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o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: dicta summa dictus Ugo scribat super libris
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: alicui nec ipse Ugo de dictis denariis
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: et casolare et Ugo denarios, et ad
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: voluntatem operariorum dictus Ugo teneatur et debeat
o0201074.004vb 1418 agosto 4 Loan to the owner of a garden and shed of the value of that property and the relative gabelles in exchange for the usufruct with agreement to build a wall there and to make good other services. Text: de predictis dictus Ugo faciat claram scripturam
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: et quod dictus Ugo nichil solvere teneatur
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: et quod dictus Ugo teneatur omnes dictos
o0201074.006va 1418 agosto 9 Confirmation of the rulings for the usufruct of a garden and shed with quantification of the sum to be spent for building a wall there and with agreements for the eventual release of that property. Text: et quando dictus Ugo restituet dictos denarios
o0201074.010vb 1418 agosto 23 Term within which the shed and garden of the Alessandri must be consigned. Text: Ugoni et ipse Ugo teneatur restituere Operi
o0201078.026b 1421 aprile 18 Reduction of the rent of the quarry of the hill of Vincigliata for disagreement over the price and agreement to quarry only sandstone blocks for the cupola. Text: februarii proxime preteriti Ugo Bartholomei de Alexandris
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: predicte. Nobilis vir Ugo olim Bartholomei de
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: singula promixit dictus Ugo actendere etc. et
o0201078.058va 1420/1 febbraio 19 Rent of the hill of Vincigliata for three years, except two shops. Text: observandis etc. dictus Ugo mihi notario infrascripto
o0201078.059a 1420/1 febbraio 19 Ratification of rent of quarry made by the notary of the Opera with exclusion of two shops. Text: illorum quibus ipse Ugo dixit et asseruit
o0201079.019vb 1421 agosto 26 Release of messenger under arrest upon restitution of money wrongfully taken. Text: Mancinus ... sive Ugo nuntius captus ad
o0201080.028vd 1422 maggio 5 Oath of wardens and restitution of deposit. Text: Rainaldi de Rondinellis Ugo Bartholomey de Alexandris
o0201080.029vd 1422 maggio 9 Drawing of the provost. Text: cum auctoritate solita Ugo Bartholomey de Alexandris.
o0201080.034ve 1422 giugno 13 Drawing of the provost. Text: diebus more solito Ugo Bartolomey de Alexandris
o0201081.007d 1422 luglio 31 Drawing of the provost. Text: diebus cras initiandis Ugo Bartholomey de Alexandris
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