Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 febbraio 26 |
Term of payment for dues for testaments and other rulings to solicit collections. |
Text: in futurum non solveretur; et quod operarii |
1418/9 marzo 9 |
Term of payment. |
Text: dicto tempore aliquid solveretur pro notificationibus per |
1420 giugno 12 |
Sale of pawns and measures for the restitution of the profits to the distrained persons. |
Text: suo, illud quod solveretur seu restituetur eidem |
1420/1 gennaio 23 |
Prohibition to demand payment of the debtors of Florence and regulations of payment that regard them. |
Text: et quod aliter solveretur, intelligatur solvens de |
1420/1 febbraio 17 |
Rulings about mode of payment to the debt collectors of 10 soldi for every pawn beyond the ordinary rights. |
Text: quod custodi pignorum solveretur quantitas quando expediret |
1421 agosto 22 |
Revocation of resolution against the allowance paid to the rector of the church of Santa Cecilia. |
Text: platea dominorum non solveretur provisio sibi debita |
1426 giugno 17 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. |
Text: ultra illud quod solveretur dicte Opere; ac |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Election of the notary of the testaments of Pisa with salary set. |
Text: ultra quantitatem quam solveretur dicte Opere. |
1429 giugno 3 |
Authorization to order 6 beautiful copes on credit at the request of the conservators of the sacristy. |
Text: venturo, quorum pretium solveretur de prebendis novorum |