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Context of query
o0202001.231vf 1435 aprile 27 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod quattuor magistri
o0202001.232a 1435 aprile 27 Registration of the daily wages of masters who went to see about a matter of the weir of Niccolò Giraldi. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.232b 1435 aprile 27 Order to put a statue on the front facade of the Duomo and another on the facade of the bell tower. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.232d 1435 aprile 29 Registration of the daily wages of masters who have quarried black marble. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.232va 1435 aprile 29 Authorization to the master builder to contract out cutting, trimming and transport of lumber. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod Batista Antonii
o0202001.232vc 1435 aprile 29 Term of payment to the baptismal parish of San Donato in Poggio with restitution of pawn. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt ac stantiaverunt terminum
o0202001.232vd 1435 aprile 29 Restitution of pawn. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod restituatur Agusto
o0202001.232ve 1435 aprile 29 Order to the master builder to have the latrine for the clerics made as soon as possible in the new sacristy. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod caputmagister dicte
o0202001.233b 1435 maggio 4 Letter to the Podestà of Dicomano instructing him to issue a proclamation prohibiting entry in the forest of the Opera with livestock, on penalty of 25 lire fine. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod una littera
o0202001.233d 1435 maggio 4 Authorization to the master builder to contract out cutting, trimming and conveying of lumber according to the measurements and times set by him. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod caputmagister locare
o0202001.233g 1435 maggio 6 Authorization of payment for the purchase of broad bricks contracted out at set price to two (kilnmen). Text: Item simili modo deliberaverunt quod camerarius Opere
o0202001.233vb 1435 maggio 6 Compensation determined for the accountants for auditing the accounts of the treasurers of the gabelles. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod nullus qui
o0202001.233vc 1435 maggio 10 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Sandri de Baroncellis, deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.233vd 1435 maggio 10 Proclamation for the redemption or the sale of pawns. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.233ve 1435 maggio 10 Commission to the master builder for the purchase of lumber for the cupboards of the new sacristy. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod Batista caputmagister
o0202001.233vf 1435 maggio 10 Injunction to put the crown of marble on the figure of David on the front facade of the Duomo. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod fiat preceptum
o0202001.233vg 1435 maggio 10 Letter to have a master glazier come from Lubecca. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.233vl 1435 maggio 12 Authorization to lend logs to the confraternity of the Santo Spirito for their feast with promise to return them whole. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.233vm 1435 maggio 12 Letter to the Commune of Nicola asking for information, though a special deputy, on whether the supplies of building materials are adequate to permit construction. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod ex parte
o0202001.234a 1435 maggio 13 Information on the suitability of a candidate for the office of administrator in substitution of that in office, drawn for the urban district of Ruote. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Laurentius de
o0202001.234c 1435 maggio 17 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato instructing him to send the treasurer of that Commune. who is under arrest in his court, to the Florentine prison of the Stinche. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod scribatur eorum
o0202001.234d 1435 maggio 17 Gilding of the lion over the stairs of the Pope's residence. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod leo qui
o0202001.234f 1435 maggio 18 Hiring of a worker. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt ac conduxerunt ad
o0202001.234h 1435 maggio 18 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli instructing him to issue a summons to two persons from Empoli and to an arrested person. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.234vc 1435 maggio 18 Order to the master builder to remove a platform used for ropes from the new sacristy and to have the room plastered. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.234vd 1435 maggio 18 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa asking them to procure the shipment of eight blocks for the cornices of the great cupola and a rope for the hoist. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.234ve 1435 maggio 18 Extension for submission to debtors' registry for two (treasurers of the forced loans) for the whole month of May. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Antonius de
o0202001.234vf 1435 maggio 18 Authorization to contract out cutting, trimming and transport of lumber from the forest. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Bianchus Silvestri
o0202001.234vg 1435 maggio 18 Order to repaint a tomb monument damaged by the plastering of the church. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod per quemdam
o0202001.234vi 1435 maggio 24 Authorization to lend a rope to the abbot of Vallombrosa with agreement that it not leave the city. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.234vm 1435 maggio 27 Cancellation of debt to treasurer for a book consigned to him during his term of office. Text: congregatis ut supra deliberaverunt quod Nannes Andree
o0202001.234vn 1435 maggio 27 Cancellation of debt. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Gentile Ghini
o0202001.235a 1435 maggio 27 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato for summons of recipients of precepts and prohibition to another person served with notice to leave Florence without permission. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.235b 1435 maggio 27 Authorization to the administrator to lend a rope to the abbot of Vallombrosa with promise to return it within fifteen days. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.235d 1435 maggio 27 Order to put to the account of the treasurers of the forced loans the legal counsel given by wise men and approved by the Signori and collegi of the Commune. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.235f 1435 maggio 27 Order to master builder and masters to go to the Pisan countryside to attend to the mandates of the Signori. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod infrascripti magistri
o0202001.235i 1435 maggio 27 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Cresci Laurentii
o0202001.235m 1435 giugno 1 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod quattuor magistri
o0202001.235n 1435 giugno 1 Letter to the Commune of Nicola with order to demolish houses within four braccia of the walls for the fortification of the castle. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.235va 1435 giugno 4 Extension for the submission to debtors' registry of two treasurers of the forced loans and injunction for debt to citizens in arrears. Text: servatis solempnitatibus oportunis deliberaverunt quod Antonius Tomasi
o0202001.235vb 1435 giugno 9 Order to the master builder to wall up a window and door existing between his house and the Opera. Text: supra servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.235vc 1435 giugno 9 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.235ve 1435 giugno 9 Permission to worker to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Iohannes de
o0202001.235vf 1435 giugno 9 Order to the master builder to convey stones for the base of the lantern. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Batista Antonii
o0202001.235vg 1435 giugno 9 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato instructing him to send 4 men, the treasurer and ser Piero Tiani with order to imprison the last. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.235vn 1435 giugno 14 Deadline of eight days for revision of models. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod quicumque de
o0202001.236b 1435 giugno 15 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Capitanei Bigalli
o0202001.236c 1435 giugno 15 Authorization to accept from the heirs of Niccolò from Uzzano seven large logs cut for the Sapienza. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.236d 1435 giugno 17 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt ac concesserunt licentiam
o0202001.236f 1435 giugno 17 Authority to the master builder to have the roads prepared for transport of lumber from the forest to the port of Dicomano. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Batista caputmagister
o0202001.236g 1435 giugno 28 Letter to the Captain and supervisors of Pisa soliciting a resolution about the form to be followed in the execution of the fortress over the Parlascio gate. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.236h 1435 giugno 28 Authority to the administrator and the master builder to buy roof tiles at the lowest price. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor et
o0202001.236l 1435 giugno 28 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus ex
o0202001.236vc 1435 giugno 28 Authorization to treasurer of the forced loans to exact certain sums for which payment had erroneously not been made to the Opera. Text: per malitiam, idcirco deliberaverunt quod pro sua
o0202001.236vd 1435 giugno 28 Registration of the days worked on the Parlascio gate of Pisa. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.236ve 1435 giugno 28 Order to the administrator to cancel a debt for failed dispatch of mortar. Text: dictas penas et deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.236vg 1435 giugno 28 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Cresci Laurentii
o0202001.237a 1435 giugno 30 Letter to the vicar of the upper Valdarno for demand of payment of debtors. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.237c 1435 luglio 5 Registration of the daily wages of masters who have worked on the glass window of Bernardo of Francesco. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.237d 1435 luglio 5 Mode of payment of four glass windows contracted to Bernardo of Francesco, with deduction of the value of two cases of glass received from the Opera. Text: possit supplere expensis deliberaverunt quod dictus Bernardus
o0202001.237e 1435 luglio 5 Loan of a rope. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.237g 1435 luglio 5 Letter to Antonio Malespini to solicit the collaboration of the inhabitants of Nicola for the construction of that castle. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.237h 1435 luglio 5 Order to the master builder to go with some masters to Nicola for the construction there and the arrest, at his instance, of his son. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Batistas caputmagister
o0202001.237l 1435 luglio 6 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera at the expense of those requesting. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod ad instantiam
o0202001.237va 1435 luglio 6 Registration of the daily wages of master who went to the castle of Nicola and to Carrara and reimbursement of expenses to the same. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.237vb 1435 luglio 6 Reimbursement of expenditures set for the masters who will be sent to the castle of Nicola. Text: Item simili modo deliberaverunt quod magistri qui
o0202001.237vc 1435 luglio 6 Permission to master to work for the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova at its expense. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.237ve 1435 luglio 6 Obligation to the administrator and the notary of the Opera to notify the treasurers of the regulations of the Opera and transmit to the wardens and the foreign officer of the (Wool) Guild the names of the treasurers who fail to observe such regulations. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod provisor et
o0202001.237vg 1435 luglio 12 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: et forma predictis deliberaverunt quod duo magistri
o0202001.237vh 1435 luglio 12 Permission to workers to work on a stoup for a private person. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod ille qui
o0202001.237vi 1435 luglio 12 Order to not release a arrested person without the permission of the wardens. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Iohannes Venture
o0202001.237vl 1435 luglio 14 Sale of pawns. Text: operarii simili modo deliberaverunt quod pignora Opere
o0202001.238d 1435 luglio 29 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli for the arrest of a debt collector. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.238va 1435 agosto 3 Prohibition to demand payment from the buyer from the Commune of a vineyard previously owned by a debtor of the Opera, considering that the full price has been paid to the officials of the public debt. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Orlandus de
o0202001.238vb 1435 agosto 3 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa to solicit the construction to be made over the Parlascio gate. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.238vi 1435 agosto 8 Letter of summons to the prior of San Sisto of Pisa for a contract for a glass oculus of the Duomo. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.238vl 1435 agosto 12 Election of the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa and letters to various persons regarding times and supplies of materials, contracting of the work and payment. Text: ipsos destinare. Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.239d 1435 agosto 12 Authorization to barter old lumber of the Opera for walnut boards. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.239f 1435 agosto 12 Letter to (worker) to have seven logs purchased for the Sapienza transported from the forest. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.239g 1435 agosto 13 Authorization to the Sea Consuls regarding the lumber of the forest in accordance with the needs of the Commune. Text: servatis solempnitatibus oportunis deliberaverunt quod comsules Maris
o0202001.239l 1435 agosto 13 Order to the master builder to have the surfaces of the old church plastered in the same manner as the others. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.239va 1435 agosto 16 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Bernardus Iacobi
o0202001.239vb 1435 agosto 16 Authorization for the loan of a saw. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.239vc 1435 agosto 16 Threat of demand of payment to a master and his partner in case of failure to execute the glass oculus contracted to them. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod in casu
o0202001.239vg 1435 agosto 19 Authorization to the master builder to sell a piece of marble. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Batista caputmagister
o0202001.239vh 1435 agosto 19 Authority to the wardens to attend the ordination of 25 choir boys and their master in accordance with the will of Pope Eugenius IV. Text: pape Eugenii quarti deliberaverunt quod camerarius Opere
o0202001.239vi 1435 agosto 23 Order to raze the walls existing between the old and new church and to work in the garden of the shed as requested by the six officials appointed over the choir. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod caputmagister dicte
o0202001.239vl 1435 agosto 23 Dispatch of four stonecutters to Pisa for the construction of the Parlascio gate with advance of expenditures for each. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor et
o0202001.240a 1435 agosto 23 Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to have a rope made for the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.240c 1435 agosto 23 Authorization to pay a sum to the creditor of a creditor of the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor et
o0202001.240f 1435 agosto 25 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod Lucas domini
o0202001.240m 1435 agosto 25 Contract for supply of mortar in amount equivalent to one florin per month, on penalty of the forfeit of equal monthly sum to the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.240va 1435 agosto 27 Order to arrest a debtor and to inscribe his guarantors in the debtors' registry of the Commune if a legal counsel holds them bound. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Andreas de
o0202001.240vb 1435 agosto 27 Letter to the Podestà of Borgo San Lorenzo in order that he demand payment of some men of the said Commune. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.240vd 1435 agosto 27 Revocation of demand of payment to (a debtor) following payment of the expenditures of the petition presented against the Opera accountant. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Andreas de
o0202001.240ve 1435 settembre 1 Letter to the administrator of the wallworks of Pisa instructing him to buy mortar at the price set and nominate a messenger for the needs of said wallworks. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.240vf 1435 settembre 1 Letter to the Captain of Pisa instructing him to buy hemp for a rope to be made for the hoist of the great cupola. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.240vh 1435 settembre 1 Letter to the vicar of San Miniato for summons of two men. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur ex
o0202001.240vi 1435 settembre 9 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.240vl 1435 settembre 9 Revocation of demand of payment to debtor. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Andreas de
o0202001.240vm 1435 settembre 13 Restitution of pawns to holder of properties of an enjoined person because not held to pay. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod restituatur pignora
o0202001.241a 1435 settembre 13 Precept for the evacuation of a house. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.241e 1435 settembre 13 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.241f 1435 settembre 20 Letter to Pisan firm to have it pay to the Opera the sums of money collected as determined by the administrator of Pisa. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.241g 1435 settembre 20 Authority to the administrator to contract out broad bricks for the brick pavement of the Duomo. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.241i 1435 settembre 20 Order to two master masons, to the master builder and to a stonecutter to be newly elected to go to Pisa to work on the Parlascio gate. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Iohannes de
o0202001.241l 1435 settembre 20 Letters to various recipients in Pisa for a rope and demand for payment of sum of the Opera's money owed by the firm of Bernardo of Uguccione. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.241m 1435 settembre 20 Revocation of demand of payment for Andrea Spinelli. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Andreas de
o0202001.241va 1435 settembre 21 Release of condemned carter with agreement that he provide guaranty, work for the Opera and only in the capacity of carter. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod Andreas Pauli
o0202001.241vb 1435 settembre 21 Permission to two masters to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod duo magistri
o0202001.241ve 1435 settembre 21 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.241vf 1435 settembre 23 Permission to masters to work outside the Opera. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod Niccolaus Benintendis
o0202001.241vh 1435 settembre 23 Permission to master to work outside the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod unus magister
o0202001.241vi 1435 settembre 30 Confirmation of contract for corbels for the Parlascio gate of Pisa. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt atque confirmaverunt et
o0202001.241vm 1435 settembre 30 Letters to the vicar of Vicopisano and to the supervisors of Pisa about the custody of the rebels' properties. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.242a 1435 ottobre 4 Contract for 40 corbels at set price. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod caputmagister dicte
o0202001.242b 1435 ottobre 4 Salary set for the master builder of the Parlascio wallworks in Pisa. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod camerarius dicte
o0202001.242c 1435 ottobre 4 Letter to the Captain of Pisa for a rope with four strands. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.242d 1435 ottobre 4 Order to the scribe to keep a record of the things to be transported to the Opera and obligation for the administrator and the master builder to denounce the errors noticed. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Filippotius scribanus
o0202001.242e 1435 ottobre 4 Price set for sale of metal to the friars of the Carmine. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod quod fratres
o0202001.242f 1435 ottobre 4 Order to the master builder to make boards from some logs left in the forest at the disposition of the Sapienza. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.242va 1435 ottobre 14 Letter to the administrator for the Opera in Pisa instructing him to put aside the action against the properties of a (debtor) and term of payment to the latter. Text: modo et forma deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.242vb 1435 ottobre 14 Letter to the Commune of Buggiano instructing it to levy a duty to pay the debt due to the Opera. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod eorum parte
o0202001.242vd 1435 ottobre 14 Order to the notary of the Opera to obtain a report from (jurists) in the presence of the consuls of the Wool Guild on a lawsuit in course. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod notarius Opere
o0202001.242vg 1435 ottobre 14 Authorization to give a log to the master builder as compensation for a trip made to the forest. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod de lignamine
o0202001.242vl 1435 ottobre 27 Cancellation of debtor from the books of the Opera and from the debtors' registry for failed collection from those pardoned who owed 6 denari per lira, with obligation to reimburse the cost of the legal counsel given in his favor; direct registration of debt to those pardoned. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.243va 1435 novembre 15 Authority to the administrator, the master builder and the scribe for the salary of the unskilled workers. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor, caputmagister
o0202001.244vb 1435 novembre 26 Letters to the supervisors of Pisa about the height of the tower of the Parlascio gate, the salary of the Opera's messenger in Pisa and the schedule for building the Parlascio. Text: Pisarum qualiter ipsi deliberaverunt quod turris porte
o0202001.244ve 1435 dicembre 2 Authorization to cut four stumps in the Campigna plain. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod ... de
o0202001.244vf 1435 dicembre 2 Order to saw stumps of fir to make boards. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Ghodenzus Dini
o0202001.244vh 1435 dicembre 2 Order to the master builder to go to Pisa, Vico and Gonfolina to oversee the fortifications and the sale of the rebels' properties. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Batista Antonii
o0202001.245e 1435 dicembre 7 Restitution of pawn to the abbey of San Savino in the Pisan countryside out of respect for the cardinal of San Marcello, benefactor of the Duomo. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.245va 1435 dicembre 14 Salary set for the messenger of the wallworks of Pisa. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod camerarii Opere
o0202001.245vb 1435 dicembre 14 Measure in favor of the messenger's substitute, to whom three more lire a month are paid. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod, post mortem
o0202001.245vc 1435 dicembre 14 Order to prepare a place to work on the marble organ loft. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.245vg 1435 dicembre 19 Commission to the master builder to contract out six stone blocks for the base of the lantern. Text: supra servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod caputmagister Opere
o0202001.245vm 1435 dicembre 23 Authorization to sell building debris to the hospital of Santa Maria Nuova and to Andrea dei Pazzi at the price allowed to the Sapienza. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod caputmagister et
o0202001.246b 1435 dicembre 23 Authorization to the administrator to sell metal to the friars of the Selve. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod provisor Opere
o0202001.246g 1435 dicembre 30 Prohibition to demand payment from suppliers for failure to consign marble because of the Lucca war. Text: secundum rigorem iuris, deliberaverunt quod nullus dictorum
o0202001.246va 1435/6 gennaio 2 Letter to the lumber raftsmen of the Opera instructing them to consign up to 50 towloads to the raftsmen of the Sea Consuls to permit the transport of galley masts together with the lumber. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.246vc 1435/6 gennaio 10 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rebels' properties not yet consigned to be requisitioned as compensation for the wallworks of the Parlascio gate. Text: congregati ut supra deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.246vg 1435/6 gennaio 11 Authorization to have a person arrested for the Commune of Carmignano released on the condition that one of the wardens answer for him. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod notarius Opere
o0202001.246vh 1435/6 gennaio 11 Order to pay the figure of Habakkuk according to the appraisal made of it by experts. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod camerarius Opere
o0202001.247c 1435/6 gennaio 19 Term of payment for debt to the Commune of Figline. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt atque statuerunt terminum
o0202001.247f 1435/36 gennaio 24 Commission to four wardens to oversee the fortifications of Vicopisano and Pisa. Text: servatis solempnitatibus oportunis deliberaverunt quod Niccolaus de
o0202001.247g 1435/36 gennaio 24 Prohibition to the debt collectors to arrest debtors more than once. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod nullus exactor
o0202001.247vb 1435/6 gennaio 24 Letter to the Podestà of Empoli instructing him to provide for demand of payment for the debt of the Commune. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.247vc 1435/6 gennaio 25 Letter to the vicar of Vicopisano for the rights of the new hospital of Pisa over the properties of a rebel of the treaty of Vicopisano. Text: peragendis servatis servandis deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
o0202001.247ve 1435/6 gennaio 27 Division of debt and letter to the vicar of the Mugello to force a debtor to pay. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod Iohannes de
o0202001.247vg 1435/6 febbraio 1 Letter to the supervisors of Pisa about the rights existing on a sum of 1500 florins assigned to the Opera. Text: Item deliberaverunt quod scribatur una
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