001.221a 1434 agosto 25 Election of the accountant to audit the accounts of the treasurers. Text: et similiter denarios sex pro libra ad
o0202001.221vi 1434 settembre 10 Order for a trip to Campiglia to inspect marble. Text: expensis Opere, cum sex vel otto magistris
o0202001.223vb 1434 novembre 5 Term of payment to a debtor. Text: Opere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: decem otto denarios sex f.p. Bettus Antonii
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: decem otto denarios sex f.p. Filippus Christofani
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: decem septem denarios sex f.p. Ventura Francisci
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex. Iacobus Sandri soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex Teus Chelis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quatuordecim denarios sex Vierius Guidonis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Perfectus Iohannis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quatuordecim denarios sex Nofrius Marchissis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos quattuordecim denarios sex Pierus Bertini soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Dominicus Antonii Salvati
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Francischus Guidonis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Meus Naldini soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Pierus Cambii soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex Daddus Nofri soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex Filippus Iusti soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex Marchionnes Pasquini soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex Nannes Monis soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: undecim et denarios sex Nicholaus Mecheri Marie
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos decem denarios sex Iulianus Berne soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos decem denarios sex Antonius Iacobi il
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos novem denarios sex Benotius Mei soldos
o0202001.224va 1434 dicembre 15 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex Francischus Nannini soldos
o0202001.225vd 1434 dicembre 17 Commission to sell certificates of public debt. Text: offitii Montis de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.226d 1434/5 gennaio 11 Authorization to set the recompense for transport of the jambs and door of the corridor of the cupola. Text: pretium soldorum quadraginta sex pro qualibet carrata.
o0202001.227b 1434/5 febbraio 7 Salary set for masters. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex f.p.
o0202001.227h 1434/5 febbraio 11 Authorization to the guard of the forest to convey fallen fir trees and logs by water. Text: rationem soldorum quadraginta sex pro quolibet trayno
o0202001.227l 1434/5 febbraio 11 Authorization to grant a loan with term for repayment. Title: libras 540 de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.227l 1434/5 febbraio 11 Authorization to grant a loan with term for repayment. Text: de restituendo infra sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.227l 1434/5 febbraio 11 Authorization to grant a loan with term for repayment. Text: Morellis de denariis sex pro libra perventis
o0202001.227vi 1434/5 marzo 2 Payment to carpenter for various work executed at the Pope's residence. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex f.p., et de
o0202001.227vn 1434/5 marzo 2 Election of the keeper of the account of the amounts due to the Opera for pardons of forced loans. Text: offitium ordinanduo de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.228c 1434/5 marzo 10 Term to the (treasurer of the forced loans) for the presentation for auditing of his accounts of the 6 denari per lira collected for pardons. Text: Spinellis quod infra sex dies proxime futuros
o0202001.228c 1434/5 marzo 10 Term to the (treasurer of the forced loans) for the presentation for auditing of his accounts of the 6 denari per lira collected for pardons. Text: camerariorum prestantiarum de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.228ve 1434/5 marzo 15 Loan of money derived from certificates with term for restitution. Text: viginti tres de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.228ve 1434/5 marzo 15 Loan of money derived from certificates with term for restitution. Text: Opere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.228vg 1434/5 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt. Title: Opere mutuandi denarios sex pro libra prestantiarum
o0202001.228vg 1434/5 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt. Text: possit mutuare de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.228vg 1434/5 marzo 18 Authority to the administrator to grant loans from the amounts due to the Opera guaranteed by the public debt. Text: camerariorum prestantiarum termino sex mensium, apponendo condictione
o0202001.229g 1434/5 marzo 24 Order to credit the money to be collected for debts for pardons of forced loans, under penalty of dismissal from the office of the treasurer. Text: ad rationem denariorum sex pro libra gratie
o0202001.230i 1435 aprile 22 Election of an accountant for the audit of the accounts of the treasurers of the forced loans active from the 1425 onwards. Text: citra de de sex denariis perventis et
o0202001.230vc 1435 aprile 22 Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. Text: libra quam denarios sex pro libra; et
o0202001.231b 1435 aprile 26 Sale of pieces of marble and a bell to the friars of the Osservanza of San Giovanni Valdarno. Text: pro pretio librarum sex f.p. Item dicti
o0202001.231b 1435 aprile 26 Sale of pieces of marble and a bell to the friars of the Osservanza of San Giovanni Valdarno. Text: pro pretio florenorum sex pro quolibet centinario
o0202001.231va 1435 aprile 26 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. Text: teneri ad solutionem sex denariorum pro libra,
o0202001.231va 1435 aprile 26 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans from the payment of 6 denari per lira. Text: a dicta solutione sex denariorum pro libra,
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: camerarii prestantiarum de sex denariis pro libra
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: Opere et Monti sex denarios pro libra
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: ad nullum solutionem sex denariorum dictos pupillos
o0202001.231ve 1435 aprile 27 Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. Text: faciebat accipiendos dictos sex denarios dicta de
o0202001.232c 1435 aprile 28 Term of payment to the Commune of Bibbiena for the wine and butchering tax and letter to the Podestà for demand of payment of the (debtors) with release of arrested person. Text: libris centum quinquaginta sex pro tassa vini
o0202001.233a 1435 maggio 4 Oath of warden and reconfirmation of the master builder, the administrator and the scribe. Text: reconduxerunt pro tempore sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0202001.233vb 1435 maggio 6 Compensation determined for the accountants for auditing the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelles. Text: trium denariorum quam sex, possit habere aliquod
o0202001.236vc 1435 giugno 28 Authorization to treasurer of the forced loans to exact certain sums for which payment had erroneously not been made to the Opera. Text: ultra pro denariis sex pro libra quas
o0202001.236vc 1435 giugno 28 Authorization to treasurer of the forced loans to exact certain sums for which payment had erroneously not been made to the Opera. Text: non solverunt denarios sex pro libra suarum
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: settem et denarios sex sub nomine pene,
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: debitor in libris sex soldis tribus et
o0202001.238e 1435 luglio 29 Term of payment. Text: ad presens libras sex et postea qualibet
o0202001.239vi 1435 agosto 23 Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. Text: fiant ad requisitionem sex offitialium deputatorum super
o0202001.240i 1435 agosto 25 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: tenetur hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros.
o0202001.240l 1435 agosto 25 Election of the administrator for the Parlascio gate of Pisa; letter to the Captain, Podestà and supervisors of Pisa; commission to the administrator for the collection of the testaments from Pisa with obligation of guaranty. Text: presens florenos auri sex; et scribatur per
o0202001.241h 1435 settembre 20 Sale of pawns to second-hand dealers with term of payment. Text: quinque solvendorum infra sex menses proxime futuros;
o0202001.242vl 1435 ottobre 27 Cancellation of debtor from the books of the Opera and from the debtors' registry for failed collection from those pardoned who owed 6 denari per lira, with obligation to reimburse the cost of the legal counsel given in his favor; direct registration of debt to those pardoned. Text: ad exigendum dictos sex denarios pro dictis
o0202001.242vl 1435 ottobre 27 Cancellation of debtor from the books of the Opera and from the debtors' registry for failed collection from those pardoned who owed 6 denari per lira, with obligation to reimburse the cost of the legal counsel given in his favor; direct registration of debt to those pardoned. Text: dicto Antonio dictos sex denarios solvi non
o0202001.243f 1435 novembre 15 Salary of the masters. Text: magistris pro tempore sex mensium initiatorum die
o0202001.245vg 1435 dicembre 19 Commission to the master builder to contract out six stone blocks for the base of the lantern. Title: data caputmagistro locandi sex lapides pro plano
o0202001.245vg 1435 dicembre 19 Commission to the master builder to contract out six stone blocks for the base of the lantern. Text: locare ad faciendum sex lapides de macigno
o0202001.245vh 1435 dicembre 19 Salary set for a master. Text: quattuordecim et denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.248vd 1435/6 febbraio 18 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Gambassi and release of arrested person. Text: partem hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros;
o0202001.248vg 1435/6 febbraio 18 Salary set for sawyers. Text: rationem soldorum triginta sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.250h 1435/6 marzo 12 Salary set for the disciple of the carpenter for days worked on the sacristy cupboards. Text: soldorum quinque denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.250h 1435/6 marzo 12 Salary set for the disciple of the carpenter for days worked on the sacristy cupboards. Text: ad rationem soldorum sex et denariorum sex
o0202001.250h 1435/6 marzo 12 Salary set for the disciple of the carpenter for days worked on the sacristy cupboards. Text: sex et denariorum sex pro quolibet die
o0202001.251b 1435/6 marzo 19 Registration of a day's work less for six masters absent the day of the donation of the rose with obligation to be available on the day of the consecration of the Duomo. Text: deliberaverunt quod infrascripti sex magistri perdant unum
o0202001.253f 1436 aprile 30 Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. Text: in sacchis triginta sex grani et libris
o0202001.253f 1436 aprile 30 Declaration of credit in favor of the new hospital of Pisa and letter to the vicar of Vicopisano. Text: decem et denariis sex, et habere ius
o0202001.254vh 1436 giugno 15 Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano instructing him to consign the salary of the Podestà and notify the Vicariates of Lari and Vico and the administrator of Vico about their obligation to supply materials for the wallworks. Text: salarium Potestatis Vici sex mensium proxime preteritorum,
o0202001.255b 1436 giugno 19 Acquittal of notified debtors and letter to the vicar of val d'Elsa for release of imprisoned laborers. Text: quodam debito florenorum sex, ad quod descriptus
o0202001.256va 1436 agosto 3 Term for consignment of proceeds of sale of a rebel's wine to the administrator of the Opera in Vico. Text: Opere libras triginta sex quas recepit de
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