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Summary |
Context of query |
1435 aprile 27 |
Acquittal of a treasurer of the forced loans for the debt denounced by the auditors regarding the 6 denari per lira due from orphans and widows, considered exempt. |
Text: de dictis solutionibus vera informatione. |
1429 luglio 5 |
Assignment of house to (canon). |
Text: assignaverunt pro eius vera habitatione. |
1417 maggio 26 |
Cancellation of debt for gabelle for herd livestock because of tax exemption of the men of Laiatico. |
Text: quia non est vera dicta partita et |
1422 novembre 24 |
Cancellation of debt for herd livestock because the debtor resides in place exempt from taxation, according to the attestation of his commune of residence. |
Text: etc. Egl 'è vera cosa che il |
1421/2 gennaio 9 |
Concession of right of recourse against debtor for loan. |
Text: quantitatem solutam pro vera sorte et libras |
1422 novembre 6 |
Concession of right of recourse for property gabelle to debtor who is no longer the owner. |
Text: trium solutam pro vera sorte et omnem |
1423/4 febbraio 11 |
Concession of right of recourse to guarantor for debt for property gabelle with letter to the Podestà of Borgo San Lorenzo and Vicchio. |
Text: decem otto pro vera sorte et de |
1420/1 gennaio 24 |
Concession of right of recourse to possessor of properties of a debtor. |
Text: quantitatem predictam pro vera sorte solutam et |
1418 aprile 18 |
Contract for red marble. |
Text: quod esset maior vera cimagia, tunc solvatur |
1428 luglio 2 |
Election of appraisers for the statue of Saint Stephen, protector of the Wool Guild. |
Text: et ipsum pro vera, iusta et recta |
1421/2 febbraio 25 |
Exemption from tax for testamentary legacies because they constitute dotal properties. |
Text: narrata per eam vera esse, volentes eidem |
1417 aprile 10 |
Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead. |
Text: duo auri pro vera sorte et nichil |
1418 settembre 16 |
Exemption from the fine for late payment of the tax due for ringing the bell of the dead. |
Text: duos auri pro vera sorte et sine |
1435 giugno 28 |
Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. |
Text: pene dato quod vera fuisset, idcirco prefati |
1420 marzo 27 |
Prohibition to demand payment of debt for forced loans. |
Text: per eam esse vera, servatis servandis ut |
1429 giugno 3 |
Prohibition to pay kilnman. |
Text: notitiam non fuisse vera prout asseruit dictus |
1421 luglio 4 |
Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. |
Text: et inpune pro vera quantitate debita. |
1416/7 febbraio 3 |
Right of recourse in favor of debtor's tenant farmer who was forced to pay the debt. |
Text: octo f.p. pro vera sorte et soldos |
1421 agosto 30 |
Right of recourse to the parish of San Giovanni of Senni for debt for new property gabelles. |
Text: et tam pro vera sorte quam pro |
1417 aprile 26 |
Rulings in favor of the family of the holder of rights upon a house sold to the Opera to widen the street of Santa Reparata. |
Text: Iacobi haberent pro vera sorte florenos viginti |
1433/4 febbraio 3 |
Term for the forced sale to the Opera of a shed and of a garden intended for the use of Opera personnel. |
Text: et ortum pro vera et iusta extimatione |
1436 aprile 27 |
Term of payment for debt to master builder with prohibition to demand payment in consideration of his poverty and family condition. |
Text: et exposuit sunt vera, servatis servandis pro |
1429 novembre 18 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: ad aurum pro vera sorte pro residuo |