Document |
Date |
Summary |
Context of query |
1434/5 marzo 10 |
Authority to a warden to travel to Pisa for the construction of the San Marco gate and for the consignment of the rebels' properties in the amount of 1500 florins. |
Text: et duabus cavalcaturis vadat expensis Opere Pisas |
1434 maggio 11 |
Commission for a trip to Pisa and Avenza for questions concerning marble. |
Text: dicti castri, quod vadat Pisas et ex |
1434 maggio 11 |
Commission for a trip to Pisa and Avenza for questions concerning marble. |
Text: et quod postea vadat Laventiam ad videndum |
1431/2 marzo 23 |
Commission to a warden to attend to the forest. |
Text: Niccolinis eorum consocius vadat ex parte offitii |
1425 agosto 7 |
Commission to notary of draw up an act of donation of dotal properties in favor of the Opera. |
Text: Pieri de Octavantibus vadat expensis suprascripti Nannis |
1424/5 marzo 9 |
Commission to the notary of testaments to go to Bientina to verify an inheritance, letter to the vicar of Vico with summons for the heirs and letter to the Podestà of Vico. |
Title: de Ottavantibus quod vadat Bientinam in servitium |
1424/5 marzo 9 |
Commission to the notary of testaments to go to Bientina to verify an inheritance, letter to the vicar of Vico with summons for the heirs and letter to the Podestà of Vico. |
Text: exactione tantum testamentorum vadat ad petitionem Opere |
1429 maggio 6 |
Commission to warden, master builder and administrator for onsite inspection of the castle of Malmantile. |
Text: et caputmagistro Opere vadat ad castrum Malmantilis |
1436 agosto 9 |
Consignment of the copy of a counsel obtained from a lawyer and of other acts for a lawsuit between the Opera and Simone Rustichelli of Pisa and new request of counsel. |
Text: quod notarius Opere vadat cum dictis scripturis |
1431/2 febbraio 4 |
Dispatch of a blacksmith to inspect the iron of the chains being made. |
Title: uno fabro qui vadat ad fabricam Bernardi |
1431/2 febbraio 4 |
Dispatch of a blacksmith to inspect the iron of the chains being made. |
Text: unus faber intelligens vadat ad fabricam Bernardi |
1426 agosto 19 |
Dispatch of (master) to oversee to the work of the castles of Lastra and of Malmantile. |
Title: Nannes de Prato vadat ad providendum castra |
1426/7 gennaio 28 |
Dispatch of master to the kiln of Settimo to count broad bricks and loan to kilnman against new supply of large broad bricks. |
Text: caputmagistrum dicte Opere vadat ad abbatiam de |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Dispatch of the master builder to the castle of Lastra to oversee the moats. |
Title: Quod Batista vadat ad providendum castrum |
1427 ottobre 7 |
Dispatch of the master builder to the castle of Lastra to oversee the moats. |
Text: caputmagister dicte Opere vadat expensis Opere ad |
1427 maggio 28 |
Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. |
Title: Nanne de Prato vadat ad castrum Malmantilis; |
1427 maggio 28 |
Dispatch of the master builder with another master to Malmantile and election of the latter as administrator of the castle. |
Text: et cum eo vadat Nannes Andree de |
1425 settembre 3 |
Dispatch of the notary of the Opera to Vicopisano for litigation with demand of payment of the adversary for the restitution of the expenditures incurred. |
Title: Bartholomeus notarius Opere vadat ad castrum Vici |
1423 ottobre 20 |
Dispatch of two stonecutters to the Trassinaia quarry, one to keep the account of the work days and the other as blacksmith. |
Text: Antonii Dolfi scarpellator vadat Trassinarie pro et |
1423 ottobre 20 |
Dispatch of two stonecutters to the Trassinaia quarry, one to keep the account of the work days and the other as blacksmith. |
Text: Andree scarpellator etiam vadat Trassinarie pro fabro |
1428 giugno 4 |
Dispatch of warden and master builder to the forest to oversee cutting of lumber. |
Text: eorum college quod vadat ad silvam Opere |
1423 maggio 27 |
Election of the administrator at Trassinaia. |
Text: del Chapretta quod vadat provisorem Trassinarie et |
1435 agosto 12 |
Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. |
Text: fornaciario calcis quod vadat ad provisores pro |
1423 giugno 18 |
Hiring of blacksmith and stonecutter for Trassinaia. |
Text: quod ... faber vadat et laboret Trassinarie |
1429/30 gennaio 31 |
Information on the state of the marble lying in the ports of Carrara and Avenza and dispatch of a master for the recovery of a stone altar slab. |
Text: cum qua littera vadat illuc Chechus Andree |
1432 ottobre 11 |
Inscription of a treasurer in the debtors' registry for money withheld. |
Text: Tomaxius de Barbadoris vadat ad speculum pro |
1416/7 febbraio 25 |
Inspection of the sale of lumber. |
Text: vel capomagister Operis vadat ad videndum lignamina |
1434 maggio 15 |
Letter of reply to the count of Poppi with the temporary concession of the services of a worker. |
Text: ille Christofanus Ciervio vadat ad serviendum ipsi |
1419 luglio 4 |
Letter to debt collector to demand payment of the debtors outside the city. |
Text: detur littera quod vadat ad gravandum pro |
1436 giugno 15 |
Letter to the administrator of the Parlascio gate of Pisa for the presentation of the account of the wallworks and for withdrawal, in Vicopisano, of the salary of the Podestà. |
Text: et in ytinere vadat Vicum Pisanum et |
1425 settembre 18 |
Letter to the Lord of Lucca requesting him to allow passage of the suppliers of white marble through the territory from the port of Motrone to the Serchio river. |
Text: portu Motrone et vadat usque ad flumen |
1431 maggio 16 |
Letter to the master builder for the work at Staggia. |
Text: castrum Castelline quatenus vadat visis presentibus cum |
1419 maggio 12 |
Letter to the rectors and officials of the countryside and Florentine district in order that they follow the instructions of the debt collectors. |
Text: uno quarterio non vadat nisi unus exactor |
1426 luglio 11 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for supply of white marble, injunction of supplier and summons of the notary of testaments. |
Text: dicte Opere quod vadat Pisas ad dictos |
1426 giugno 17 |
Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for the election of a notary of the contracts office; letter to the Captain of Pisa for proclamation for the resolution of contracts; letters to the notaries of Pisa and Florence and to the treasurer of Pisa about regulations to be observed. |
Text: civitate Pisarum qui vadat ad gabellam contractuum |
1429 novembre 15 |
Notification to the canons of deadline for returning to their residences. |
Text: nuntio Opere quatenus vadat et ex parte |
1417 aprile 30 |
Open letter to debt collector for going out to demand payment. |
Text: dictorum operariorum quod vadat ad gravandum etc. |
1434 agosto 18 |
Order for a trip to Carrara for marble. |
Title: Quod Batista vadat Carrariam pro marmore |
1434 agosto 18 |
Order for a trip to Carrara for marble. |
Text: dicti marmoris; et vadat expensis dictorum conductorum |
1430/1 febbraio 15 |
Order for a trip to Castellina, Rencine and Staggia for the fortification of the castles. |
Text: cum duobus equis vadat ad castrum Castelline, |
1434 dicembre 17 |
Order for a trip to Lucca to obtain the permit to remove marble from Carrara. |
Title: Bartholomeus notarius Opere vadat Lucam ad impetrandum |
1434 dicembre 17 |
Order for a trip to Lucca to obtain the permit to remove marble from Carrara. |
Text: Bartolomeus notarius Opere vadat Lucam cum uno |
1434 agosto 20 |
Order for a trip to Nicola for work on the castle. |
Text: expensis dicte Opere vadat Niccolam partium Lunisiane |
1432 luglio 18 |
Order for a trip to Rosano in order to look at lumber and relative damages suffered by the Opera. |
Text: Sandri scharpellator Opere vadat die dominico proxime |
1430 maggio 2 |
Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there. |
Text: Fraschetta de Septignano vadat Vadam ad conducendum |
1421 maggio 30 |
Order to a stonecutter for a trip to the Alps for transport of lumber. |
Text: Papius Sandri scarpellator vadat in Alpes ad |
1433 agosto 6 |
Order to a (warden) to travel to the forest. |
Text: quod Stefanus Salvi vadat ad silvam Opere |
1421 dicembre 3 |
Order to master for a trip to Pisa to attend to the marble which has not been delivered. |
Text: Cecchini de Settignano vadat ad civitatem Pisarum |
1419 agosto 2 |
Order to master of go to work to the stairs of the Pope's residence in Santa Maria Novella. |
Text: quolibet die sequenti vadat ad laborandum et |
1423/4 febbraio 23 |
Order to master of keep the account of the workers and work days in Trassinaia. |
Text: in dicta Opera, vadat ad laborandum in |
1427 agosto 20 |
Order to the administrator obtain reimbursement of the money spent for a lawsuit with the Commune of San Gimignano for the collection of testaments. |
Title: Quod provisor vadat pro pecunia Sancti |
1422 ottobre 16 |
Order to the administrator to go quickly to the Blacksmiths' Guild to free a blacksmith under investigation. |
Text: pro eorum parte vadat ad ipsam Artem |
1423 aprile 23 |
Order to the master builder to go to the Trassinaia quarry on order of the Signori. |
Title: Quod Batista vadat Trassinarie mandato Dominorum |
1423 aprile 23 |
Order to the master builder to go to the Trassinaia quarry on order of the Signori. |
Text: Batista Antonii capudmagister vadat ad chavam Trassinarie |
1435 luglio 5 |
Order to the master builder to go with some masters to Nicola for the construction there and the arrest, at his instance, of his son. |
Title: Quod caputmagister vadat Niccolam |
1435 luglio 5 |
Order to the master builder to go with some masters to Nicola for the construction there and the arrest, at his instance, of his son. |
Text: quod Batistas caputmagister vadat Niccolam cum quibusdam |
1435 ottobre 14 |
Order to the notary of the Opera to obtain a report from (jurists) in the presence of the consuls of the Wool Guild on a lawsuit in course. |
Text: quod notarius Opere vadat ad dominum Laurentium |
1421 luglio 4 |
Permission to the master builder to oversee the work of the roof of the square of the Signori with order to report the expenditures incurred. |
Text: caputmagister dicte Opere vadat et provideat de |
1416/7 febbraio 9 |
Reassignment of two dwellings of the chaplains. |
Text: habitat discedat et vadat ad habitandum et |
1433/4 marzo 24 |
Release of a credit of public debt from the condition imposed by the Opera. |
Text: Pieri notarius Opere vadat ad scribanus Montis |
1433 agosto 13 |
Request of pardon for a master of stained glass windows who could work on the glass oculi of the cupola and of the church. |
Text: offitii ipsorum operariorum vadat coram magnificis dominis |
1418 maggio 20 |
Rulings in favor of a debt collector of the herd livestock gabelle. |
Text: novarum gabellarum, et vadat ad provisorem portarum |
1419 agosto 26 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Cascina for debt for pardons and butchering and wine gabelle. |
Text: octo diebus ut vadat ad declarandum etc. |
1427 agosto 20 |
Verification of account entries extracted from records of the public debt with cancellation of some that were erroneously registered. |
Text: quod eorum provisor vadat ad offitium Montis |