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1416/7 gennaio 7

Payment for supply of lumber.

fodero - legname


1416/7 gennaio 7

Payment for supply of lumber.

fodero - legname


1416/7 gennaio 25

Payment for rafting of fir lumber.

fodero - abete, legname


1416/7 gennaio 25

Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water.

estrazione dall'acqua - abete, legname


1416/7 marzo 24

Payment for rafting of firwood.

fodero - abete, legni


1416/7 marzo 24

Payment for the towing of firwood from the water to the Opera.

estrazione dall'acqua - abete


1416/7 marzo 24

Payment for supply of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1416/7 marzo 24

Payment for supply of white marble.

navalestro - marmo bianco


1417 maggio 13

Payment for supply of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1417 maggio 13

Payment for supply of white marble.

navalestro - marmo bianco


1417 luglio 9

Payment for removal of lumber from the water and its conveyance to the Opera.

estrazione dall'acqua - abete, legname


1417 luglio 9

Payment for removal of lumber from the water.

estrazione dall'acqua - abete, legname


1417/8 febbraio 25

Payment for conveyance of log rafts.

fodero - (legname)


1417/8 marzo 10

Payment for removal of lumber from the water.

fodero - legni


1418 aprile 18

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname, estrazione dall'acqua


1418 maggio 13

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1418 ottobre 20

Authorization to the master builder and the administrator to contract out a supply of lumber.

- legname


1418 agosto 12

Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for its transport.

fodero - abete


1418 dicembre 15

Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water.

fodero - abete, legname


1419 aprile 12

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1419 luglio 5

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1419 agosto 21

Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water and for transport of the same.

fodero - legname di abete


1419/20 febbraio 7

Authorization to suppliers to transport lumber of the Opera together with that of the Commune of Florence.

- legname dell'Opera


1419/20 febbraio 7

Authorization to suppliers to transport lumber of the Opera together with that of the Commune of Florence.

- legname dell'Opera- legname del Comune di Firenze


1419/20 gennaio 29

Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it.

traino - legname


1419/20 gennaio 29

Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it.

fodero - legname


1419/20 gennaio 31

Payment for the purchase and transport of lumber.

- legname di abete


1420 giugno 15

Payment for removal from water and towing of fir lumber.

fodero - abete, legname


1420/1 gennaio 9

Debit of the cost of marble transport to the suppliers.

scafa - marmo


1420/1 gennaio 23

Letter to the Canigiani and their associates, bankers in Pisa, ordering them to pay the bargemen for supply and freight of marble as far as the city.

scafa - marmo


1420/1 febbraio 7

Engagement of two haulers of lumber.

fodero - legname


1420/1 marzo 3

Oath of a warden and letter to the Ten Supervisors of Pisa for the shipping of marble for the closing of the third tribune.

scafa - marmo torto


1420/1 marzo 3

Oath of a warden and letter to the Ten Supervisors of Pisa for the shipping of marble for the closing of the third tribune.

scafa - grano


1420/1 marzo 19

Letter to the Ten supervisors of Pisa instructing them to have the crooked marble for the closing of the third tribune loaded on the grain boat.

scafa - marmo torto


1421 aprile 7

Letter to the Podestà of Capraia or Montelupo to force a supplier to convey marble by the Arno.

- marmo


1421 aprile 26

Mode of payment of a sum allocated to two suppliers, who have lost at sea a rented gondola loaded with marble.

gondola - marmo


1421 maggio 9

Letter to the Ten of Pisa to order two bargemen to load marble and carry it to the port of Signa.

scafa - marmo


1420/1 gennaio 23

Payment for hauling of log rafts and towing of lumber.

fodero - legname


1420/1 marzo 19

Payment for the purchase, weighing, transport and commission of ropes in Pisa.

nave - canapi


1421 aprile 16

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1421 agosto 14

Order to the administrator to check personally the lumber conveyed to the port of San Francesco and keep note of the shipments consigned.

fodero - legname


1421 settembre 5

Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano with order to the raftsmen to put the lumber in the water and bring it to Florence.

fodero - legname


1421 novembre 26

Authorization to the raftsmen to convey lumber to the port of San Francesco, notwithstanding a contrary ruling.

fodero - legname


1421 novembre 21

Contract for supply of 12 chestnut trees for the covering of the chapels of the third tribune.

fodero - legname


1421 luglio 31

Payment for rafting and transport of large and small chestnut trees for chapels of the third tribune.

fodero - castagni piccoli


1421 luglio 31

Payment for rafting and transport of large and small chestnut trees for chapels of the third tribune.

fodero - castagni grossi


1421 luglio 31

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname, estrazione da acqua


1421 ottobre 2

Payment for transport of marble.

scafa - marmo


1421 novembre 6

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1421 ottobre 3

Guaranty for advance for transport on supply of marble.

- marmo


1422 marzo 31

Notification to the owner of the mill of Ricorboli to have towed at his expense the log rafts left upstream from his weir, which is not provided with passageway for rafts.

fodero - legname


1422 aprile 24

Authorization to the administrator to contract out the transport of log rafts from the port of Dicomano to that of San Francesco.

fodero - legname


1422 aprile 29

Compensation to (bargeman) for freight of marble from Pisa to Signa and demand of payment to the supplier, debtor for that amount.

scafa - marmo


1422 maggio 5

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for conveying marble to Signa at the expense of the suppliers.

scafa - marmo bianco


1422 maggio 20

Revocation of tare on the price of the marble ordered for the cornice of the cupola.

- marmo


1421/2 febbraio 14

Contract to supplier for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna.

- legname d'abete


1421/2 marzo 11

Contract for cutting and trimming of fir lumber in the forest of Campigna.

- legname d'abete


1422 maggio 15

Five-year contract for rafting and transport of lumber cut and trimmed in the forest of the Opera, with guaranty.

fodero - legname


1421/2 gennaio 19

Payment to suppliers and bargemen for supply of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1421/2 gennaio 26

Payment for a rope transported from Pisa.

scafa - canapo


1421/2 febbraio 5

Payment to lumber supplier for rafting of towloads.

fodero - legname


1421/2 marzo 11

Payment for freight of the marble for the oculus of the third tribune.

scafa - marmo bianco


1421/2 marzo 13

Payment to suppliers of white marble for the bargemen.

scafa - marmo bianco


1421/2 marzo 13

Payment to bargeman for the transport of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1421/2 marzo 31

Payment to hauler for 121 log rafts towed from the Arno.

fodero - legname d'abete


1422 agosto 7

Letter to the Podestà of Bagno a Ripoli instructing him to order a payment for transport of marble.

scafa - marmo


1422 novembre 6

Letter to the interested podestàs for proclamation regarding shipment of lumber lost along the river, under penalty of denunciation for theft of those who keep back the said lumber.

fodero - legname


1422 novembre 24

Order to administrator and master builder to weigh the marble of a supply delivered and to oversee the payment to the bargemen and carters.

scafa - marmo


1422 dicembre 9

Contract for supply of lumber.

fodero - legname


1422 dicembre 17

Injunction to owner of weir, who has damaged the Opera by not allowing lumber to pass, to pay the cost incurred for services of a hauler.

estrazione dall'acqua - legname


1422 dicembre 17

Injunction to owner of weir, who has damaged the Opera by not allowing lumber to pass, to pay the cost incurred for services of a hauler.

fodero - legname


1422 agosto 7

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1422 agosto 26

Payment to suppliers of marble to pay the bargemen.

scafa - marmo bianco


1422 settembre 4

Payment for removal of lumber from the water.

fodero - legname


1422 settembre 4

Payment for transport of chestnut rafters.

fodero - castagno, correnti


1422 settembre 4

Payment for removal of fir lumber from the water.

fodero - abete, legname


1422 ottobre 7

Payment for petty expenses.



1422 novembre 6

Balance of payment for rafting of lumber.

fodero - legname


1423 giugno 18

Concession of right of recourse to supplier of marble for failed transport and letter to the Podestà of Montelupo.

navalestro - marmo


1423 marzo 30

Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it.

fodero - castagno


1423 marzo 30

Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it.

fodero - abete


1423 maggio 22

Payment for pulling fir and chestnut lumber from the water.

fodero - castagni


1423 maggio 22

Payment for pulling fir and chestnut lumber from the water.

fodero - abeti


1423 giugno 19

Payment for the purchase and transport of white marble.

navalestro - marmo bianco


1423 luglio 5

Ruling in favor of lumber raftsman for collection of monies from the suppliers.

fodero - legni


1423 ottobre 5

Order to the suppliers of marble of settle payment for transport.

piattola - marmo bianco


1423 luglio 8

Payment for rafting of lumber.

fodero - legname


1423 agosto 16

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - castagni


1423 agosto 16

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - abeti


1423 novembre 6

Payment to bargeman for transport of corner boards of oak for the wood chain.

scafa - panconi angolati di querce


1424 marzo 28

Commission to the administrator to contract out supply of white marble for the external ribs of the cupola.

- marmo bianco


1424 marzo 30

Supply contract for white marble.

- marmo bianco


1424 maggio 5

Contract to bargemen for transport of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1423/4 gennaio 4

Payment for pulling rafts of lumber out of the Arno and its transport.

fodero - legname


1423/4 gennaio 12

Payment to suppliers of white marble including transport.

navalestro - marmo bianco


1424 aprile 13

Payment to bargeman for transport of a rope.

scafa - canapo


1424 dicembre 9

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1424 dicembre 20

Payment for transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1424/5 gennaio 12

Payment for hauling lumber out of the water and transporting it.

fodero - legname


1425 giugno 8

Payment for freight of a rope conveyed from Pisa to Signa.

scafa - canapo


1425 agosto 17

Cancellation of allocation of funds to lumber supplier because of debt.

fodero - legname


1425 dicembre 10

Letter to the Captain and to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to command bargemen for the transport of white marble.

scafa - marmo bianco


1425 dicembre 18

Order to (sculptor) to pay a bargeman for the transport of a piece of marble.

scafa - marmo


1426 maggio 4

Letter to the administrator of Pisa instructing him to solicit the boatmen to convey the white marble and letter to the treasurer ordering him to pay them.

barca - marmo bianco


1426 maggio 17

Letters to the captains of Pisa and Livorno about the white marble to be conveyed.

barca - marmo bianco


1426 giugno 20

Letter to the podestàs of the countryside instructing them to enjoin the bargemen to transport white marble from Pisa and other places as far as Signa.

scafa - marmo bianco


1426 luglio 11

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa for supply of white marble, injunction of supplier and summons of the notary of testaments.

barca - marmo bianco


1426/7 gennaio 31

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for demand of payment of bargemen and coercion of the same to take marble to Signa.

scafa - marmo


1426/7 marzo 8

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to have the salt loaded before the marble.

barca - marmo


1426/7 marzo 8

Letter to the supervisors of Pisa instructing them to have the salt loaded before the marble.

barca - sale


1427 giugno 12

Contract with Brunelleschi for transport of white marble up the Arno with term for consignment.

- marmo


1427 settembre 25

Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him.



1427 dicembre 4

Contract to Brunelleschi for trasnport of white marble in support of his invention of a new ship in the public interest.

nave - marmo bianco


1427/8 gennaio 14

Concession to contract out to carters and bargemen the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera.

scafa - marmo bianco


1427/8 febbraio 9

Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks.

scafa - marmo bianco


1428 maggio 12

Term to Brunelleschi for conveying to the Opera with boats the white marble that had been transported from Pisa to Empoli and Castelfranco with his “Badalone”.

Badalone - marmo bianco


1428 maggio 12

Term to Brunelleschi for conveying to the Opera with boats the white marble that had been transported from Pisa to Empoli and Castelfranco with his “Badalone”.

scafa - marmo bianco


1428 maggio 14

Letter to the Captain of Pisa for the white marble to be conveyed and letter to the notary of testaments for the collection of taxes.

scafa - sale


1428 maggio 14

Letter to the Captain of Pisa for the white marble to be conveyed and letter to the notary of testaments for the collection of taxes.

scafa - marmo bianco


1428 maggio 18

Letter to the treasurer of Pisa instructing him to pay the boatmen for transport of marble.

barca - marmo


1428 giugno 4

Authorization to the administrator to have marble conveyed from Pisa to the port of Signa.

scafa - marmo


1428 giugno 28

Authorization to the treasurer of Pisa to pay boatmen for the conveyance of the marble.

barca - marmo


1428 giugno 28

Authorization to the treasurer of Pisa to pay boatmen for the conveyance of the marble.

scafa - marmo


1428 luglio 20

Authorization to the administrator to pay bargemen, debiting the marble suppliers.

scafa - marmo


1428 luglio 27

Authorization to the treasurer of the Opera in Pisa to pay the boatmen for the transport of marble from the sea to Pisa.

barca - marmo


1428 ottobre 1

Authorization to pay for transport of white marble from Pisa to Signa.

scafa - marmo bianco


1428/9 marzo 12

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa with order to the bargemen to load marble and to the Pisans to pay sums owed to the Opera; another letter for information on the Pisan notary of testaments.

scafa - marmo


1429 ottobre 4

Reimbursement of sum paid for transport of marble from Avenza to Pisa.

nave - marmo


1429 dicembre 30

Authorization to the master builder to contract out transport of lumber.

fodero - legname


1430 maggio 2

Order for a trip to Vada for a stone altar slab and to investigate whether other relics exist there.

- lapide da altare


1430 maggio 29

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for debt and for removal of marble and letter to representative of the Opera soliciting the purchase of hemp and transport of stone slab from Vada.

scafa - lapide da Vada


1430 maggio 29

Letter to the Podestà of Pisa for debt and for removal of marble and letter to representative of the Opera soliciting the purchase of hemp and transport of stone slab from Vada.

scafa - marmo


1431 agosto 28

Confirmation of commission for rafting and conveyance of lumber.

fodero - legname


1432 dicembre 3

Order to register Brunelleschi's account for a supply of marble according to the settlement that two wardens will make.

Badalone - marmo bianco


1432 dicembre 9

Injunction to a supplier of marble to pay for transport by boat.

scafa - marmo


1433 giugno 10

Letter to the Captain of Pisa to get back the money given to the sailors for conveying marble.

marinai - marmo


1433 giugno 22

Authority to the administrator and to the master builder to contract out marble at fixed price with provision for supplement for transport by land in case of need.

- marmo bianco


1433 luglio 13

Contract for supply of lumber and term for consignment.

- legname


1433 settembre 16

Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers.

fodero - olmi


1433/4 febbraio 12

Authority to contract out lumber.

- legname


1434 aprile 30

Payment for transport of bricks.

- quadroni


1434 maggio 28

Letter concerning the transport along the Arno of marble of which the Opera has urgent need.

scafa - marmo


1434 luglio 13

Letter to one of the Five of Pisa about the transport of marble and the payment of the boatmen.

barca - marmo


1434 luglio 23

Letter of reply about the transport of marble.

barca - lapidi


1434 luglio 23

Letter of reply about the transport of marble.

barca - marmo


1434 ottobre 22

Letter to a supplier instructing him to convey lumber and threat to write to the Podestà.

fodero - legname


1434 ottobre 22

Letter to the rectors of the countryside to have the barriers of the fisheries removed so that the marble boats coming from Pisa can pass.

scafa - marmo


1434 dicembre 15

Hiring of a hauler of lumber.

estrazione dall'acqua - legname


1434/5 gennaio 26

Letter to the Captain of Livorno regarding the transport of marble columns.

barca - marmo, colonne


1434/5 gennaio 28

Order to pay transport of marble at price set.

- marmo