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A1-150  A151-300  A301-450  A451-600  A601-750  A751-900  A901-1050  A1051-1200  A1201-1350  A1351-1500  A1501-1650  A1651-1800  A1801-1950  A1951-2100  A2101-2250  A2251-2400  A2401-2550  A2551-2700  A2701-2850  A2851-3000  A3001-3150  A3151-3300  3301-3450 A3451-3600  A3601-3750  A3751-3900  A3901-4050  A4051-4200  A4201-4273 





Context of query
o0201072.041a 1418 aprile 7 Release of an arrested person with agreement that he return pawns, and promise of restitution of the remainder. Rinaldo di Giannozzo Gianfigliazzi, messer - operaio
o0201072.041a 1418 aprile 7 Release of an arrested person with agreement that he return pawns, and promise of restitution of the remainder. Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0201070b.017b 1417 aprile 6 Release of arrested debtor with guaranty of payment of the debt in installments. Filippo di Lodovico Ceffini - operaio
o0201070b.017b 1417 aprile 6 Release of arrested debtor with guaranty of payment of the debt in installments. Giovanni di Domenico Giugni - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Vannozzo di Giovanni Serragli - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Tommaso d'Andrea Minerbetti - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Ranieri di Bardo Bagnesi - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Agnolo di Salvestro Belfredelli - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Simeone di Paolo Carnesecchi - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Duccino Mancini - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Bartolomeo di Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0201079.002va 1421 luglio 4 Release of arrested debtors on condition that they make deposit and new term of payment. Giovanni di Salvi - operaio
o0201073.012va 1418 giugno 2 Release of arrested person and new payment deadline for taxes. Sandro di Giovanni Baroncelli - operaio
o0201077.028b 1419/20 marzo 21 Release of arrested person for debt for livestock gabelle and letter to the vicar of Firenzuola for summons of the debtors. Andrea di Giovanni - operaio
o0201070b.015vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Release of arrested person for debt for new property gabelles of the Aretine bishop, letter to the vicar of Anghiari for information on properties and new term of payment. Niccolò di messer Donato Barbadori - operaio
o0201070b.015vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Release of arrested person for debt for new property gabelles of the Aretine bishop, letter to the vicar of Anghiari for information on properties and new term of payment. Niccolò di Marco Benvenuti - operaio
o0201070b.015vb 1416/7 marzo 24 Release of arrested person for debt for new property gabelles of the Aretine bishop, letter to the vicar of Anghiari for information on properties and new term of payment. Filippo di Lodovico Ceffini - operaio
o0201076.019a 1419 ottobre 10 Release of arrested person for debt for pardons of forced loans to be discounted from the credit for rent of the quarry of Monteferrato. Dino di messer Guccio di Dino Gucci - operaio
o0201076.019a 1419 ottobre 10 Release of arrested person for debt for pardons of forced loans to be discounted from the credit for rent of the quarry of Monteferrato. Bonaccorso di Neri Pitti - operaio
o0201076.019a 1419 ottobre 10 Release of arrested person for debt for pardons of forced loans to be discounted from the credit for rent of the quarry of Monteferrato. Ugolino di Jacopo Mazzinghi - operaio
o0201077.029a 1420 marzo 27 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle with guaranty. Taddeo di Bartolomeo Lorini - operaio
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Ugolino di Jacopo Mazzinghi - operaio
o0201076.030ve 1419 novembre 20 Release of arrested person for debt for property gabelle. Jacopo di Berto da Filicaia - operaio
o0201082.005vc 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person for debts of communes of the Podesteria of Bucine and letter to the Podestà with summons. Paolo di Giannozzo - operaio
o0201082.005vc 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person for debts of communes of the Podesteria of Bucine and letter to the Podestà with summons. Salvestro Ceffini - operaio
o0201082.006a 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person who is not the holder of the properties for which he was enjoined to pay. Paolo di Giannozzo - operaio
o0201082.006a 1422/3 marzo 9 Release of arrested person who is not the holder of the properties for which he was enjoined to pay. Salvestro Ceffini - operaio
o0202001.112va 1429 settembre 22 Release of arrested person with confiscation of house and demand of payment of guarantors. Giovanni Riccialbani - operaio
o0201074.011a 1418 agosto 26 Release of arrested person with promise of payment. Giovanni di Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0201074.011a 1418 agosto 26 Release of arrested person with promise of payment. Sandro di Giovanni Baroncelli - operaio
o0201072.027va 1417/8 marzo 18 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Rinaldo di Giannozzo Gianfigliazzi, messer - operaio
o0201072.027va 1417/8 marzo 18 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Paolo di Giannozzo Vettori - operaio
o0201072.029va 1417/8 marzo 23 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Rinaldo di Giannozzo Gianfigliazzi, messer - operaio
o0201072.029va 1417/8 marzo 23 Release of arrested person, payment deadline and corresponding guaranty. Lapo di Giovanni Niccolini - operaio
o0201072.017vf 1417/8 febbraio 10 Release of arrested person, payment deadline of the debt and corresponding guaranty. Rinaldo di Giannozzo Gianfigliazzi, messer - operaio
o0201070b.024c 1417 giugno 15 Release of arrested person. Niccolò Barbadori - operaio
o0201070b.024c 1417 giugno 15 Release of arrested person. Giovanni Giugni - operaio
o0201074.019a 1418 settembre 14 Release of arrested person. Giovanni di Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0201074.019a 1418 settembre 14 Release of arrested person. Tommaso di Bartolomeo Barbadori - operaio
o0201070.005e 1416/7 gennaio 26 Release of arrested persons and new payment deadline for a debt of the Commune of San Miniato fiorentino. Filippo di Lodovico Ceffini - operaio
o0201070.005e 1416/7 gennaio 26 Release of arrested persons and new payment deadline for a debt of the Commune of San Miniato fiorentino. Agnolo di Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0201077.019va 1419/20 febbraio 13 Release of debt collector arrested for unauthorized distraint of pawns. Michele Riccialbani - operaio
o0201077.019va 1419/20 febbraio 13 Release of debt collector arrested for unauthorized distraint of pawns. Parigi Corbinelli - operaio
o0201075.003vb 1418/9 gennaio 23 Release of debtor arrested for the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. Lorenzo di Ceffo di Masino Ceffi - operaio
o0201075.003vb 1418/9 gennaio 23 Release of debtor arrested for the Commune of Borgo San Lorenzo. Nerone di Nigi di Nerone di Nigi - operaio
o0201083.006c 1423 settembre 11 Release of guarantor of arrested debtor. Berto da Filicaia - operaio
o0201083.006c 1423 settembre 11 Release of guarantor of arrested debtor. Jacopo di Vanni Vecchietti - operaio
o0201075.002ve 1418/9 gennaio 12 Release of imprisoned person for debt for forced loans and gabelles. Nerone di Nigi di Nerone di Nigi - operaio
o0201075.002ve 1418/9 gennaio 12 Release of imprisoned person for debt for forced loans and gabelles. Gherardo di Matteo Doni - operaio
o0201075.002ve 1418/9 gennaio 12 Release of imprisoned person for debt for forced loans and gabelles. Lorenzo di Ceffo di Masino Ceffi - operaio
o0202001.068f 1427 settembre 23 Release of imprisoned person with order slip issued by the notary of the Opera. Andrea di Niccolò Giugni - operaio
o0202001.068f 1427 settembre 23 Release of imprisoned person with order slip issued by the notary of the Opera. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0201080.006va 1421/2 gennaio 12 Release of lumber supplier and his guarantor from further obligation upon receipt of attestation that he fully satisfied the conditions of his contract. Luca di Manetto da Filicaia - operaio
o0201072.014vi 1417/8 gennaio 20 Release of person arrested for payment of debt. Rinaldo di Giannozzo Gianfigliazzi, messer - operaio
o0201074.019va 1418 settembre 16 Release of the prisoner held for the debt of the Commune of Pisa, because he is poor. Giovanni di Tommaso Corbinelli - operaio
o0201074.019va 1418 settembre 16 Release of the prisoner held for the debt of the Commune of Pisa, because he is poor. Donato di Michele Velluti - operaio
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Nuccio di Benintendi Solosmei - operaio
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Bernardo di messer Biagio Guasconi - operaio
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Berto di Francesco da Filicaia - operaio
o0202001.147vb 1431 agosto 21 Removal of the household goods from the houses of the chaplains who failed to observe liturgical duties. Michele di Benedetto di ser Michele - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Simone di Francesco di ser Gino - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Tommaso di Bartolomeo Barbadori - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Bartolo di Nofri Bischeri - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Gualtieri di Giovanni Biliotti - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Andrea di Rinaldo Rondinelli - operaio
o0201086.024vb 1425 giugno 12 Renewal for six months of appointment of the scribe of the daily wages and of the master builder. Donato di Piero Velluti - operaio
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Rinaldo Albizzi, messer - operaio
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Filippo d'Andrea Salviati - operaio
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Francesco di Taddeo di Giano Gherardini - operaio
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Giovanni di Ghezzo Della Casa - operaio
o0201078.056a 1420/1 gennaio 14 Rent of a brick kiln belonging to of the abbey of Settimo for five years. Pagnozzo di Bartolomeo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.113a 1429 ottobre 4 Rent of a house. Giovanni Riccialbani - operaio
o0202001.113a 1429 ottobre 4 Rent of a house. Battista Arnolfi - operaio
o0202001.113a 1429 ottobre 4 Rent of a house. Betto Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.113a 1429 ottobre 4 Rent of a house. Tommaso Del Palagio - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Simone di Mariotto Orlandini - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Antonio di Tedice Albizzi - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Bianco di Salvestro di maestro Benvenuto - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Francesco di Benedetto Strozzi - operaio
o0201086.031a 1424/5 marzo 15 Rent of the shop called Galea to Fra Bernardo master of glass oculi with deadline for inception of work on the stained-glass windows. Andrea di Niccolò Giugni - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Schiatta d'Uberto Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Filippo di Niccolò Giugni - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Andrea di Vieri Rondinelli - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Antonio di Matteo di Jacopo Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Luigi d'Alessandro di ser Lamberto - operaio
o0202001.043d 1426 ottobre 25 Report of the notary on legal counsel obtained for dispute with the Commune of San Gimignano and term of payment to the guarantor of said Commune. Giovanni d'Andrea Minerbetti - operaio
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Giovanni d'Onofrio Bischeri - operaio
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Vannozzo Serragli - operaio
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.063c 1427 luglio 14 Request of counsel from experts from Bologna and Imola on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Francesco di Vieri Guadagni - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Giovanni di Lapo Niccolini - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Giovanni d'Onofrio Bischeri - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Bartolomeo di Jacopo Gherardini - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Andrea di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Vannozzo Serragli - operaio
o0202001.062vl 1427 luglio 11 Request of opinion from experts on dispute between the Opera and the Commune of San Gimignano. Francesco di Vieri Guadagni - operaio
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Niccolò di Matteo Corsini - operaio
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Matteo di Nuccio Solosmei - operaio
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Luca di Gregorio di Fetto Ubertini - operaio
o0202001.199e 1433 giugno 4 Request to the Signori for letter to the Elders of Lucca to permit transit of marble. Francesco di Benedetto Strozzi - operaio
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Niccolò Barbadori - operaio
o0201070b.022vb 1417 maggio 26 Resolution in favor of customs officer for rights due him for notification of herd livestock. Jacopo Riccialbani - operaio
o0201070b.017vb 1417 aprile 16 Resolution not to release from his obligation the distrained tenant of a debtor for forced loans. Filippo Ceffini - operaio
o0201070b.017vb 1417 aprile 16 Resolution not to release from his obligation the distrained tenant of a debtor for forced loans. Ugolino Mazzinghi - operaio
o0201074.059va 1418 dicembre 23 Restitution of a deposit. Nerone di Nigi di Nerone di Nigi - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Donato di Michele Velluti - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Simone di Mariotto Orlandini - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Jacopo di Giovanni Giugni - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Tommaso di Bartolomeo Barbadori - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Lorenzo di Ceffino di Masino Ceffi - operaio
o0201074.027a 1418 novembre 4 Restitution of a house door distrained for a tax because the payment deadline has not yet elapsed. Nerone di Nigi Neroni - operaio
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Compagno d'Alessandro Arrigucci - operaio
o0201076.012va 1419 settembre 4 Restitution of a lunette of white marble not corresponding to the measurements requested with permission to the suppliers to sell it. Niccolò di Giovanni di ser Segna - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Antonio di Bernardo Ridolfi - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Piero di Giovanni Del Palagio - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Bernardo di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Lorenzo di Francesco Michi - operaio
o0202001.189g 1432 ottobre 29 Restitution of a pawn for debt of pardons of forced loans with obligation to give guaranty. Giovanni di Niccolò da Filicaia - operaio
o0201072.014b 1417/8 gennaio 18 Restitution of a pawn for forced loans and other tributes. Piero di Giovanni di messer Bartolomeo Panciatichi - operaio preposto
o0201072.014b 1417/8 gennaio 18 Restitution of a pawn for forced loans and other tributes. Maso d'Andrea Minerbetti - operaio
o0201072.014b 1417/8 gennaio 18 Restitution of a pawn for forced loans and other tributes. Paolo di Giannozzo Vettori - operaio
o0201083.004e 1423 agosto 27 Restitution of deposit to person enjoined to pay in two urban districts. Marco di Goro Strozzi - operaio
o0201083.004e 1423 agosto 27 Restitution of deposit to person enjoined to pay in two urban districts. Neri di Francesco Fioravanti - operaio
o0201076.054va 1419 dicembre 15 Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury. Bonaccorso di Neri Pitti - operaio
o0201076.054va 1419 dicembre 15 Restitution of money overpaid to the cashier of the communal treasury. Domenico di Francesco Sapiti - operaio
o0201075.047f 1419 aprile 5 Restitution of money paid in error. Gherardo di Matteo Doni - operaio
o0201075.008vd 1418/9 febbraio 14 Restitution of money with commission. Rinaldo di Filippo Rondinelli - operaio
o0201075.008vd 1418/9 febbraio 14 Restitution of money with commission. Gherardo di Matteo Doni - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Filippo di Niccolò Giugni - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Bernardo di messer Biagio Guasconi - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Bartolomeo di Bencivenni Dello Scarfa - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Andrea di Michele Velluti - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Michele di Benedetto - operaio
o0202001.144f 1431 giugno 28 Restitution of part of a deposit. Berto di Francesco da Filicaia - operaio
o0201075.027a 1419 maggio 10 Restitution of pawn for debt for forced loans. Giovanni Corsini - operaio
o0201075.027a 1419 maggio 10 Restitution of pawn for debt for forced loans. Giovanni Minerbetti - operaio
o0201074.030f 1418 dicembre 5 Restitution of pawn pledged by a mother for the forced loans of her son because she has already paid her own. Jacopo di Giovanni Giugni - operaio
o0201081.031vc 1422 dicembre 9 Restitution of pawn to person enjoined to pay as possessor of properties of debtor with agreement that he undertake to pay the debt, if no heirs are found. Giovanni di ser Nigi - operaio
o0201081.031vc 1422 dicembre 9 Restitution of pawn to person enjoined to pay as possessor of properties of debtor with agreement that he undertake to pay the debt, if no heirs are found. Bernardo Arrighi - operaio
o0201075.007vb 1418/9 febbraio 9 Restitution of pawn to the parish of San Miniatello of Montelupo. Gherardo di Matteo Doni - operaio
o0201075.010a 1418/9 febbraio 27 Restitution of pawn. Cardinale di Piero Rucellai - operaio
o0201075.010a 1418/9 febbraio 27 Restitution of pawn. Giovanni d'Onofrio Bischeri - operaio
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Filippo Guasconi - operaio
o0201077.042vc 1420 maggio 31 Restitution of pawn. Giovanni Giugni - operaio
o0202001.160a 1432 maggio 7 Restitution of pawn. Tommaso di Bartolomeo Corbinelli - operaio
o0202001.160a 1432 maggio 7 Restitution of pawn. Alessandro Arrighi - operaio
o0202001.204b 1433 agosto 3 Restitution of pawn. Andrea di Vieri Rondinelli - operaio
o0202001.213b 1434 aprile 4 Restitution of pawn. Bartolomeo di ser Benedetto di ser Lando Fortini - operaio
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