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A1-150  151-232





Context of query
o0201085.044a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 85
o0201085.044c 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044d 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for removing earth. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044e 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks and broad bricks. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044f 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for a supply of sand. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044g 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044va 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of mortar. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 86,
o0201085.044vd 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of sandstone blocks for the vault of the main tribune. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 87
o0201085.045a 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 87
o0201085.045va 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: apparet in libro signato A, libras octuaginta
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 83,
o0201085.045vb 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS cartis predictis
o0201085.045vc 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 82,
o0201085.045vd 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of lumber for the doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: apparet in libro signato C c. 15
o0201085.045ve 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for the purchase of roof tiles. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 88,
o0201085.045vf 1424 dicembre 9 Payment for transport of lumber. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS c. 88,
o0201085.046d 1424 dicembre 20 Payment to master for work on castle of Lastra. Text: in libro manifacture signato C a c...,
o0201085.047h 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for supply of black marble. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...
o0201085.047vh 1424 dicembre 20 Payment for the purchase of hardware. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS c..., in
o0201086.042vi 1424/5 gennaio 24 Payment for rent of the Trassinaia quarry. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c.
o0201086.043c 1424/5 gennaio 29 Payment for the purchase of house in partial compensation for damages to the rector of Santa Cecilia. Text: libro Opere predicte signato PP c. 60,
o0201086.043d 1424/5 gennaio 29 Payment for the purchase of land in partial compensation of damages to the rector of Santa Cecilia. Text: in libro Opere signato PP c. 60;
o0201086.044a 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to cooper. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c.
o0201086.044c 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to lumber supplier. Text: in libro provisoris signato A a c.
o0201086.044d 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to master masons for the construction of the walls and doors of the castle of Malmantile. Text: apparet in libro signato ... a c...
o0201086.044vb 1424/5 febbraio 27 Payment to bowl maker. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c.
o0201086.044vc 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to supplier of dressed stone for the castle of Lastra. Text: libro Opere manifacture signato C a c.
o0201086.044vd 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to Fra Bernardo for two glass oculi. Text: in libro Opere signato ... a c...,
o0201086.044ve 1424/5 marzo 7 Payment to master mason for manufacture of the outer structure of the Florentine gate of the castle of Lastra. Text: in libro manifacture signato A a c...
o0201086.045a 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment to carter for transport of stones for the covering of the main tribune. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.045b 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.045c 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for transport of large sandstone blocks for the chain of the cupola. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.045va 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: stantiamentorum provisoris Opere signato SS a c...
o0201086.045vb 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment for a supply of sand for mortar. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.045vc 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment of rent of the Trassinaia quarry. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.045vd 1424/5 marzo 9 Payment to blacksmith for the purchase of a burner. Text: libro stantiamentorum provisoris signato A a c.
o0201086.045ve 1424/5 marzo 14 Payment for an audit of the accounts of the previous treasurer. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato SS a c...
o0201086.046a 1424/5 marzo 20 Payment for supply of mortar. Text: in libro Opere signato C a c.
o0201086.047vb 1425 aprile 17 Payment to kilnman for recompense to carters. Text: libro stantiamentorum Opere signato A a c.
o0201086.048ve 1425 aprile 28 Payment for supply of lumber: annulled act. Text: Opere in libro signato A a c.
o0201086.049a 1425 aprile 28 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...,
o0201086.016vb 1425 maggio 16 Authority to the administrator to audit the accounts between two kilnmen partners. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c.
o0201086.049va 1425 maggio 16 Payment to Donatello for a marble figure for the bell tower. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...,
o0201086.049vb 1425 maggio 16 Payment for supply of lumber. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...,
o0201086.049vc 1425 maggio 16 Balance of payment for supply of black marble. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...
o0201086.049vd 1425 maggio 16 Balance of payment for supply of lumber. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...,
o0201086.049ve 1425 maggio 18 Payment for supply of mortar for the castle of Lastra and oath of warden. Text: apparet in libro signato C a c.
o0201086.050a 1425 maggio 18 Payment to contractors of white marble. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...
o0201086.050b 1425 maggio 18 Payment for the purchase of a rope. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c.
o0201086.050c 1425 maggio 21 Payment to carpenters for manufacture of the doors of Malmantile. Text: apparet in libro signato C a c...
o0201086.021vb 1425 giugno 8 Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors. Text: libro Opere predicte signato A ligato in
o0201086.021vb 1425 giugno 8 Order to the administrator to cancel the credit of two suppliers of white marble who turn out not to be creditors. Text: levate a libro signato XX a c.
o0201086.022d 1425 giugno 8 Confiscation of the harvest of a debtor's farm. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...,
o0201086.050va 1425 giugno 8 Payment for supply of white marble. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...
o0201086.050vb 1425 giugno 8 Payment to the treasurer of the pawns for rights. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c...
o0201086.051a 1425 giugno 8 Payment of a gabelle for lumber. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...
o0201086.052va 1425 giugno 28 Payment for petty expenses. Text: in libro provisoris signato SS a c...
o0201086.052ve 1425 giugno 28 Balance of payment for transport of lumber. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c...
o0202001.003vc 1425 luglio 20 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c.
o0202001.007g 1425 agosto 14 Term of payment to debtor and prohibition to demand payment for the balance of the debt because twelve bushels of grain have been confiscated. Text: apparet in libro signato A a c.
o0202001.007vb 1425 agosto 17 Cancellation of allocation of funds to lumber supplier because of debt. Text: Opere in libro signato A a c.
o0202001.009vh 1425 settembre 20 Correction of account for supply of oak wood for corner-pieces of the chestnut chain for the main cupola. Text: in libro Opere signato A a c.
o0202001.017c 1425 novembre 23 Concession of right of recourse. Text: creditorum dicte Opere signato A a c.
o0202001.018d 1425 dicembre 12 Terms of payment to debtors. Text: in libro magno signato A a c...,
o0202001.170va 1425/6 gennaio 30 Authority to the wardens to limit the expenditures for the houses of canons, chaplains and priests. Text: mei notarii infrascripti signato C a c...
o0202001.035vc 1426 giugno 13 Term of payment given to a debtor. Text: in libro magno signato A a c...,
o0202001.032a 1426 giugno 17 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. Text: magno prefate Opere signato signo prefate Opere
o0202001.032a 1426 giugno 17 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. Text: quodam libro magno signato signo Opere et
o0202001.057va 1427 aprile 9 Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina. Text: librum manifacture Castelline signato libro debitori e
o0202001.113e 1429 ottobre 4 Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa. Text: mei notarii infrascripti signato D a c.
o0202001.121a 1429/30 gennaio 10 Term of payment for debt. Text: in libro provisoris signato B a c...,
o0202001.132vl 1430 ottobre 5 Annulment of an allocation of funds made for a rope. Text: in libro stantiamentorum signato D a c.
o0202001.132vl 1430 ottobre 5 Annulment of an allocation of funds made for a rope. Text: dicto libro stantiamentorum signato D a c.
o0202001.149a 1431 settembre 27 Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. Text: in civitate Florentie signato B detto ricordanze
o0202001.149a 1431 settembre 27 Declaration of the names of the debtors and of the sums owed regarding a big credit of the Opera for the pardons of forced loans of the Alberti. Text: in prefato libro signato B a c.
o0202001.151f 1431 novembre 28 Term of payment to the heirs of a canon for house and cope taxes. Text: et locationum Opere signato C a c...
o0202001.162g 1432 giugno 17 Authorization to transfer an allocation of funds from one smith to another. Text: magno provisoris Opere signato C a c.
o0202001.194vh 1432 dicembre 30 Cancellation of credit for a supply of lumber. Text: habet in libro signato A a c.
o0202001.205l 1433 settembre 23 Order to the notary to cancel two debtors from the books. Text: scripti in libro signato due Z a
o0202001.225va 1434 dicembre 16 Authority to audit the account of a debtor. Text: libro provisoris Opere signato D a c...;
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: in libro provisoris signato D a c.
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Text: libro magno Opere signato D a c...;
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