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A1-150  A151-300  301-450 A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1181 





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o0202001.064h 1427 agosto 5 Order to the master builder to repair the bell tower from which marble has fallen. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.065i 1427 agosto 18 Prohibition to workers to descend from the cupola, under penalty of dismissal. capomaestro
o0202001.065vb 1427 agosto 20 Authorization to moneylender to pay his debt with the Opera through supply of mortar coming from the quarry of a debtor of his. capomaestro
o0202001.065vd 1427 agosto 20 Site inspection by two wardens and the master builder at the castle of Lastra for the workers who are preparing the dressed stone. capomaestro
o0202001.066vb 1427 agosto 28 Authority to the scribe and the master builder to give permission to masters to work outside the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.067d 1427 settembre 9 Authority to master builder for the purchase of iron of Casentino. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.068ve 1427 settembre 25 Order to the administrator to debit to Brunelleschi the value of a rope to be purchased in substitution of another one lent to him. capomaestro
o0202001.068vf 1427 ottobre 7 Authority to master builder, administrator and (scribe) for the salaries of the masters, each reporting to the wardens. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.069b 1427 ottobre 7 Dispatch of the master builder to the castle of Lastra to oversee the moats. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.069e 1427 ottobre 10 Authority to the master builder and the administrator to have up to 30.000 pounds of white marble conveyed from Pisa with advance of 8 lire to each (carter). capomaestro
o0202001.069i 1427 ottobre 16 Authority to the master builder for the cleaning of the well of the kitchen. capomaestro
o0202001.069vf 1427 ottobre 20 Order to the master builder to repair the fireplace knocked down by the wind on the house of a chaplain. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.069vm 1427 ottobre 20 Authorization to the master builder to have six to eight cartloads of white marble delivered and to have it worked on by the masters. capomaestro
o0202001.069vn 1427 ottobre 20 Salary set for masters. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.070vc 1427 ottobre 22 Authority to the master builder, the administrator and the scribe to hire unskilled workers for the winter and set their salary. capomaestro
o0202001.072e 1427 novembre 10 Authorization to the administrator to contract out mortar with concession of advance. capomaestro
o0202001.072vd 1427 novembre 26 Hiring of blacksmith. capomaestro
o0202001.073b 1427 dicembre 4 Order to the master builder to have a sink repaired. capomaestro
o0202001.073e 1427 dicembre 9 Authorization for the sale of the large hoisting wheel. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.073i 1427 dicembre 11 Authorization to the master builder and to the administrator to determine how much a creditor owes. capomaestro
o0202001.073l 1427 dicembre 11 Authorization to the scribe to register masters in the book of work days. capomaestro
o0202001.073va 1427 dicembre 12 Authority to the (administrator) and master builder for confirmation of a blacksmith's salary. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.073vb 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to the administrator to contract out 60.000 broad bricks of various measurements. capomaestro
o0202001.073vc 1427 dicembre 19 Authorization to kilnman to buy four wooden vats at the expense of the Opera. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.073vd 1427 dicembre 19 Contract for 60.000 broad bricks with advance on payment. capomaestro
o0202001.074vb 1427 dicembre 23 Authorization to make a study in the house of a canon. capomaestro
o0202001.074ve 1427 dicembre 23 Authorization to repair the well of a canon. capomaestro
o0202001.075e 1427 dicembre 30 Improvements to the house of a (canon). Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.075f 1427 dicembre 30 Authorization to the master builder to exchange slabs. capomaestro
o0202001.075vc 1427/8 gennaio 8 Purchase of a saw for marble. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.076c 1427/8 gennaio 14 Contract for 50.000 small broad bricks and advance on payment. capomaestro
o0202001.076d 1427/8 gennaio 14 Concession to contract out to carters and bargemen the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.076va 1427/8 gennaio 14 Repairs to the roof of the house of a canon. capomaestro
o0202001.076vi 1427/8 gennaio 21 Site inspection by the master builder at the castle of Lastra and Malmantile. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.076vm 1427/8 gennaio 21 Authorization to the master builder to spend for repairs to the roof of the house of the sacristan. capomaestro
o0202001.077va 1427/8 febbraio 5 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for two ropes, of which one for the cupola and the other for the windlass. capomaestro
o0202001.077vf 1427/8 febbraio 9 Authorization to contract out white marble for external ribs of the cupola with advance on payment to be discounted with supply of broad bricks. capomaestro
o0202001.078vb 1427/8 febbraio 24 Authorization to kilnmen to supply up to twenty bushels of mortar to the Opera without advance on payment. capomaestro
o0202001.078vd 1427/8 febbraio 24 Authority to the master builder to have workers employed or not on the cupola. capomaestro
o0202001.078ve 1427/8 febbraio 24 Assignment of house to canon. capomaestro
o0202001.079vb 1427/8 marzo 16 Authorization to contract out 50.000 broad bricks. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.080a 1427/8 marzo 16 Authority to the master builder for the dispatch of workers to Trassinaia at his discretion. capomaestro
o0202001.080m 1427/8 marzo 24 Order to the master builder of have the cracked tribune re-stuccoed. capomaestro
o0202001.080m 1427/8 marzo 24 Order to the master builder of have the cracked tribune re-stuccoed. Giovanni d'Ambrogio - capomaestro
o0202001.080va 1427/8 marzo 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to repair the windows and glass oculus. capomaestro
o0202001.081g 1428 aprile 8 Salary of masters for the summer. capomaestro
o0202001.081h 1428 aprile 13 Authorization to the master builder to saw a slab into two tomb slabs. capomaestro
o0202001.081m 1428 aprile 17 Authorization to place the figure of Saint Stephen on the facade of the Duomo. capomaestro
o0202001.082b 1428 aprile 30 Authorization to the administrator and to the master builder to have a study made on request of a canon. capomaestro
o0202001.082l 1428 aprile 30 Authorization to the master builder to sell marble. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.082vc 1428 maggio 12 Salary of masters for the summer. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.083vg 1428 maggio 12 Authorization to the administrator, scribe and master builder to fix the salaries of the hired masters and to elect necessary unskilled workers and fix their salaries. capomaestro
o0202001.084f 1428 maggio 14 Authorization to the master builder to have the foundations rebuilt at the castle of Malmantile. capomaestro
o0202001.084i 1428 maggio 14 Authority to the master builder for work on roofs and sinks in the houses of canons, chaplains and clerics. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.084va 1428 maggio 18 Authorization to the master builder to contract out hoisting of loads up to the cupola with two oxen. capomaestro
o0202001.084vb 1428 maggio 18 Authorization to have a platform made for the feast of Saint Zenobius. capomaestro
o0202001.085d 1428 maggio 26 Authorization to sell lumber salvaged from the church of San Simone. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.085va 1428 giugno 4 Authorization to pay workers who demolished the houses near the church of San Simone. capomaestro
o0202001.085vb 1428 giugno 4 Dispatch of warden and master builder to the forest to oversee cutting of lumber. capomaestro
o0202001.086vd 1428 luglio 2 Authority to the master builder to sell roof tiles from the destroyed houses of San Simone. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.087ve 1428 luglio 14 Authorization to contract out to carters the transport of white marble from Pisa to the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.087vf 1428 luglio 14 Appraisal of rope lent to Brunelleschi. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.088c 1428 luglio 15 Authorization to the master builder to have black marble conveyed. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.088va 1428 luglio 27 Tare on supply of marble in part refused because black or not acceptable. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.089d 1428 agosto 16 Order to the administrator to select the good lumber from the tribune armature and authorization to the master builder to sell the rest. capomaestro
o0202001.089e 1428 agosto 16 Order to the master builder to record and tare the lumber conveyed from the forest and its sale on the same conditions. capomaestro
o0202001.089vc 1428 agosto 20 Term of payment to debtor with supply of mortar for the amount due. capomaestro
o0202001.089vg 1428 agosto 20 Acceptance with tare of the white marble needed for the external ribs, that had previously been refused. capomaestro
o0202001.090vg 1428 agosto 31 Permit to cut lumber in the forest of the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.090vm 1428 agosto 31 Order to have the roof of the house of a (canon) repaired. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.091h 1428 agosto 31 Repairs on the roof of the house of a chaplain. capomaestro
o0202001.091va 1428 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to contract out gutter spouts for the small tribune. capomaestro
o0202001.091vd 1428 settembre 24 Order to the administrator and master builder to compile inventories of the houses of the Visdomini. capomaestro
o0202001.091vf 1428 settembre 24 Authorization to contract out supply of mortar. capomaestro
o0202001.091vg 1428 settembre 24 Authority to the master builder to have stone gutter spouts made for the cupola. capomaestro
o0202001.091vi 1428 ottobre 1 Authority to the administrator and the master builder for contract for cutting of lumber in the forest of Campigna. capomaestro
o0202001.091vl 1428 ottobre 1 Authority to warden to mark the lumber to be sold. capomaestro
o0202001.092b 1428 ottobre 1 Confirmation of contract for the purchase of a hundred stones. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.092c 1428 ottobre 1 Authorization to the master builder to sell stones. capomaestro
o0202001.092d 1428 ottobre 1 Authorization to have work done in shops of the Opera rented by a carpenter, with partial reimbursement at the end of the lease. capomaestro
o0202001.092l 1428 ottobre 1 Contract for slabs of sandstone for the cupola. capomaestro
o0202001.092vd 1428 ottobre 12 Tare on pieces of white marble previously refused by the consuls and wardens, to be conveyed to the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.093vd 1428 novembre 13 Revocation of commission to the master builder for work to have done by the masters of the Opera. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.094c 1428 novembre 18 Authorization to the master builder to order master masons and stonecutters to serve as unskilled workers and any of them to work on the cupola, on penalty of dismissal. capomaestro
o0202001.094e 1428 novembre 18 Election of stonecutter. capomaestro
o0202001.094g 1428 novembre 18 Election of stonecutter. capomaestro
o0202001.094va 1428 novembre 23 Hiring of masters with salary set. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.095a 1428 novembre 23 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe to elect unskilled workers and set their salary. capomaestro
o0202001.097va 1428 dicembre 3 Election of two stonecutters. capomaestro
o0202001.098e 1428 dicembre 29 Order to the administrator and master builder to have a study made in the house of a canon with limit of expenditure and to debit to him the eventual excess cost. capomaestro
o0202001.098f 1428 dicembre 29 Order to return ironwork taken from one of the houses destroyed at San Simone. capomaestro
o0202001.098g 1428 dicembre 29 Order to wall up two doors of the court of the Visdomini. capomaestro
o0202001.098va 1428 dicembre 29 Deadline for supply of broad bricks to kilnman who has ill served the Opera, with prohibition of new contract and discount of the consignment from the advance received. capomaestro
o0202001.098vf 1428/9 gennaio 7 Authority to Brunelleschi with the master builder and the administrator to contract out a stone chain. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.099b 1428/9 gennaio 11 Construction of wall closing off access to the canons' cloister and repairs to the adjoining house. capomaestro
o0202001.099d 1428/9 gennaio 11 Order to the administrator and master builder to have 20 cartloads of marble conveyed from Pisa. capomaestro
o0202001.099g 1428/9 gennaio 28 Order to the master builder to repair the door of a renter's house. capomaestro
o0202001.099vb 1428/9 gennaio 28 Order to open a new access to the house of a canon and to wall up the door existing on the public street. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.100c 1428/9 gennaio 28 Reduction of the price of resale of towloads of lumber, to brink it in line with that applied by the master carpenters. capomaestro
o0202001.100e 1428/9 gennaio 28 Order to close the residence of Pope Martino in Santa Maria Novella. capomaestro
o0202001.100f 1428/9 gennaio 28 Consignment of red marble to masters with restitution of the amount paid by the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.100va 1428/9 gennaio 28 Authorization to purchase white marble for the tribune to offset that of the external ribs of the great cupola during transport. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.100vc 1428/9 gennaio 28 Hiring of master masons and stonecutters. capomaestro
o0202001.101vc 1428/9 febbraio 17 Restitution of arms. capomaestro
o0202001.102vd 1428/9 febbraio 23 Authorization to contract out quarry mortar. capomaestro
o0202001.103l 1428/9 marzo 12 Commission to the administrator and the master builder to purchase a cartload of fir boards. capomaestro
o0202001.103va 1429 marzo 30 Authority to Brunelleschi and the master builder for the cloister of the canons and clerics. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.103vb 1429 marzo 30 Limit of expense for alterations in the house of (a canon). capomaestro
o0202001.103vg 1429 aprile 5 Order to make written reports for the salary of the masters for the summer. capomaestro
o0202001.104d 1429 aprile 12 Alterations to the houses of the canons and chaplains, as indicated by the wardens, written by the administrator and signed by the notary of the Opera. capomaestro
o0202001.104e 1429 aprile 12 Order to the master builder of make a study for a (canon) in place to be designated. capomaestro
o0202001.104f 1429 aprile 12 Order to measure house of chaplain. capomaestro
o0202001.104ve 1429 aprile 15 Salary set for masters for the summer. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.105vb 1429 aprile 15 Order to make a fireplace in the houses of two canons and assignment of part of vault to one of them. capomaestro
o0202001.105vd 1429 aprile 15 Prohibition to accept mortar, order to impose tare and to purchase the foreseen amount. capomaestro
o0202001.106a 1429 aprile 21 Order to the master builder not to leave the Opera on work days, under penalty the loss of the day's wage. capomaestro
o0202001.106b 1429 aprile 21 Order to plaster the wall around the houses of the canons and chaplains with removal of the outside street benches. capomaestro
o0202001.106d 1429 aprile 21 Authorization to the master builder to contract out towloads of lumber. capomaestro
o0202001.106h 1429 maggio 6 Commission to warden, master builder and administrator for onsite inspection of the castle of Malmantile. capomaestro
o0202001.106va 1429 maggio 6 Site inspection of house of chaplain, with deadline for restoration of the same, and injunction to another chaplain to evacuate the corridor. capomaestro
o0202001.106vd 1429 maggio 18 Authorization to the master builder to make improvements to the clerics' entrance. capomaestro
o0202001.106ve 1429 maggio 18 Destruction of part of house of (canon) and new assignment to another (canon). capomaestro
o0202001.107a 1429 maggio 27 Authorization to the master builder to lease the Trassinaia quarry and elect the workers in said quarry. capomaestro
o0202001.107b 1429 maggio 27 Authority to the administrator, master builder and scribe for salary of the unskilled workers. capomaestro
o0202001.107c 1429 maggio 27 Authority to the master builder for sale of objects coming from demolished house. capomaestro
o0202001.107d 1429 giugno 1 Sale of study from demolished house. capomaestro
o0202001.107va 1429 giugno 1 Prohibition to hire new masters either in the Opera or at Trassinaia. capomaestro
o0202001.107vb 1429 giugno 1 Hiring of master. capomaestro
o0202001.108d 1429 giugno 16 Authority to the master builder to have wells cleaned and covered. capomaestro
o0202001.108i 1429 giugno 16 Order to the master builder to have the well of the sacristy cleaned and to arrange access to it. capomaestro
o0202001.108l 1429 giugno 16 Paving of road and obligation to the interested parties to pay their relative dues. capomaestro
o0202001.108va 1429 giugno 16 Authorization to the administrator and the master builder to contract out sand for mortar for the cupola. capomaestro
o0202001.108vd 1429 giugno 16 Order to circumscribe with a cord the area with the houses yet to be demolished for the cloistering of the canons. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.108vf 1429 luglio 5 Authority to the master builder for the election of 10 masters for the quarry. capomaestro
o0202001.108vh 1429 luglio 5 Order to Sea consul to have a rope made in Pisa. capomaestro
o0202001.109a 1429 luglio 5 Contract for up to 50 towloads of lumber to be cut in the forest. capomaestro
o0202001.109c 1429 luglio 6 Order to evaluate the bell-ringer's requirement of boards to prepare a place to sleep in the bell tower. capomaestro
o0202001.109vd 1429 luglio 16 Order to the master builder of make repairs to the sink and latrines of the house of a (canon). capomaestro
o0202001.110vc 1429 luglio 29 Order to the master builder to replace window in the house of a chaplain. capomaestro
o0202001.110vd 1429 luglio 29 Order to the master builder wall up between two houses. capomaestro
o0202001.111e 1429 agosto 4 Order to the master builder to lower the house of a (canon). capomaestro
o0202001.111va 1429 agosto 20 Order to the master builder to make repairs to the roof of the house of a canon. capomaestro
o0202001.111vb 1429 agosto 20 Order to the master builder to attend to the upkeep of the Florentine Studio in accordance with communal legislation. capomaestro
o0202001.111vf 1429 agosto 20 Authorization to kilnman to send mortar in the amount allowed by the master builder. capomaestro
o0202001.111vi 1429 agosto 31 Authorization to the master builder to make the door of the cloister of the clergy. Battista d'Antonio - capomaestro
o0202001.112c 1429 agosto 31 Hiring of master. capomaestro
o0202001.112g 1429 settembre 12 Authorization to the scribe to register day worked outside the Opera. Battista - capomaestro
o0202001.112h 1429 settembre 12 Order to the master builder to have street benches built along the street that is being newly paved near the bell tower. capomaestro
o0202001.112vc 1429 settembre 22 Hiring of stonecutters. capomaestro
o0202001.113d 1429 ottobre 4 Order to set salaries for the winter for the masters at the Opera and those of the quarry of Trassinaia. capomaestro
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