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Context of query
o0201072.028vd 1417/8 marzo 21 Authorization to sell logs outside the city. Text: civitatem Florentie possint vendi per provisorem Nerio
o0201073b.004c 1418 aprile 23 Authorization to sell pawns. Title: Quod possint vendi pignora per duos
o0201074.020c 1418 settembre 23 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to order the restitution of money received for the sale of a marble slab and to notify that the marble slabs of the Opera cannot be sold. Text: lapidibus Operis quoniam vendi non possunt, sub
o0201074.020vc 1418 settembre 26 Letter to the Podestà of Laterina for confiscation of properties and term of payment for the new gabelles. Text: quod facta sequestratione vendi faciat dictam recollectam
o0201074.029a 1418 novembre 21 Letter to the Captain of Pisa to prohibit the sale of marble of the Opera in his territory and to imprison some among the leading citizens for the debts of pardons of said Commune. Text: nullo modo sinat vendi de marmore Operis
o0201074.044c 1418 dicembre 2 Payment for the purchase of two shops with a house. Text: venditarum et seu vendi debentium dicto Operi
o0201075.030vg 1419 maggio 31 Authorization to sell logs. Text: domino Iohanni Tommasi vendi possint septem ligna
o0201076.008vb 1419 agosto 7 Authorization to sell lumber. Text: et habere sibique vendi possit de lignis
o0201076.011vg 1419 agosto 31 Authorization to sell white marble. Text: Bene vendantur et vendi possint per provisorem
o0201077.006vc 1419/20 gennaio 10 Authorization to sell mortar and bricks for the tomb monument of Baldassarre Cossa. Text: licite et inpune vendi potuerit et tradi
o0201077.009a 1419/20 gennaio 18 Authorization to sell marble slab. Text: quod vendatur et vendi possit per dictum
o0201077.018vd 1419/20 febbraio 9 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: Opere vendantur et vendi possint et debeant
o0201077.020vc 1419/20 febbraio 21 Sale of lumber. Text: florentino vendantur et vendi possint per provisorem
o0201077.021vc 1419/20 febbraio 23 Authorization to sell half a marble slab. Text: lastraiuolo vendatur et vendi possit media lapida
o0201077.024b 1419/20 febbraio 29 Authorization to sell lumber. Text: ser Antonio sacrestano vendi possit per provisorem
o0201077.031vb 1420 aprile 3 Authorization to sell white marble. Text: licite et inpune vendi et tradi Leonardo
o0201077.033e 1420 aprile 12 Proclamation for redemption or sale of pawns. Text: licite et inpune vendi possint et pretium
o0201077.041d 1420 maggio 20 Authorization to sell marble. Text: inpune vendantur et vendi possint libre CCL
o0201077.041e 1420 maggio 20 Authorization to sell broad bricks. Text: et forma predictis vendi et tradi possint
o0201077.041f 1420 maggio 20 Authorization to sell mortar. Text: et tradantur et vendi et tradi possint
o0201077.042e 1420 maggio 29 Authorization to sell lumber without leaving the possibility of choice to the buyer. Text: eum solvendo quo vendi solet tale lignamen
o0201077.044vb 1420 giugno 15 Authorization to sell lumber outside the city gates. Text: licite et inpune vendi possit Luce Pieri
o0201078.004ve 1420/1 gennaio 23 Authorization to sell by weight a marble slab divided in two. Text: Tomasii Guccii Martini vendi possit de marmore
o0201078.007vb 1420/1 gennaio 31 Rulings regarding coarse firewood to be transported to the Opera, with separate account kept by the administrator. Text: teneatur; et nemini vendi possint vel modo
o0201078.008bisc 1420/1 febbraio 12 Authorization to sell pawns with obligation of proclamation to protect the interests of the distrained persons. Text: labore ipsa pignora vendi et distrahi, deliberaverunt
o0201078.008bisc 1420/1 febbraio 12 Authorization to sell pawns with obligation of proclamation to protect the interests of the distrained persons. Text: ut ipsa pignora vendi licite possint et
o0201078.008va 1420/1 febbraio 7 Authorization to sell stones to a private person. Text: licite et inpune vendi possit quattuor carrata
o0201078.011va 1420/1 marzo 10 Authorization to the administrator to sell stones to the Opera of Santa Croce to make an oculus. Text: licite et inpune vendi possint de lapidibus
o0201078.012a 1420/1 marzo 10 Authorization to the administrator to sell half a stone slab by size. Text: dicte Opere licite vendi et tradi possit
o0201078.014vb 1420/1 marzo 17 Authorization to sell stones to the wardens of the Opera of Santa Croce. Text: licite et inpune vendi et tradi possint
o0201078.016vc 1421 marzo 31 Authorization to the administrator to sell the pawns kept in the Opera. Text: servata, vendantur et vendi possint, servata forma
o0201078.018vd 1421 aprile 5 Sale of stones to the Opera of Santa Croce. Text: provisorem dicte Opere vendi et tradi possint
o0201078.018ve 1421 aprile 5 Sale of stones to a private person. Text: Item vendi possint ut supra
o0201079.004vd 1421 luglio 10 Order to the administrator to inform himself about the pawn gabelle to be sold and to report on it. Text: per provisorem perquirantur vendi gabellam pignorum pro
o0201079.006ve 1421 luglio 16 Contract for the custody of pawns with indications regarding the place to keep them, thefts, sale and rights. Text: sex mensium statim vendi et distrahi facere,
o0201079.009d 1421 luglio 24 Sale of wood boards purchased for the third tribune. Text: utilius pro Opera vendi poterunt.
o0201079.035b 1421 ottobre 27 Sale of a log. Text: vendatur et seu vendi possit unum lignum
o0201079.046ve 1421 novembre 28 Release of arrested person, new term of payment without restitution of pawn. Text: sibi pignorato, quod vendi possit statim pro
o0201079.056c 1421 settembre 11 Contract for hewn revetment stones. Text: aliquem vendet nec vendi permictet vel portari
o0201081.007va 1422 agosto 4 Revocation of the previous resolution on the sale price of lumber and new ruling. Text: umquam tempore nemini vendi possint dari vel
o0201081.009vc 1422 agosto 7 Sale of stones from the quarry of Niccolò Rinucci. Text: fodiendi et habendi vendi et tradi possint
o0201081.012vd 1422 agosto 26 Sale of stones extracted in excess from the Rinucci quarry. Text: intendere deliberaverunt quod vendi possint de lapidibus
o0201081.027a 1422 novembre 5 Sale of fir boards to the friars of San Domenico. Text: de prope Fexulas vendi possint per provisorem
o0201081.028vb 1422 novembre 23 Sale of fir logs to the Tower officials of the Commune of Florence. Text: petenti vendantur et vendi et tradi possint
o0201081.055a 1422 agosto 28 Contract for various hardware with set price approved by the consuls of the Wool Guild. Text: Antonium dari et vendi debent et ab
o0201082.006vd 1422/3 marzo 9 Proclamation for redemption and sale of pawns. Text: dicto termino, pignora vendi possint pro maiori
o0201083.003vd 1423 luglio 29 Proclamation for sale of pawns. Text: ad petitionem operariorum vendi intelligantur secundum formam
o0201083.003vd 1423 luglio 29 Proclamation for sale of pawns. Text: et postea quandocumque vendi possint et vendita
o0201086.010vb 1425 aprile 12 Prohibition to sell without the joint permission of administrator and master builder under penalty of dismissal. Text: aliquid aliquo modo vendi, distrahi seu quovis
o0201086.012b 1425 aprile 18 Order not to sell materials without permission of the provost, except marble and lumber, with obligation to the treasurer and the notary to enter them in the income journal before sale. Text: aliquem quoquo modo vendi, alienari ac permutari
o0201086.012b 1425 aprile 18 Order not to sell materials without permission of the provost, except marble and lumber, with obligation to the treasurer and the notary to enter them in the income journal before sale. Text: marmore aliquid possit vendi de Opera sine
o0202001.050e 1426/7 gennaio 28 Authorization to the master builder to sell marble slabs. Title: Quod possint vendi Bartolomeo Taldi quattuor
o0202001.054vf 1427 aprile 2 Authorization to sell a slab to the Calimala guild. Title: Quod possit vendi una lapis pro
o0202001.072vh 1427 novembre 26 Authorization to sell marble to stonecutter. Title: Quod Cerbio possit vendi pars marmoris
o0202001.072vh 1427 novembre 26 Authorization to sell marble to stonecutter. Text: est in Opera vendi et non aliter.
o0202001.073e 1427 dicembre 9 Authorization for the sale of the large hoisting wheel. Title: Quod possit vendi rota ponderum per
o0202001.154c 1431/2 febbraio 8 Term of payment to a guarantor. Text: termino dictum tappetum vendi debeat per eorum
o0202001.158va 1432 aprile 24 Authorization to sell a slab. Title: Quod vendi possit una lapis
o0202001.161d 1432 maggio 28 Authorization to sell pebbles and old stones. Title: veteribus Opere possit vendi
o0202001.161f 1432 maggio 28 Authorization to sell marble. Title: Observantie de marmore vendi possit
o0202001.202vh 1433 luglio 10 Authorization to the master builder to sell sandstone blocks. Title: per caputmagistrum Opere vendi
o0202001.216d 1434 maggio 4 Authorization to sell pawns. Text: debeat vendere seu vendi facere pignora Opere
o0202001.217e 1434 maggio 28 Authorization to sell red marble. Title: Quod possit vendi marmor rubeus
o0202001.222vd 1434 ottobre 5 Restitution of pawn. Text: extimaverunt pignora que vendi debent ad presens
o0202001.229h 1435 marzo 28 Purchase of a thousand roof tiles at the lowest price for the roof of the church and its cloister. Text: non possit alicui vendi sine partito et
o0202001.240b 1435 agosto 23 Authorization to sell two altar slabs. Title: Quod possint vendi due lapides altaris
o0202001.252vm 1436 aprile 30 Prohibition to sell things belonging to the Opera beyond a certain value, with authorization to sell boards to three private persons. Title: Opere non possit vendi ultra quantitatem soldorum
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