Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 4 |
Public solicitation of payment for the new gabelles and forced loans. |
Text: prestantiis et non solveret gravabitur in here |
1416/7 gennaio 21 |
Guaranty for debt for property gabelle of the Commune of Dicomano. |
Text: dictum terminum non solveret etc. |
1418 aprile 30 |
Assignment of a house with agreement that its tax be paid. |
Text: hoc quod ipse solveret tassam Operi dicte |
1418 aprile 30 |
Assignment of a house with agreement that its tax be paid. |
Text: eorum nuntios quod solveret dictam tassam et |
1418 aprile 30 |
Assignment of a house with agreement that its tax be paid. |
Text: dominus Salutatus prius solveret habeat domum, si |
1418/9 febbraio 14 |
Sale of fir lumber at set price, except the carriage. |
Text: vettura quam Opus solveret a dicto porto |
1418/9 marzo 17 |
Letter to the Podestà of Scarperia regarding agreement between that Commune and the its guarantor. |
Text: dictum Commune Scarperie solveret dictum debitum ipse |
1419 aprile 12 |
Term of payment for pardons of forced loans with release of arrested person. |
Text: pro denariis quos solveret debet Operi pro |
1418/9 marzo 10 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans and property gabelle. |
Text: casu quo non solveret, ut supra dicitur, |
1419 aprile 29 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: ipse Iacobus non solveret usque ad integram |
1419 giugno 9 |
Guaranty for debt for forced loans. |
Text: quo ipse non solveret etc. |
1419 novembre 7 |
Prohibition to the notary of the new gabelles to stand surety for debts of forced loans to be deducted in the new property gabelles. |
Text: pro dictis prestantiis solveret vel solvisset, nisi |
1419 novembre 10 |
Order to the debt collectors to the pay sum agreed upon, under penalty of demand of payment. |
Text: supra dicitur non solveret etc. |
1419/20 gennaio 18 |
Ruling about the rights on pawns to be paid out to the debt collectors. |
Text: pecuniam aliquam non solveret nec mutuaret; et |
1421 settembre 26 |
Notification to the new treasurer of the forced loans of the Commune of Florence to exact from the debtors the amounts due to the Opera according to the ordinances. |
Text: quam talis solvens solveret, si gratiam et |
1422 luglio 17 |
Exemption to debtors for pardons of forced loans on grounds of penury with restitution of the pawns, under condition of payment to the debt collectors of the half of their rights. |
Text: quod qui non solveret in terminis ordinatis |
1422 luglio 17 |
Exemption to debtors for pardons of forced loans on grounds of penury with restitution of the pawns, under condition of payment to the debt collectors of the half of their rights. |
Text: in terminis ordinatis solveret integram quantitatem ad |
1425 giugno 8 |
Term of payment for debt for pardons of forced loans. |
Text: dictus Renzus non solveret dictas quantitates florenorum |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment. |
Text: casu quo non solveret dictis terminis possit |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment. |
Text: dictis terminis non solveret. |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: casu quo non solveret perdat gratiam et |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment. |
Text: quod si non solveret dicto termino, perdat |
1425 agosto 17 |
Term of payment for balance of debt. |
Text: et si non solveret primo mense possit |
1425 agosto 17 |
Term of payment for balance of debt. |
Text: secundo mense non solveret, possit gravari pro |
1425 settembre 3 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: terminis suprascriptis non solveret, et supradicti, videlicet |
1425 settembre 7 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: gravari si non solveret dictis terminis. |
1426 maggio 15 |
Election of masters with agreement for delayed payment. |
Text: solvere et si solveret intelligatur solvisse de |
1426 maggio 15 |
Term of payment to debtors for herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: quando dicta pecunia solveret dicto camerario tunc |
1430 ottobre 5 |
Revocation of demand of payment against a debtor and the demand of payment against another. |
Text: casu quo non solveret terminis statutis Luce |
1432 aprile 3 |
Term of payment for paving made under the house of a private person and threat of a demand of payment. |
Text: in quantum non solveret per totam diem |