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Context of query
o0201086.072a 1425 aprile 26 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: medietatem hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros
o0201086.048vc 1425 aprile 28 Salary of the administrator of Lastra and Malmantile. Text: totum florenos auri sex f. VI
o0201086.048vd 1425 aprile 28 Payment for the purchase of fir "chiavatoi". Text: duos pro septuaginta sex chiavatoriis ligni abetis
o0201086.048vd 1425 aprile 28 Payment for the purchase of fir "chiavatoi". Text: ligni abetis blachiorum sex cum dimidio alterius
o0201086.049a 1425 aprile 28 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: quinquaginta quattuor soldos sex et denarios duos
o0201086.086vd 1425 maggio 5 Arrest of heir of debtor. Text: decem septem soldorum sex et denariorum sex
o0201086.086vd 1425 maggio 5 Arrest of heir of debtor. Text: sex et denariorum sex captus fuit per
o0201086.072c 1425 maggio 12 Term of payment for debt for property gabelle of the priests with guaranty and annotation of prior payment. Text: libras duas denarios sex f.p.
o0201086.049vb 1425 maggio 16 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. pro parte
o0201086.050a 1425 maggio 18 Payment to contractors of white marble. Text: Charrara florenos auri sex, ut apparet in
o0201086.019a 1425 maggio 22 Confirmation of contract made from the Ten of Pisa to carpenters for the doors of Malmantile. Text: partito per omnes sex fabas nigras datas,
o0201086.087vb 1425 maggio 22 Arrest for debt for property gabelle and pardons of forced loans. Text: 3 pro florenis sex auri pro gabella
o0201086.019vc 1425 maggio 31 Order to the treasurer to pay a lumber supplier only after having received attestation from the guard of the forest. Text: undecim et denarios sex f.p. eidem Iacobo
o0201086.019vd 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for unspecified debt. Text: in quantitate librarum sex soldorum otto f.p.,
o0201086.020a 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for debt with obligation of guaranty. Text: in quantitate florenorum sex auri, prout apparet
o0201086.020a 1425 giugno 1 Term of payment for debt with obligation of guaranty. Text: ad rationem denariorum sex pro libra qualibet
o0201086.020c 1425 giugno 1 Summer salary of a stonecutter. Text: tredecim et denarios sex et ad dictam
o0201086.021va 1425 giugno 1 Authorization of expenditure to put houses of canons and chaplains in order. Text: in quantitatem florenorum sex et non ultra.
o0201086.072vc 1425 giugno 1 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: quantitate florenorum auri sex, prout apparet in
o0201086.072vd 1425 giugno 2 Guaranty for unspecified debt. Text: qualibet in libris sex et soldis otto
o0201086.022a 1425 giugno 8 Term of payment for unspecified debt with guaranty. Text: tribus et denariis sex f.p., per totum
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. Title: summam florenorum auri sex
o0201086.022c 1425 giugno 8 Authorization to the master builder to make repairs in house of canon and sacristan, spending six florins. Text: quantitatem florenorum auri sex, prout per consules
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0201086.051d 1425 giugno 12 Payment for a ceiling in the house of the priests. Text: novem et denariorum sex pro quolibet die,
o0201086.023vb 1425 giugno 21 Letter for payment of a rope. Text: Pisarum libras triginta sex quas asseruit habere
o0201086.024a 1425 giugno 21 Confirmation of appointment of the administrator for another 6 months. Text: de Florentia pro sex mensibus proxime secuturis
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: de Canacciis libras sex soldos quinque et
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. pro quinque
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: in totum libras sex soldos quinque et
o0201086.051va 1425 giugno 21 Payment for the purchase of boards and flat boards of chestnut and for an elm board for the ox-driven hoist. Text: quinque et denarios sex f.p. l. VI
o0201086.025c 1425 giugno 26 Authorization to the administrator to contract out supply of mortar. Text: trium et denariorum sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0201086.025d 1425 giugno 26 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0201086.052c 1425 giugno 26 Salary of the treasurer. Text: pro eius salario sex mensium totius eius
o0201086.052d 1425 giugno 26 Salary of the messenger. Text: Opere libras triginta sex f.p. pro eius
o0201086.052e 1425 giugno 26 Salary of the administrator. Text: rationem florenorum auri sex pro quolibet mense,
o0201086.025va 1425 giugno 28 Term of payment by order of the Signori for the construction in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: Antonii Santis libras sex f.p.rl. VI f.p.
o0201086.052vc 1425 giugno 28 Salary of the messenger. Text: totum libras triginta sex f.p. l. XXXVI
o0201086.052vd 1425 giugno 28 Salary of the guard of the forest. Text: libras tredecim soldos sex et denarios otto
o0201086.052ve 1425 giugno 28 Balance of payment for transport of lumber. Text: duarum et soldorum sex pro quolibet trayno,
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: prefate Opere libras sex f.p. et Iohannes
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: et solvat libras sex f.p. prefate Opere;
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: eius parte libras sex f.p. Iohannes de
o0202001.002c 1425 luglio 3 Term of payment to various persons for construction done at the Opera's expense to their advantage in the chiasso dei Buoi. Text: eius parte libras sex f.p. Iohannes ser
o0202001.003ve 1425 luglio 20 Authorization to the administrator to transfer a rent paid to the account of the person who received that payment for the Opera. Text: magistrum pro pensione sex mensium proxime preteritorum
o0202001.004c 1425 luglio 30 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: iulii florenos auri sex seu libras viginti
o0202001.004ve 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment to guarantor for the baptismal parish of Cappiano and for the churches of San Bartolomeo and San Gregorio. Text: terminum hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.004ve 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment to guarantor for the baptismal parish of Cappiano and for the churches of San Bartolomeo and San Gregorio. Text: et librarum viginti sex et soldorum duodecim,
o0202001.005a 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: Opere in libris sex vel circa, ut
o0202001.005c 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: in florenis auri sex, prout patet in
o0202001.005f 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: Opere in libris sex soldos sex f.p.,
o0202001.005f 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: libris sex soldos sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.005g 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment. Text: 53, debitori in sex (libris) vel circa
o0202001.005h 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: Opere in libris sex et soldis sex
o0202001.005h 1425 agosto 7 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: sex et soldis sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.005va 1425 agosto 7 Prohibition to demand payment and cancellation of debt registered twice. Text: decem et denariis sex, et in quarterio
o0202001.006vc 1425 agosto 9 Demand of payment of guarantors and commitment to payment by the son of a guarantor with concession of right of recourse. Text: dictis florenis auri sex solutis per dictum
o0202001.006vf 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: uno et denariis sex f.p., et dictus
o0202001.010a 1425 settembre 20 Term of payment to the confraternity of the Bigallo for the property gabelle of the priests. Text: florenis otto libris sex et soldis duobus
o0202001.010d 1425 settembre 25 Term of payment to the Commune of Prato for debt for pardons. Text: tribus et soldis sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.011ve 1425 ottobre 12 Sale of wax to apothecary. Text: quactuor et uncias sex cere pro pretio
o0202001.012b 1425 ottobre 22 Term of payment to the Commune of Buggiano. Text: tribus et soldis sex f.p. et in
o0202001.003h 1425 ottobre 25 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: in florenis auri sex librarum decem soldis
o0202001.003h 1425 ottobre 25 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: quactuordecim et denariis sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.012vb 1425 ottobre 31 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: soldis duodecim denariis sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: preteriti MCCCCXXV pro sex mensibus, quod tempus
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: eos, pro dictis sex mensibus inceptis dicta
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. s. XV
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIII
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: decem otto denarios sex f.p. s. XVIII
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. s. XV
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. s. XV
o0202001.014a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIII
o0202001.015a 1425 novembre 21 Salary set for the masters of Trassinaia for the summer. Text: soldos quactuordecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIIII
o0202001.017vh 1425 dicembre 10 Election of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0202001.019a 1425 dicembre 18 Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. Text: totum florenos auri sex, schonputando de dictis
o0202001.019a 1425 dicembre 18 Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble. Text: de dictis florenis sex grossos otto de
o0202001.019vb 1425 dicembre 24 Salaries of masters. Text: viginti septem denariorum sex f.p. et Antonio
o0202001.019vb 1425 dicembre 24 Salaries of masters. Text: viginti septem denariorum sex f.p.; et quod
o0202001.020c 1425/6 gennaio 10 Letter to the Commune and to the Podestà of Montemurlo for debt of the baptismal parish of said place. Text: Murli sequestratario viginti sex stariorum grani tamquam
o0202001.020va 1425/6 gennaio 24 Term of payment to the communes of Empoli and Poggibonsi. Text: tertiam partem infra sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.020va 1425/6 gennaio 24 Term of payment to the communes of Empoli and Poggibonsi. Text: partem infra alios sex menses initiandos die
o0202001.021b 1425/6 gennaio 25 Salary of stonecutters for the winter. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. pro quolibet
o0202001.021h 1425/6 gennaio 29 Election of the administrator, master builder and scribe of the daily wages. Text: dicte Opere pro sex mensibus initiatis die
o0202001.022vc 1425/6 febbraio 15 Election of debt collectors with salary set. Text: soldos duos denarios sex f.p., et denarios
o0202001.023b 1425/6 febbraio 28 Loan of a tomb-sized slab to be returned within six months under penalty of compensation of its value. Text: dicte Opere infra sex menses proxime futuros
o0202001.023c 1425/6 febbraio 28 Election of master stonecutters with salary set for the winter. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex f.p. s. XI
o0202001.023c 1425/6 febbraio 28 Election of master stonecutters with salary set for the winter. Text: soldos undecim denarios sex f.p. s. XI
o0202001.024b 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: in florenis auri sex, prout apparet in
o0202001.024b 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: dictorum florenorum auri sex hinc ad duos
o0202001.024b 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: viginti quinque de sex mensibus in sex
o0202001.024b 1425/6 marzo 12 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: sex mensibus in sex menses, cum hoc
o0202001.025vd 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment for debt. Text: Opere in libris sex soldis quindecim vel
o0202001.025vh 1425/6 marzo 21 Term of payment given to debtors. Text: soldis sedecim denariis sex f.p., prout apparet
o0202001.027f 1426 aprile 15 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: ad presens libras sex f.p. et residuum
o0202001.027va 1426 aprile 17 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: currere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIII
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIII
o0202001.027vc 1426 aprile 17 Salaries of masters for the winter. Text: soldos sedecim denarios sex f.p. s. XVI
o0202001.029a 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Text: Operam quolibet mense sex modios chalcis bone,
o0202001.029a 1426 aprile 29 Term and conditions for consignment of quarry stone mortar. Text: ultra dictam summam sex modiorum ad dictam
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p. s. XIII
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: soldos duodecim denarios sex f.p. s. XII
o0202001.029va 1426 aprile 29 Dismissal of masters in excess to reduce the expenditures for the construction of the cupola. Text: soldos decem denarios sex f.p. s. X
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos quattuordecim denarios sex s. XIIII d.
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.030a 1426 aprile 29 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos tredecem denarios sex s. XIII d.
o0202001.030vb 1426 aprile 29 Election of unskilled worker for Trassinaia with salary set. Text: soldorum novem denariorum sex f.p. pro tempore
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: in florenis auri sex occaxione buccharum, prout
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: dictis florenis auri sex, ex eo quod
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: eis florenos auri sex solutos dicte Opere
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: dicti floreni auri sex deberent per prefatam
o0202001.031vc 1426 maggio 10 Prohibition to demand payment of the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for unregistered properties. Text: quantitate florenorum auri sex; que bona sunt
o0202001.032vc 1426 maggio 15 Election of stonecutters. Text: sint conducti pro sex mensibus initiatis die
o0202001.032vd 1426 maggio 15 Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. Text: intelligantur reconducti pro sex mensibus initiatis die
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: acceptabilem, libre triginta sex soldi novem denarii
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: viginti una soldi sex denarii otto f.p.,
o0202001.033e 1426 maggio 17 Debit to supplier of marble of the travel expenditures borne for workers sent to mark marble at the quarry. Text: que libre triginta sex soldi novem denarii
o0202001.034d 1426 giugno 5 Sale of wax offered for the feast of Saint Zenobius. Text: soldorum septem denariorum sex pro qualibet libra
o0202001.034vc 1426 giugno 7 Election of the accountant of the forced loans with salary set. Text: existerent pro denariis sex pro libra, occaxione
o0202001.035d 1426 giugno 7 Proclamation for sale of pawns not redeemed within the term set. Text: iam sunt elapsi sex menses et quod
o0202001.035vd 1426 giugno 13 Term of payment for debt to the church of Sant'Andrea a Fabbrica. Text: ydonee hinc ad sex dies proxime futuros.
o0202001.035vf 1426 giugno 20 Compensation for compilation of 17 notebooks of the debtors of the debtors' registry. Text: tenetur habere libras sex et soldos sedecim
o0202001.035vf 1426 giugno 20 Compensation for compilation of 17 notebooks of the debtors of the debtors' registry. Text: que quidem libre sex soldi XVI deliberaverunt
o0202001.035vi 1426 giugno 20 Confirmation of the administrator, the master builder and the scribe of the Opera. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0202001.036c 1426 giugno 28 Loan of tomb-sized slab to be returned by deadline, on penalty of payment of its value. Text: Opere hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.036c 1426 giugno 28 Loan of tomb-sized slab to be returned by deadline, on penalty of payment of its value. Text: quo dicto tempore sex mensium non restitueret
o0202001.036g 1426 giugno 28 Prohibition to the treasurers and notaries of the forced loans to discount the old forced loans with the new if they have not collected the 6 denari per lira of the old distribution. Text: ab eis denarios sex pro libra totius
o0202001.036f 1426 luglio 8 Hiring of masters for the summer with salary set. Text: il Piottola et sex alios magistros capsos
o0202001.036ve 1426 luglio 11 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos quattuordecim denarios sex f.p. Berto Papalis
o0202001.036ve 1426 luglio 11 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos quindecim denarios sex f.p. Checho Mei
o0202001.036ve 1426 luglio 11 Salary of the masters for the summer. Text: soldos tredecim denarios sex f.p.
o0202001.038vc 1426 agosto 8 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium initiatorum die
o0202001.038vc 1426 agosto 8 Election of messenger with salary set. Text: quolibet mense dictorum sex mensium.
o0202001.039b 1426 agosto 16 Authorization to Brunelleschi to go to Pisa on request of the Six Sea Officials. Text: Brunelleschi ad petitionem sex offitialium Maris possit,
o0202001.039b 1426 agosto 16 Authorization to Brunelleschi to go to Pisa on request of the Six Sea Officials. Text: serviendum offitio prelibatorum sex.
o0202001.039vc 1426 agosto 19 Salary of the debt collectors. Text: libras quinque soldos sex denarios otto pro
o0202001.039vf 1426 agosto 27 Term of payment for debt for forced loans. Text: presens florenos auri sex.
o0202001.040vc 1426 settembre 12 Term of payment to guarantor. Text: Monaldi in florenis sex, prout apparet in
o0202001.044e 1426 ottobre 25 Term of payment to the Commune of Massa and Cozzile. Text: medietatem hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros,
o0202001.044g 1426 ottobre 25 Salary set for masters for the winter. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0202001.045vi 1426 novembre 14 Pricing of various hardware for doors and walls of Malmantile. Text: soldos tres denarios sex f.p. s. III
o0202001.046va 1426 novembre 28 Sale of six fir logs from forest of the Opera. Text: silve Opere habere sex ligna abetis in
o0202001.046e 1426 novembre 29 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: residuum hinc ad sex menses proxime futuros.
o0202001.046h 1426 novembre 29 Concession of right of recourse to guarantor. Text: Cristofanum de libris sex soldis otto f.p.
o0202001.047vc 1426 dicembre 16 Election and relative confirmation of the administrator, the scribe and the master builder. Text: tempore et termino sex mensium proxime futurorum
o0202001.048a 1426 dicembre 20 Term of payment to the parish of San Piero a Petrognano and prohibition to demand payment for the balance of the debt. Text: presens florenos auri sex libras duas soldos
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: quinque usque a sex longitudines et latitudines
o0202001.049ve 1426/7 gennaio 28 Pricing of lumber in the presence of an emissary of the Commune of Castagno. Text: quinque usque in sex cum dimidio alterius
o0202001.050va 1426/7 gennaio 31 Term of payment to debtor and to the guarantor. Text: in libris nonaginta sex soldis quindecim denariis
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