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1416/7 febbraio 9
Revocation of the usage of giving wine to the workforce on Shrove Thursday and carnival and prohibition to work on these two days.
vino per berlingaccio e carnevale
1416/7 febbraio 11
Reinstatement of the use of giving wine to the workers on the eve of Shrove Thursday and carnival.
vino per berlingaccio e carnevale
1416/7 marzo 4
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission.
proibizione e permessi per lavoro fuori dall'Opera
1416/7 marzo 11
Authorization for permits to work outside the Opera.
permessi di lavorare fuori l'Opera
1417/8 febbraio 14
Suspension from pay for the stonecutters for time spent working outside the Opera or for third parties.
lavoro per terzi
1417/8 febbraio 14
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission, with one exception.
lavoro fuori l'Opera, regolamentazione
1418 giugno 30
Compensation to an unskilled worker injured by the hoisting wheel.
compensi per infortunati sul lavoro
1418/9 febbraio 14
Restitution of loans made to workers through deduction from their salary.
modalità per restituzione di prestiti dal salario
1421 giugno 13
Ruling in accordance with custom in favor of a unskilled worker wounded in the head by a stone.
compensi per infortunati sul lavoro
1425 maggio 31
Prohibition to the personnel to have themselves pulled up by the hoist outside the walls of the cupola and the chapels under penalty of loss of 15 days' salary.
divieto di farsi collare fuori dalle mura
1427 aprile 9
Prohibition to pay the masters who cheated the Opera long ago in the excavation entrusted to them of the walls of the keep of Castellina.
prezzo differenziato a maestri secondo la durezza o meno del terreno
1427 agosto 18
Prohibition to workers to descend from the cupola, under penalty of dismissal.
divieto di scendere dalla cupola pena la cassazione
1427/8 febbraio 24
Permit to masters and unskilled workers, who work up on the cupola, to work below with salary reduced by one fourth.
salario inferiore di un quarto a chi lavora sotto la cupola
1429 novembre 4
Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations.
divieto a maestri di lavorare fuori senza permesso
1429 novembre 4
Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations.
divieto di computo delle opere a chi è fuori senza licenza
1429 novembre 4
Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations.
permesso a maestri di rientrare a lavorare nell'Opera
1429 novembre 4
Authorization to each warden to give leave to masters for 5 days and dismissal of the scribe for having violated the regulations.
licenza a maestri di lavorare fuori
1429/30 marzo 15
Permission to masters to work outside the Opera.
regolamentazione del permesso di lavorare fuori
1429/30 marzo 18
Permission to masters to work outside the Opera.
permesso di lavorare fuori da 1 a 5 giorni
1430 settembre 18
Prohibition to masters and unskilled workers to work in the Trassinaia quarry during rest pauses.
divieto di lavoro nelle pause a Trassinaia
1431 luglio 11
Prohibition to the treasurer to pay the masters amounts in excess of the liquid cash available during his term of office.
paga ai maestri secondo disponibilità di cassa
1431 agosto 16
Permission to pay the unskilled workers with priority over other payments.
priorità della paga dei manovali
1431/2 marzo 23
Prohibition to the masons to work outside the Opera without permission and injunction to those already gone to return.
divieto di lavoro fuori l'Opera senza permesso
1432 aprile 6
Prohibition to the masters to work outside the Opera without permission of the provost.
divieto di lavoro fuori l'Opera senza permesso
1432 maggio 28
Obligation of masters to keep their own hammers at the Opera worksite.
obbligo di tenere proprio martello nell'Opera
1432 giugno 13
Prohibition to the masters and others of the Opera to accept contracts for supply of lumber.
divieto di accettare condotte di legname
1432 settembre 17
Prohibition to the masters employed on the cupola to work with chisels on the ground, and permission to five of them selected by lot to plaster and do similar things when it is not possible to work above.
proibizione ai maestri sulla cupola di lavorare a terra
1432 ottobre 30
Order to the scribe to count the days worked by the masters in the preparation of stones.
controllo dei tempi del lavoro delle pietre
1433 giugno 16
Order to the stonecutters to each keep a hammer of his own.
obbligo ai maestri di scalpello di tenere martelli
1433/4 febbraio 16
Prohibition to the masters to descend from the cupola more than once a day.
proibizione di scendere dalla cupola
1434 ottobre 22
Registration of the days worked at request of the master builder on holidays.
iscrizione delle giornate festive
1435 settembre 21
Release of condemned carter with agreement that he provide guaranty, work for the Opera and only in the capacity of carter.
carradore tenuto ad esercitare solo la sua arte
1435/6 febbraio 6
Prohibition to the officials to allow work in the Opera in the days of Holy Thursday and Saturday, under penalty of dismissal from their appointment.
divieto di lavorare il giovedì e sabato santo
1436 giugno 6
Prohibition to the masters and to any other person to have himself pulled up onto the top of the walls of the Duomo without permission of the wardens, under penalty of dismissal from his appointment.
divieto di collarsi sulle mura
1432 (maggio 28)
Obligation to the masters to provide themselves with pickaxes.
obbligo di fornirsi di piccone
1432 giugno 13
Prohibition to the Opera personnel to enter into contracts for the supply of wood.
divieto di accettare condotte di legname
1432 settembre 17
Authorization to some masters of the cupola to work on other tasks, excluding stone carving, when the weather is inclement.
maestri cupola tratti per altri lavori con tempo inclemente
1425 maggio 31
Prohibition to workers have themselves pulled up by the hoist in order to catch birds under penalty of loss of 15 days' salary.
divieto di farsi collare fuori dalle mura