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Summary |
Context of query |
1427 maggio 7 |
Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. |
Text: contractuum instrumentorum et ultimarum voluntatum ac etiam |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: contractuum, testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum et quod |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: contractuum, testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum et sententiarum |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: et quarumcumque aliarum ultimarum voluntatum factorum et |
1427/8 febbraio 24 |
Acquittal in favor of San Gimignano in the dispute over testamentary legacies. |
Text: et testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum in aliis |
1417/8 febbraio 28 |
Election of the notary of the verification of testaments. |
Text: in notarium riscontri ultimarum voluntatum pro uno |
1427 maggio 7 |
Letter to the notary of the gabelle on contracts of Arezzo instructing him to prevent fraud and inform the Opera. |
Text: legatis testamentorum et ultimarum (voluntatum) que debentur |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Election of the notary of the testaments of Pisa with salary set. |
Text: legatorum testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum a tempore |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Election of doctor of law for counsel over the dispute between the Commune of San Gimignano and the Opera for the properties of San Galgano. |
Text: legatorum testamentorum et ultimarum voluntatum que dicta |
1427 maggio 7 |
Obligation to the Commune of San Gimignano to pay the testamentary legacies to the Opera, in accordance with the ordinances of the Commune of Florence. |
Text: Opere et legata ultimarum voluntatum quemadmodum alii |
1417/8 febbraio 28 |
Ruling for protect the indemnity of the notary of testaments. |
Text: Operis ultra officium ultimarum voluntatum et dubitantes |
1423/4 marzo 11 |
Term of payment for debts for testaments to the men of Prato. |
Text: pro testamentis et ultimarum voluntatum non possint |
1426 ottobre 25 |
Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. |
Text: testamentorum et aliarum ultimarum voluntatum per eos |
1426/7 gennaio 10 |
Letter to the administrator of Pisa for proclamation about the testamentary legacies with term of payment. |
Text: testamentorum seu aliarum ultimarum voluntatum, teneantur et |
1423/4 gennaio 27 |
Prohibition to demand payment from the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova, because it is a charitable institution, and to demand payment of, arrest and distrain its personnel. |
Text: testamentorum, codicillorum et ultimarum voluntatum olim factorum |