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 Summary |

 Context of query |
1416/7 gennaio 8 |
Term of payment for property gabelle to the clergy of Foiano. |
Text: dies proxime futuros solverint eorum gabellas bonorum |
1416/7 gennaio 14 |
Term of payment for debt for gabelles and forced loans. |
Text: sive eorum avia solverint quolibet mense florenos |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans with obligation of guaranty and release of arrested debtor or restitution of pawn. |
Text: postea dicto termino solverint, interim non gravetur |
1416/7 marzo 3 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans and subsequent release of the arrested person. |
Text: si sic postea solverint, non graventur etc. |
1416/7 marzo 4 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles to the Podesteria of Chiusi with release of arrested person and summons of two inhabitants of the Commune of Gressa. |
Text: et si non solverint infra decem dies |
1416/7 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for new gabelles and pardons of forced loans. |
Text: satisdederint et postea solverint, non graventur etc. |
1417/8 marzo 17 |
Letter to the authorities of the countryside to proclaim publicly a payment deadline for the debtors of the Opera. |
Text: infra terminum non solverint ei scribetur et |
1418 maggio 20 |
Injunction to present to the treasurer the money received from the Podesteria of Calci for the new gabelles. |
Text: dictum tempus non solverint et seu non |
1418 agosto 18 |
Rulings concerning demands of payment for forced loans. |
Text: satisdederint et postea solverint, non graventur. Et |
1418 agosto 23 |
Registration of debtors of the new gabelles. |
Text: gabellarum quod aliquid solverint et non sint |
1418 settembre 16 |
Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead. |
Text: obstante quod non solverint inter terminum etc. |
1418 ottobre 24 |
Payment for records copied from the office of forced loans. |
Text: scripsit multos qui solverint pro eorum prestantiis |
1419 giugno 26 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: quod si sic solverint non graventur; deficiente |
1419 luglio 12 |
Term of payment for debt for forced loans. |
Text: satisdederit et postea solverint, ut supra dicitur, |
1420 maggio 9 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Campiglia Marittima for debt for proprety gabelle with letter to the Captain for demand of payment of foreigners' properties. |
Text: elapso termino nisi solverint mandet uni homini |
1419/20 febbraio 26 |
Guaranty for debt. |
Text: usque quo integre solverint quantitatem ad quam |
1420/1 gennaio 23 |
Prohibition to demand payment of the debtors of Florence and regulations of payment that regard them. |
Text: usque quo integre solverint id ad quod |
1421 aprile 18 |
Registration of prior payment in various account entries for debt for herd livestock. |
Text: possint, cum vece solverint quod solvere tenebantur |
1421 maggio 5 |
Order for demand of payment with penalty to the debtors on commission of the administrator and notary of the Wool Guild and the Opera. |
Text: usque quo integre solverint et tradiderint dicte |
1421 luglio 10 |
Order to the treasurer to register two debtors. |
Text: quantitates nisi predicti solverint vel excomputaverint in |
1421 ottobre 22 |
Term of payment for forced loans and pardons. |
Text: usque quo integre solverint integram quantitatem pro |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Castel Focognano. |
Text: integre dicte Opere solverint et satisfecerint de |
1421/2 marzo 17 |
Term of payment for debt for the gabelle on persons to the communes of the Podesteria of Anghiari. |
Text: integre dicte Opere solverint et satisfecerint de |
1422 novembre 23 |
Cancellation of debts for property gabelles due to double registration. |
Text: cum ipsam quantitatem solverint ut allegatur supra |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Renewal of the term of payment to the Podesteria of Castel Focognano with grace not be enjoined for the entire debt although the term is elapsed. |
Text: dictarum primarum pagharum solverint infra tempus et |
1425 giugno 28 |
Term of payment by order of the Signori for the construction in the chiasso dei Buoi. |
Text: dicto tempore non solverint, quod provisor et |
1425 agosto 7 |
Demand of payment and prohibition to free the guarantors of the masters of Lastra and letter to the Podestà of Gangalandi so that they do not continue building without the consent of the wardens. |
Text: Niccolao et Piero solverint libras octingenta vel |
1426 giugno 17 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. |
Text: dictum tempus non solverint; ac etiam scribatur |
1428 ottobre 1 |
Term of payment to the suburbs of Arezzo: unfinished act. |
Text: et in quantum solverint ad presens ... |
1428 novembre 15 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Scarperia. |
Text: termino, si non solverint, graventur realiter et |
1432 luglio 11 |
Election of debt collectors with regulations about fees for precepts to debtors. |
Text: predicti debitores non solverint elapsis terminis dictorum |
1434 agosto 14 |
Letter to the notary of the Podestà of Ripoli and Galluzzo about the demand of payment from the men of Ripoli. |
Text: ubi predicta non solverint per totum presentem |
1435 aprile 22 |
Term to the treasurers of the gabelles and forced loans in office from the 1425 for presentation of their rights or consignment of money collected and not paid, under penalty of dispatch to debtors' registry. |
Text: revisa ratio non solverint secundum raportum dictorum |