Document |

 Date |

 Summary |

 Context of query |
1424/5 gennaio 24 |
Order to debtor to make a deposit for the recompense of the jurist called for legal advice on his case. |
Text: ' quali dice none essere debitore sechondo |
1425/6 febbraio 28 |
Authorization to the administrator to supply marble tomb slab to be replaced or paid for within six months. |
Text: 'Opera predeta, se none sia tenuto detto |
1425 maggio 21 |
Confirmation of the contract made to the masters of the castle of Malmantile and here transcribed and undersigned by the interested parties, because it had not been copied by the previous notary. |
Text: a mettere se none solo calcina e |
1425 aprile 28 |
Term to the prior of the hospital of San Gallo for submitting acts on the lawsuit in course for debt with obligation to pay the consultant. |
Text: avesse per diffenderssi none essere paghatore di |
1425/6 marzo 15 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: aveva manchamento di none essere biancho, di |
1424/5 gennaio 24 |
Letter with summons of Fra Bernardino for explanations in the lawsuit in course between him and Ghiberti about the design for two oculi (of the cupola). |
Text: Bartolucio orafo, se none stieno gravato el |
1425 luglio 20 |
Term of payment for rent of house. |
Text: buono mallevadore, se none detta grazia s |
1426 maggio 10 |
Term of payment to the church of San Bartolomeo a Ripalta. |
Text: buono mallevadore, se none possa essere gravati |
1425/6 febbraio 14 |
Injunction to (kilnman) to consign mortar under penalty of restitution of amount due to the Opera. |
Text: chalcina che se none sia tenuto di |
1426 aprile 17 |
Record of term of payment for unspecified debt. |
Text: che venghono, se none ch 'àgia di |
1425 novembre 20 |
Deadline for the completion of the work to master of Lastra. |
Text: che viene, se none debi chadere in |
1425/6 febbraio 14 |
Notification of term of payment to kilnman with threat of demand of payment. |
Text: dell 'Opera, se none possa e sia |
1424/5 marzo 7 |
Record of the pardon granted to the Commune of Castel Focognano not to pay its full debt even though it has not respected the term of payment. |
Text: di marzo se none debono paghare la |
1425/6 febbraio 14 |
Injunction to the kilnmen to supply the Opera within the agreed term under penalty of restitution of the amount due. |
Text: di febraio se none sieno tenuti ristituire |
1425/6 marzo 23 |
Order to the stonecutters including those of Trassinaia to work at least eight days for each pay period, under penalty of dismissal. |
Text: dì otto se none s 'intendino e |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Increase of salary to two messengers. |
Text: di salario che none avevano prima, cioè |
1425 maggio 21 |
Concession to the confraternity of Saint Zenobius to take back the wax of its offering. |
Text: e di quella none deba averne nulla |
1425 agosto 14 |
Term of payment with prohibition to demand payment until the account is audited. |
Text: e·sse none pagha el primo |
1424 aprile 4 |
Allocation of funds to restore the organs. |
Text: furono stanziati, ma none messi a· |
1424/5 marzo 3 |
Authorization to the administrator to rent out the shop called the Galea. |
Text: l 'ano se none lavora e chominciando |
1425 luglio 3 |
Order to masters of carry out the work at Gangalandi, under penalty of demand of payment. |
Text: lavorio loro, se none sieno gravati in |
1436 giugno 28 |
Balance of payment for the purchase of small terracotta square bricks polished and not. |
Text: lire diciotto e none arotati pe· |
1425/6 marzo 21 |
Notification by messenger of term of payment for debt for white marble due to the Opera under penalty of demand of payment. |
Text: ll 'Opera, se none infra 'l detto |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Authorization to Brunelleschi and the master builder to proceed with the construction of the cupola for half a braccio in accordance with the report submitted. |
Text: lui fatto e none altro di nuovo. |
1436 giugno 28 |
Balance of payment for the purchase of small terracotta square bricks polished and not. |
Text: millesecento uno quadri none arotati de ' |
1422 ottobre 6 |
Payment for various expenditures. |
Text: non chostorono se none le spese per |
1425 ottobre 31 |
Restitution of pawn and exemption from demand of payment for dotal properties. |
Text: non tiene se none per sua dotta, |
1424 giugno 16 |
Term of payment for debt for herd livestock and corresponding guaranty. |
Text: nostra petizione, se none di paghare la |
1425 agosto 14 |
Term of payment given to debtors. |
Text: ongni mese, se none manchando possa essere |
1431 aprile 21 |
Payment to a debt collector. |
Text: più testamenti che none erano anchora venuti |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment to the Commune of Montecatini. |
Text: quello rischuotesse, e none facendo né oservando |
1425/6 marzo 12 |
Demand of payment of kilnmen debtors except one who is obligated to supply mortar at his expense for the amount of the debt. |
Text: sopradetti fornaciai questo none osservassino possa e |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment given to a debtor. |
Text: venti p., se none pagharà possa e |
1425 agosto 7 |
Term of payment for debt. |
Text: venti p., se none perda la grazia, |
1435 ottobre 7 |
Payment advanced to carter for the purchase of an ox to serve the Opera to be discounted weekly. |
Text:·altro luogho none andare a charegiare |