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Context of query |
1419 settembre 20 |
Term of payment to nine communes of the Podesteria of Santa Maria a Trebbio. |
Text: sunt ista, videlicet: corporis plebis Sancti Laurentii |
1429 settembre 22 |
Order to the supervisors of the cupola to have a model made of the old church, of the new oratory with the new chapels and of the new facade. |
Text: unum modellum totius corporis ecclesie veteris et |
1428 luglio 15 |
Approval of resolution for the construction of a tomb monument in a new chapel to be dedicated to Saint Zenobius. |
Text: fit translatio dicti corporis, fiat in eodem |
1430/1 gennaio 23 |
Destruction of the model of the church except for the armature of the cupola. |
Text: modello tam vacuationis corporis quam etiam alterius |
1434 agosto 12 |
Evaluation of the priorities in the work to be executed after the closing of the cupola: first preparations for use of the new part of the church and construction of the lantern, and only later construction of the new chapels and covering of the tribune. |
Text: qu(onia)m facies navium corporis dicte ecclesie sunt |
1433 aprile 21 |
Order to remove two iron chains in the middle arch. |
Text: in medio arcu corporis ecclesie et novi |
1433 aprile 21 |
Order to lower the wall of the middle arch down to the altarpiece of the high altar and in the same way the walls of the other arches nearby. |
Title: novi edifitii et corporis ecclesie debassentur |
1433 aprile 21 |
Closing of holes and base plastering of vaults of the nave. |
Title: Quod remurentur buche corporis ecclesie et arriccentur |
1433 aprile 21 |
Closing of holes and base plastering of vaults of the nave. |
Text: remurari faciat buchas corporis ecclesie veteris et |
1433 maggio 19 |
Election of solicitors for the oculus over the tribune of Saint Zenobius and payment for purchase of glass and other things. |
Text: rectam lineam porte corporis ecclesie de medio, |
1433 luglio 13 |
Funeral honors for the Captain of the Commune of Florence: unfinished act. |
Text: Florentie circa honorantiam corporis magnifici ac strenui |
1433 settembre 16 |
Order to procure the transport of elms for the chains of church and the payment of the suppliers. |
Text: ordinatis pro fortificatione corporis ecclesie maioris florentine; |
1433 settembre 28 |
Authorization to select masters from among those at Trassinaia for the stones of the oculi of the church. |
Title: lapides pro oculis corporis ecclesie maioris |
1433 settembre 28 |
Authorization to select masters from among those at Trassinaia for the stones of the oculi of the church. |
Text: macigno pro oculis corporis ecclesie maioris designandas |
1433 ottobre 18 |
Request to the (Eight) of War to revoke the banishment of a master glazier. |
Text: dicte Opere et corporis ecclesie maioris, ut |
1434 maggio 4 |
Removal of the chains in the oculi of the facade. |
Text: faciei anterioris navium corporis ecclesie maioris, ex |
1434 maggio 4 |
Removal of the chains in the oculi of the facade. |
Text: in fortificatione totius corporis ecclesie prefate. |
1434/5 gennaio 12 |
Shifting of banners and standards and cleaning of the nave and aisles. |
Text: existentes in navibus corporis ecclesie maioris, et |
1434/5 gennaio 12 |
Shifting of banners and standards and cleaning of the nave and aisles. |
Text: volte de medio corporis ecclesie et ubi |
1434/5 febbraio 2 |
Base plastering of the vaults of the nave and aisles of the Duomo. |
Text: omnes voltarum navium corporis ecclesie maioris florentine. |
1434/5 marzo 2 |
Order to the master builder to have iron chains prepared to fortify the church. |
Text: alias pro fortificatione corporis ecclesie eo modo |
1435 luglio 5 |
Sale of an altar slab to the friars of the Osservanza of San Giovanni Valdarno and payment of the same by an unskilled worker with the money he received for the funeral of Niccolò da Tolentino. |
Text: funeris et obsequii corporis Niccolai de Tolontino |